

2014/10/16 ¤W¤È 08:16:36

android Programming Glossary: itemadapter

how do i create a custom cursor adapter for a listview for use with images and text?


import android.widget.TextView public class ItemAdapter extends CursorAdapter private LayoutInflater mLayoutInflater.. mLayoutInflater private Context mContext public ItemAdapter Context context Cursor c super context c mContext context mLayoutInflater..

implement search on a custom listview


phoneList.setTextFilterEnabled true this.m_adapter new ItemAdapter this R.layout.row m_items phoneList.setAdapter this.m_adapter..

EditText in ListView without it recycling input


String dbadapter.KEY_USERWORD int to new int R.id.textType ItemAdapter adapter new ItemAdapter this R.layout.edit_row cursor from.. int to new int R.id.textType ItemAdapter adapter new ItemAdapter this R.layout.edit_row cursor from to adapter.notifyDataSetChanged.. wanted.pro.madlibs.OUTPUT custom cursor adapter class ItemAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter private LayoutInflater mInflater..

how do i create a custom cursor adapter for a listview for use with images and text?


import android.widget.CursorAdapter import android.widget.ImageView import android.widget.TextView public class ItemAdapter extends CursorAdapter private LayoutInflater mLayoutInflater private Context mContext public ItemAdapter Context context.. public class ItemAdapter extends CursorAdapter private LayoutInflater mLayoutInflater private Context mContext public ItemAdapter Context context Cursor c super context c mContext context mLayoutInflater LayoutInflater.from context @Override public View..

implement search on a custom listview


Item phoneList ListView findViewById android.R.id.list phoneList.setTextFilterEnabled true this.m_adapter new ItemAdapter this R.layout.row m_items phoneList.setAdapter this.m_adapter private TextWatcher filterTextWatcher new TextWatcher public..

EditText in ListView without it recycling input


startManagingCursor cursor String from new String dbadapter.KEY_USERWORD int to new int R.id.textType ItemAdapter adapter new ItemAdapter this R.layout.edit_row cursor from to adapter.notifyDataSetChanged this.setListAdapter adapter.. cursor String from new String dbadapter.KEY_USERWORD int to new int R.id.textType ItemAdapter adapter new ItemAdapter this R.layout.edit_row cursor from to adapter.notifyDataSetChanged this.setListAdapter adapter editCount adapter.getCount.. R.raw.button50 editClickSound.start startActivity new Intent wanted.pro.madlibs.OUTPUT custom cursor adapter class ItemAdapter extends SimpleCursorAdapter private LayoutInflater mInflater private Cursor cursor public ItemAdapter Context context int..