android Programming Glossary: ison
how to turn speaker on/off programatically in android 4.0 context.getSystemService Context.AUDIO_SERVICE if isOn audioManager.setMode AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL audioManager.setMode.. AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL audioManager.setSpeakerphoneOn isOn P.S I have given this permission in manifest android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS..
Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH replacement for Android 2.1 to set camera flash torch flashlight mode on off @param isOn true on false off @return boolean whether or not we were able.. were able to set it public boolean setFlashlight boolean isOn if mCamera null return false Camera.Parameters params mCamera.getParameters.. params mCamera.getParameters String value if isOn we are being ask to turn it on value Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH..
how to turn speaker on/off programatically in android 4.0 and playing via headphones AudioManager audioManager AudioManager context.getSystemService Context.AUDIO_SERVICE if isOn audioManager.setMode AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL audioManager.setMode AudioManager.MODE_NORMAL else Seems that this back and.. AudioManager.MODE_NORMAL audioManager.setMode AudioManager.MODE_IN_CALL audioManager.setSpeakerphoneOn isOn P.S I have given this permission in manifest android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS permission android android 4.0 speaker..
Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH replacement for Android 2.1 I use to toggle torch in a CameraHelper class is... Attempts to set camera flash torch flashlight mode on off @param isOn true on false off @return boolean whether or not we were able to set it public boolean setFlashlight boolean isOn if mCamera.. isOn true on false off @return boolean whether or not we were able to set it public boolean setFlashlight boolean isOn if mCamera null return false Camera.Parameters params mCamera.getParameters String value if isOn we are being ask to turn.. boolean isOn if mCamera null return false Camera.Parameters params mCamera.getParameters String value if isOn we are being ask to turn it on value Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH else we are being asked to turn it off value Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_AUTO..