android Programming Glossary: isremovepriorpopup
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? Paint innerPaint borderPaint textPaint private boolean isRemovePriorPopup false private boolean temp true first true firstDraw true public.. the screen coordinates of the selected MapLocation isRemovePriorPopup true Point selDestinationOffset new Point mapView.getProjection.. 160 infoWindowOffsetY 90 getInnerPaint if isRemovePriorPopup if testX infoWindowOffsetX 95 testX infoWindowOffsetX 195 testY..
Custom tap window on Google Map so we can call invalidate remove it if necessary. boolean isRemovePriorPopup selectedMapLocation null Next test whether a new popup should.. should be displayed if moreArrowTappedEvent mapView p isRemovePriorPopup Toast.makeText this.mapLocationViewer.getContext I am hit Toast.LENGTH_LONG.. else selectedMapLocation getHitMapLocation mapView p if isRemovePriorPopup selectedMapLocation null mapView.invalidate Lastly return..
How to display popup on tapping overlay in android? MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer double toLat toLng private Paint innerPaint borderPaint textPaint private boolean isRemovePriorPopup false private boolean temp true first true firstDraw true public boolean tempDefaule true public MoreInformation myMoreInformation.. Skip painting a shadow in this tutorial else First determine the screen coordinates of the selected MapLocation isRemovePriorPopup true Point selDestinationOffset new Point mapView.getProjection .toPixels selectedMapLocation.getPoint selDestinationOffset.. 45 getInnerPaint canvas.drawBitmap bitCross infoWindowOffsetX 160 infoWindowOffsetY 90 getInnerPaint if isRemovePriorPopup if testX infoWindowOffsetX 95 testX infoWindowOffsetX 195 testY infoWindowOffsetY 45 testY infoWindowOffsetY 25 if temp..
Custom tap window on Google Map MapView mapView Store whether prior popup was displayed so we can call invalidate remove it if necessary. boolean isRemovePriorPopup selectedMapLocation null Next test whether a new popup should be displayed if moreArrowTappedEvent mapView p isRemovePriorPopup.. selectedMapLocation null Next test whether a new popup should be displayed if moreArrowTappedEvent mapView p isRemovePriorPopup Toast.makeText this.mapLocationViewer.getContext I am hit Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show flag true mapView.invalidate mHandler.postDelayed.. generated method stub flag false mapView.invalidate 200L else selectedMapLocation getHitMapLocation mapView p if isRemovePriorPopup selectedMapLocation null mapView.invalidate Lastly return true if we handled this onTap return selectedMapLocation null..