android Programming Glossary: isscrollcontainer
JSON Android ListView wrap_content android orientation vertical android isScrollContainer true ListView android id @ id Lists_notificationsListview android..
Display HTML Formatted String textColor #ffffff android background #000080 android isScrollContainer true android layout_height fill_parent android layout_width..
Android: Scrolling an Imageview without any success. I have also thinkered with the isScrollContainer attribute without results. Anyone knows how to do this Cheers..
How to make a LinearLayout scrollable fill_parent android background #000044 android isScrollContainer true android orientation vertical TextView android id @ id title..
Android: Soft Keyboard resizes background image wrap_content android background @drawable page_bg android isScrollContainer false LinearLayout android layout_height wrap_content android..
Android: Enable Scrollbars on Canvas-Based View attr name android id attr name android isScrollContainer attr name android keepScreenOn attr name android longClickable..
How to avoid soft keyboard pushing up my layout? getting pushed up by the soft keyboard by setting android isScrollContainer false on the ScrollView that sits above the buttons. share..
(Android)listview with multiple buttons, list item can't be clicked false android footerDividersEnabled false android isScrollContainer false LinearLayout This is ads place LinearLayout android layout_width..
Android: Enable Scrollbars in Custom View attr name android id attr name android isScrollContainer attr name android keepScreenOn attr name android longClickable..
Gridview height gets cut gravity center android horizontalSpacing 2dp android isScrollContainer false android numColumns 4 android stretchMode columnWidth android.. gravity center android horizontalSpacing 2dp android isScrollContainer false android numColumns 4 android stretchMode columnWidth android..
Webview in Scrollview wrap_content android background @color fashion android isScrollContainer false LinearLayout I'm getting some HTML info from backend...
JSON Android ListView res android android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android orientation vertical android isScrollContainer true ListView android id @ id Lists_notificationsListview android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height match_parent..
Display HTML Formatted String apk res android android orientation vertical android textColor #ffffff android background #000080 android isScrollContainer true android layout_height fill_parent android layout_width fill_parent android scrollbarStyle insideOverlay ListView xmlns..
Android: Scrolling an Imageview I have tried various combinations of ScrollView and Imageviews without any success. I have also thinkered with the isScrollContainer attribute without results. Anyone knows how to do this Cheers Luca android scrolling imageview share improve this question..
How to make a LinearLayout scrollable apk res android android layout_height wrap_content android layout_width fill_parent android background #000044 android isScrollContainer true android orientation vertical TextView android id @ id title android text @string title android layout_width wrap_content..
Android: Soft Keyboard resizes background image android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android background @drawable page_bg android isScrollContainer false LinearLayout android layout_height wrap_content android orientation horizontal android layout_width fill_parent EditText..
Android: Enable Scrollbars on Canvas-Based View attr name android focusableInTouchMode attr name android hapticFeedbackEnabled attr name android id attr name android isScrollContainer attr name android keepScreenOn attr name android longClickable attr name android minHeight attr name android minWidth attr..
How to avoid soft keyboard pushing up my layout?
(Android)listview with multiple buttons, list item can't be clicked fill_parent android id @ id history android headerDividersEnabled false android footerDividersEnabled false android isScrollContainer false LinearLayout This is ads place LinearLayout android layout_width fill_parent android id @ id ad_layout android layout_height..
Android: Enable Scrollbars in Custom View attr name android focusableInTouchMode attr name android hapticFeedbackEnabled attr name android id attr name android isScrollContainer attr name android keepScreenOn attr name android longClickable attr name android minHeight attr name android minWidth attr..
Gridview height gets cut fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android gravity center android horizontalSpacing 2dp android isScrollContainer false android numColumns 4 android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 20dp My items resource xml version 1.0.. wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android gravity center android horizontalSpacing 2dp android isScrollContainer false android numColumns 4 android stretchMode columnWidth android verticalSpacing 20dp Lastly you just need to ask it to..
Webview in Scrollview android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android background @color fashion android isScrollContainer false LinearLayout I'm getting some HTML info from backend. It has no any body or head tags just data surrounded by p or..