android Programming Glossary: it'll
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK hours figuring it all out but here's a lot of things that it'll help to know THE LIBRARIES For Google's online services in general..
GPS not update location after close and reopen app on android a whole new class to act as your LocationListener. In fact it'll burn up memory unnecessarily and on mobile devices memory is..
JDBC vs Web Service for Android your app re send modification requests without fear that it'll perform an action against the database twice. See idempotence..
Android - can I mute currently playing audio applications? otherwise whenever you press the volume hard keys it'll say In call volume However if and when you do want to change..
Is there any way to receive a notification of when a user powers off his/her Android phone? Intent was introduced in API Level 4 in other words it'll only be sent on phones running Android 1.6 or later . You'll..
Best way to add Activity to an Android project in Eclipse? activity. When you click Finish from the new class dialog it'll take you to your new activity class so you can start coding...
Android moving back to first activity on button click
Custom ImageView with drop shadow
Programmatically switching off Android phone to make it reboot this does not guarantee that it'll reboot OS may cancel it http reference..
Android: Go back to previous activity just call the finishActivity function from your code and it'll take you back to the previous activity. Keep track of the activity..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? but for the 16th a new worker thread will be created so it'll start execution immediatelly. So in this case at most 6 tasks..
ListView in ScrollView potential workaround you can put anything you want as a header or a footer and it'll be scrolled with the list as an indivisible block. share improve..
Why is the paradigm of “Direct Database Connection” not welcomed by Android Platform?
Add button to a layout programmatically I want to add a Button to this new screen so that it'll appear below the graph. I've tried creating a LinearLayout view..
Flash video not displaying in WebView for Android 3.0.1 left where the new Flash 'Fullscreen' button SHOULD be and it'll then show up correctly in Fullscreen mode. But when I fall back..
Android: What is the folder name of the jar files (LIB or LIBS)? If you use the Android command line to create your project it'll default to libs . It turns out that the Android Ant tasks are..
Adjust layout when soft keyboard is on What will happen is when soft keyboard is shown it'll hide the image and will resize the rest of content. You can..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager I've no idea if this is a valid way of doing it but it'll do until something better is suggested. share improve this..
How can i run C binary (executable file) in Android from Android Shell me say that my answer is dependent on your using NDK r7b it'll work for r7c as well on Linux change paths appropriately for..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK that right anyways Google provides instructions for it. It'll generate a Client ID . You're going to need that. Hold onto..
android can not find a target this question Run tools android to retrieve targets. It'll load up a gui interface under settings check the box that says..
How do you install Google frameworks (Play, Accounts, etc) on a Genymotion virtual device? to skip the GApps steps if you only want the ARM support. It'll work perfectly fine by itself. Old Zips v1.0 http CL4os6..
Fast Bitmap Blur For Android SDK filter . Make sure and set the filter parameter to true. It'll run in native code so it might be faster. share improve this..
How to draw a route between two geopoints on the Android This application is contained with source code... It'll solve ur probs. http the_friend_finder_ _mapactivity_using_gps_..
Spinner with checkbox items, is it possible? If you want to put checkboxes in your rows be my guest. It'll look strange may not work properly with respect to touch events..
How to add new field(s) to the contact? name@domain field. How can I customize the call history It'll be great if someone can give me an example. android share..
How to add new field(s) and records to the call logs(call history) database? field. How can I customize the call logs database It'll be great if someone can give me an example. android history..
Is using scala on android worth it? Is there a lot of overhead? Problems? best practice is to use SBT with the Android plugin It'll take care of everything for you http jberkel android..
Android ListView Divider of the exceptions for the everything should be dip rule. It'll be 1 pixel on all screens. Plus 1px usually looks better on..
Android obfuscate app using proguard keeps obfuscating library jars - or is it? the android classpath Path object into a single property. It'll be all the jar files separated by a platform path separator... the project jar files Path object into a single property. It'll be all the jar files separated by a platform path separator...
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK a pain in the butt and I spent well over 50 hours edit 100 hours figuring it all out but here's a lot of things that it'll help to know THE LIBRARIES For Google's online services in general you'll need these libraries in your project Instructions..
GPS not update location after close and reopen app on android Also as someone else mentioned there's no reason to create a whole new class to act as your LocationListener. In fact it'll burn up memory unnecessarily and on mobile devices memory is at a premium. The combination of all of the things above would..
JDBC vs Web Service for Android calls to be idempotent using unique request tokens. That lets your app re send modification requests without fear that it'll perform an action against the database twice. See idempotence and definining idempotence . Seriously JDBC from a mobile..
Android - can I mute currently playing audio applications? make sure you return the mode to MODE_NORMAL once playback completes otherwise whenever you press the volume hard keys it'll say In call volume However if and when you do want to change back to MODE_NORMAL you must check that a genuine phone call..
Is there any way to receive a notification of when a user powers off his/her Android phone? to do something specific related to shutdown. The ACTION_SHUTDOWN Intent was introduced in API Level 4 in other words it'll only be sent on phones running Android 1.6 or later . You'll trap the Broadcast with a BroadcastReceiver . It will look..
Best way to add Activity to an Android project in Eclipse? bottom right of the window to create a class for the new activity. When you click Finish from the new class dialog it'll take you to your new activity class so you can start coding. Five steps might seem a lot but I'm just trying to be extra..
Android moving back to first activity on button click
Custom ImageView with drop shadow
Programmatically switching off Android phone share improve this question You could possibly use the PowerManager to make it reboot this does not guarantee that it'll reboot OS may cancel it http reference android os PowerManager.html#reboot java.lang.String It requires..
Android: Go back to previous activity activity with startActivityForResult . In that case you can just call the finishActivity function from your code and it'll take you back to the previous activity. Keep track of the activity stack. Whenever you start a new activity with an intent..
Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time — not possible? enter their doInBackground the rest 10 will get into the queue but for the 16th a new worker thread will be created so it'll start execution immediatelly. So in this case at most 6 tasks will run simultaneously. There is a limit of how many tasks..
ListView in ScrollView potential workaround
Why is the paradigm of “Direct Database Connection” not welcomed by Android Platform?
Add button to a layout programmatically nice graph setContentView new GraphTemperature getApplicationContext I want to add a Button to this new screen so that it'll appear below the graph. I've tried creating a LinearLayout view then create a Button and add it to this view but I just..
Flash video not displaying in WebView for Android 3.0.1 tap the missing Flash do a long hold tap then tap the top left where the new Flash 'Fullscreen' button SHOULD be and it'll then show up correctly in Fullscreen mode. But when I fall back to the WebView it again fails to show up and only plays..
Android: What is the folder name of the jar files (LIB or LIBS)? Android Project android share improve this question If you use the Android command line to create your project it'll default to libs . It turns out that the Android Ant tasks are set to look in libs by default. See ANDROID_HOME tools ant..
Adjust layout when soft keyboard is on go to manifest.xml and set android windowSoftInputMode adjustResize What will happen is when soft keyboard is shown it'll hide the image and will resize the rest of content. You can actually see how text is resized in Evernote Image hide is of..
Update data in ListFragment as part of ViewPager
How can i run C binary (executable file) in Android from Android Shell c android ndk share improve this question First let me say that my answer is dependent on your using NDK r7b it'll work for r7c as well on Linux change paths appropriately for other systems . Edit Last tested with NDK r8e on Linux and..
Android Open and Save files to/from Google Drive SDK as I'm pretty sure I used the wrong one but try to get that right anyways Google provides instructions for it. It'll generate a Client ID . You're going to need that. Hold onto it. Edit I've been told that I'm mistaken and that you only..
android can not find a target shutdown incorrectly.... android linux eclipse share improve this question Run tools android to retrieve targets. It'll load up a gui interface under settings check the box that says force https to be fetched using http. Then go to Available..
How do you install Google frameworks (Play, Accounts, etc) on a Genymotion virtual device?
Fast Bitmap Blur For Android SDK
How to draw a route between two geopoints on the Android java android google maps draw share improve this question This application is contained with source code... It'll solve ur probs. http the_friend_finder_ _mapactivity_using_gps_ _part_i_ _ii t93.html share improve this..
Spinner with checkbox items, is it possible? rows of the drop down list except for the radio button. If you want to put checkboxes in your rows be my guest. It'll look strange may not work properly with respect to touch events will not remove the radio buttons AFAIK and will be completely..
How to add new field(s) to the contact? fields to the Call History like a session ID and SIP address name@domain field. How can I customize the call history It'll be great if someone can give me an example. android share improve this question You have to creat your own mime type..
How to add new field(s) and records to the call logs(call history) database? to the Call Logs like a session ID and SIP address name@domain field. How can I customize the call logs database It'll be great if someone can give me an example. android history calls share improve this question From a standard SDK application..
Is using scala on android worth it? Is there a lot of overhead? Problems? code and give you a smaller executable ideal for mobile Current best practice is to use SBT with the Android plugin It'll take care of everything for you http jberkel android plugin If you must use Eclipse and the plugin supplied by..
Android ListView Divider
Android obfuscate app using proguard keeps obfuscating library jars - or is it? proguard.ant.ProGuardTask classpath proguard.jar Set the android classpath Path object into a single property. It'll be all the jar files separated by a platform path separator. property name android.libraryjars refid preobfuscate.jar.file path refid jar.libs.ref path Set the project jar files Path object into a single property. It'll be all the jar files separated by a platform path separator. property name project.jars refid project.jars.ref mkdir..