android Programming Glossary: getwidth
How to get screen dimensions getSize was introduced in API level 13 you could use the getWidth and getHeight methods that are now deprecated Display display.. getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay int width display.getWidth deprecated int height display.getHeight deprecated For the use..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask try bm mIn.readMjpegFrame destRect destRect bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawBitmap bm null.. width ovlPos 8 8 destRect.left destRect.right ovl.getWidth c.drawBitmap ovl width height null p.setXfermode null.. displayMode MjpegView.SIZE_STANDARD dispWidth getWidth dispHeight getHeight public void startPlayback if mIn null ..
Vertical (rotated) label in Android getHeight 0 canvas.rotate 90 else canvas.translate 0 getWidth canvas.rotate 90 canvas.clipRect 0 0 getWidth getHeight 0 getWidth canvas.rotate 90 canvas.clipRect 0 0 getWidth getHeight super.draw canvas.. getDrawableState if topDown canvas.translate getWidth 0 canvas.rotate 90 else canvas.translate 0 getHeight canvas.rotate..
android ellipsize multiline textview workingText return new StaticLayout workingText getPaint getWidth getPaddingLeft getPaddingRight Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL lineSpacingMultiplier..
Android and MJPEG try bm mIn.readMjpegFrame destRect destRect bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawBitmap bm null.. width ovlPos 8 8 destRect.left destRect.right ovl.getWidth c.drawBitmap ovl width height null p.setXfermode null.. displayMode MjpegView.SIZE_STANDARD dispWidth getWidth dispHeight getHeight public void startPlayback if mIn null ..
Android get width returns 0 0 Button bt new Button this bt.setText String.valueOf bt.getWidth RotateAnimation ra new RotateAnimation 0 360 bt.getWidth 2 bt.getHeight.. RotateAnimation ra new RotateAnimation 0 360 bt.getWidth 2 bt.getHeight 2 ra.setDuration 3000L ra.setRepeatMode Animation.RESTART.. get width share improve this question You are calling getWidth too early. The UI has not been sized and laid out on the screen..
Determining the size of an Android view at runtime This works fine but when calling getWidth getHeight getMeasuredWidth getLayoutParams .width etc. they.. for the first layout. Only after the first layout will getWidth getHeight getMeasuredWidth getMeasuredHeight work. ViewTreeObserver.. .removeGlobalOnLayoutListener this viewWidth mediaGallery.getWidth viewHeight mediaGallery.getHeight share improve this answer..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero vh tl.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tl.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why Test 2 used a simple dynamically generated.. vh tl.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tl.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why Test 2 used a simple dynamically generated view.. 20 vh tv.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tv.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why eof method eof class android layout..
How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android? getMax int getMax event.getY getHeight onSizeChanged getWidth getHeight 0 0 break case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL break ..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds in a TextView so that it will fit within its getHeight and getWidth bounds. I'm not simply looking for a way to wrap the text I.. auto resize a textview to fit wrapped in its getHeight and getWidth bounds Thanks to everyone who shared what they had I recommend.. getHeight getPaddingBottom getPaddingTop int widthLimit getWidth getPaddingLeft getPaddingRight resizeText widthLimit heightLimit..
Rotate zoom drag image in android imageview new float 9 savedMatrix2.getValues savedValue int width getWidth int height getHeight Drawable d getDrawable if d null return..
Modifying the Android seekbar widget to operate vertically this progress true onSizeChanged getWidth getHeight 0 0 onChangeListener.onProgressChanged this getMax.. progress setProgress getMax getMax progress onSizeChanged getWidth getHeight 0 0 public synchronized void setMaximum int maximum..
Android imageView Zoom-in and Zoom-Out images........ this line is very important image.setBounds getWidth 2 zoomControler getHeight 2 zoomControler getWidth 2 zoomControler.. getWidth 2 zoomControler getHeight 2 zoomControler getWidth 2 zoomControler getHeight 2 zoomControler image.draw canvas..
How to get screen dimensions Display display wm.getDefaultDisplay Before getSize was introduced in API level 13 you could use the getWidth and getHeight methods that are now deprecated Display display getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay int width display.getWidth.. and getHeight methods that are now deprecated Display display getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay int width display.getWidth deprecated int height display.getHeight deprecated For the use case you're describing however a margin padding in the layout..
Android ICS and MJPEG using AsyncTask try c mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas synchronized mSurfaceHolder try bm mIn.readMjpegFrame destRect destRect bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawBitmap bm null destRect p if showFps p.setXfermode mode if ovl null.. height ovlPos 1 1 destRect.bottom ovl.getHeight width ovlPos 8 8 destRect.left destRect.right ovl.getWidth c.drawBitmap ovl width height null p.setXfermode null frameCounter if System.currentTimeMillis start 1000 fps.. overlayBackgroundColor Color.BLACK ovlPos MjpegView.POSITION_LOWER_RIGHT displayMode MjpegView.SIZE_STANDARD dispWidth getWidth dispHeight getHeight public void startPlayback if mIn null mRun true thread.start public void stopPlayback mRun false..
Vertical (rotated) label in Android public void draw Canvas canvas if topDown canvas.translate getHeight 0 canvas.rotate 90 else canvas.translate 0 getWidth canvas.rotate 90 canvas.clipRect 0 0 getWidth getHeight super.draw canvas By default.. canvas.translate getHeight 0 canvas.rotate 90 else canvas.translate 0 getWidth canvas.rotate 90 canvas.clipRect 0 0 getWidth getHeight super.draw canvas By default rotated text is from top to bottom. If you set.. getCurrentTextColor textPaint.drawableState getDrawableState if topDown canvas.translate getWidth 0 canvas.rotate 90 else canvas.translate 0 getHeight canvas.rotate 90 canvas.translate getCompoundPaddingLeft getExtendedPaddingTop..
android ellipsize multiline textview ellipsized private Layout createWorkingLayout String workingText return new StaticLayout workingText getPaint getWidth getPaddingLeft getPaddingRight Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL lineSpacingMultiplier lineAdditionalVerticalPadding false @Override..
Android and MJPEG try c mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas synchronized mSurfaceHolder try bm mIn.readMjpegFrame destRect destRect bm.getWidth bm.getHeight c.drawColor Color.BLACK c.drawBitmap bm null destRect p if showFps p.setXfermode mode if ovl null.. height ovlPos 1 1 destRect.bottom ovl.getHeight width ovlPos 8 8 destRect.left destRect.right ovl.getWidth c.drawBitmap ovl width height null p.setXfermode null frameCounter if System.currentTimeMillis start 1000 fps.. overlayBackgroundColor Color.BLACK ovlPos MjpegView.POSITION_LOWER_RIGHT displayMode MjpegView.SIZE_STANDARD dispWidth getWidth dispHeight getHeight public void startPlayback if mIn null mRun true thread.start public void stopPlayback mRun false..
Android get width returns 0 layoutParams.setMargins 30 20 30 0 Button bt new Button this bt.setText String.valueOf bt.getWidth RotateAnimation ra new RotateAnimation 0 360 bt.getWidth 2 bt.getHeight 2 ra.setDuration 3000L ra.setRepeatMode Animation.RESTART.. 30 0 Button bt new Button this bt.setText String.valueOf bt.getWidth RotateAnimation ra new RotateAnimation 0 360 bt.getWidth 2 bt.getHeight 2 ra.setDuration 3000L ra.setRepeatMode Animation.RESTART ra.setRepeatCount Animation.INFINITE ra.setInterpolator.. setContentView ll Any help is appreciated. android get width share improve this question You are calling getWidth too early. The UI has not been sized and laid out on the screen yet. I doubt you want to be doing what you are doing anyway..
Determining the size of an Android view at runtime handle to my view by ImageView myView ImageView getWindow .findViewById This works fine but when calling getWidth getHeight getMeasuredWidth getLayoutParams .width etc. they all return 0. I have also tried manually calling measure on.. this question Use the ViewTreeObserver on the View to wait for the first layout. Only after the first layout will getWidth getHeight getMeasuredWidth getMeasuredHeight work. ViewTreeObserver viewTreeObserver view.getViewTreeObserver if viewTreeObserver.isAlive..
How do you to retrieve dimensions of a view? Getheight() and Getwidth() always return zero findViewById tl TableLayout findViewById vh tl.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tl.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why Test 2 used a simple dynamically generated view TextView tv new TextView this tv.setHeight 20 tv.setWidth.. findViewById tl TableLayout findViewById vh tl.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tl.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why Test 2 used a simple dynamically generated view TextView tv new TextView this tv.setHeight 20 tv.setWidth.. view TextView tv new TextView this tv.setHeight 20 tv.setWidth 20 vh tv.getHeight getHeight returned 0 Why vw tv.getWidth getWidth returned 0 Why eof method eof class android layout android widget lifecycle measure share improve this question..
How can I get a working vertical SeekBar in Android? MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP setProgress getMax int getMax event.getY getHeight onSizeChanged getWidth getHeight 0 0 break case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL break return true To implement it create a new class in your project..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds I'm looking for an optimal way to resize wrapping text in a TextView so that it will fit within its getHeight and getWidth bounds. I'm not simply looking for a way to wrap the text I want to make sure it both wraps and is small enough to fit entirely.. will be small enough tl dr is there a best practice way to auto resize a textview to fit wrapped in its getHeight and getWidth bounds Thanks to everyone who shared what they had I recommend Chase's solution for most cases and I've listed some alternatives.. width and height public void resizeText int heightLimit getHeight getPaddingBottom getPaddingTop int widthLimit getWidth getPaddingLeft getPaddingRight resizeText widthLimit heightLimit Resize the text size with specified width and height @param..
Rotate zoom drag image in android imageview value new float 9 matrix.getValues value float savedValue new float 9 savedMatrix2.getValues savedValue int width getWidth int height getHeight Drawable d getDrawable if d null return int imageWidth d.getIntrinsicWidth int imageHeight d.getIntrinsicHeight..
Modifying the Android seekbar widget to operate vertically if progress lastProgress lastProgress progress onChangeListener.onProgressChanged this progress true onSizeChanged getWidth getHeight 0 0 onChangeListener.onProgressChanged this getMax int getMax event.getY getHeight true setPressed true setSelected.. return true public synchronized void setProgressAndThumb int progress setProgress getMax getMax progress onSizeChanged getWidth getHeight 0 0 public synchronized void setMaximum int maximum setMax maximum public synchronized int getMaximum return getMax..
Android imageView Zoom-in and Zoom-Out canvas here u can control the width and height of the images........ this line is very important image.setBounds getWidth 2 zoomControler getHeight 2 zoomControler getWidth 2 zoomControler getHeight 2 zoomControler image.draw canvas @Override.. of the images........ this line is very important image.setBounds getWidth 2 zoomControler getHeight 2 zoomControler getWidth 2 zoomControler getHeight 2 zoomControler image.draw canvas @Override public boolean onKeyDown int keyCode KeyEvent event..