android Programming Glossary: gettile
TileProvider using local tiles AssetManager assets mAssets assets @Override public Tile getTile int x int y int zoom byte image readTileImage x y zoom return.. null ByteArrayOutputStream buffer null try in getTileFilename x y zoom buffer new ByteArrayOutputStream int nRead.. try buffer.close catch Exception ignored private String getTileFilename int x int y int zoom return map zoom ' ' x ' ' y .png..
TileProvider method getTile - need to translate x and y to lat/long method getTile need to translate x and y to lat long I ™m porting an iOS app.. and implement a custom TileProvider . In the method getTile my method is given x y and zoom and needs to return a bitmap..
TileProvider using local tiles private AssetManager mAssets public CustomMapTileProvider AssetManager assets mAssets assets @Override public Tile getTile int x int y int zoom byte image readTileImage x y zoom return image null null new Tile TILE_WIDTH TILE_HEIGHT image private.. byte readTileImage int x int y int zoom InputStream in null ByteArrayOutputStream buffer null try in getTileFilename x y zoom buffer new ByteArrayOutputStream int nRead byte data new byte BUFFER_SIZE while nRead data 0.. in null try in.close catch Exception ignored if buffer null try buffer.close catch Exception ignored private String getTileFilename int x int y int zoom return map zoom ' ' x ' ' y .png And now you can use it with your GoogleMap instance private..
TileProvider method getTile - need to translate x and y to lat/long method getTile need to translate x and y to lat long I ™m porting an iOS app to Android and using Google Maps Android API v2. The application.. map. So far it looks like the best option is to use a TileOverlay and implement a custom TileProvider . In the method getTile my method is given x y and zoom and needs to return a bitmap in the form of a Tile . So far so good. I have an array of..