android Programming Glossary: gettext
EditText causing memory leak @Override public Editable getText return Editable super.getText @Override public void setText.. @Override public Editable getText return Editable super.getText @Override public void setText CharSequence text BufferType type.. setSelection int start int stop Selection.setSelection getText start stop Convenience for @link Selection#setSelection Spannable..
android ellipsize multiline textview ELLIPSIS ellipsized true if workingText.equals getText programmaticChange true try setText workingText finally ..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging outState outState.putString textStatus textStatus.getText .toString outState.putString textIntValue textIntValue.getText.. .toString outState.putString textIntValue textIntValue.getText .toString outState.putString textStrValue textStrValue.getText.. .toString outState.putString textStrValue textStrValue.getText .toString private void restoreMe Bundle state if state null..
Get Value of a Edit Text field android edittext share improve this question By using getText Button mButton EditText mEdit Called when the activity is first..
Animation in Notification bar Cutsom View notification.setLatestEventInfo this getText R.string.someTitle getText R.string.someText pendingIntent NotificationManager.. this getText R.string.someTitle getText R.string.someText pendingIntent NotificationManager getSystemService..
Cannot Make Static Reference to Non-Static Method resource XML file public static final String TTT String getText R.string.TTT This is the error message Error Cannot make a static.. Cannot make a static reference to the non static method getText int from the type Context Thanks in advance. java android .. java android share improve this question Since getText is non static you cannot call from a static method. To understand..
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds attrs int defStyle super context attrs defStyle mTextSize getTextSize When text changes set the force resize flag to true and.. setTextSize float size super.setTextSize size mTextSize getTextSize Override the set text size to update our internal reference.. int unit float size super.setTextSize unit size mTextSize getTextSize Override the set line spacing to update our internal reference..
Android - Get time of chronometer widget app. I was wondering how to get the time from it. I tried getText getFormat getBase etc but none of them work. This is probably..
EditText causing memory leak protected MovementMethod getDefaultMovementMethod return ArrowKeyMovementMethod.getInstance @Override public Editable getText return Editable super.getText @Override public void setText CharSequence text BufferType type super.setText text BufferType.EDITABLE.. return ArrowKeyMovementMethod.getInstance @Override public Editable getText return Editable super.getText @Override public void setText CharSequence text BufferType type super.setText text BufferType.EDITABLE Convenience for.. @link Selection#setSelection Spannable int int . public void setSelection int start int stop Selection.setSelection getText start stop Convenience for @link Selection#setSelection Spannable int . public void setSelection int index Selection.setSelection..
android ellipsize multiline textview workingText.substring 0 lastSpace workingText workingText ELLIPSIS ellipsized true if workingText.equals getText programmaticChange true try setText workingText finally programmaticChange false isStale false if ellipsized isEllipsized..
Example: Communication between Activity and Service using Messaging void onSaveInstanceState Bundle outState super.onSaveInstanceState outState outState.putString textStatus textStatus.getText .toString outState.putString textIntValue textIntValue.getText .toString outState.putString textStrValue textStrValue.getText.. outState outState.putString textStatus textStatus.getText .toString outState.putString textIntValue textIntValue.getText .toString outState.putString textStrValue textStrValue.getText .toString private void restoreMe Bundle state if state null.. .toString outState.putString textIntValue textIntValue.getText .toString outState.putString textStrValue textStrValue.getText .toString private void restoreMe Bundle state if state null textStatus.setText state.getString textStatus textIntValue.setText..
Get Value of a Edit Text field width 220px That's my field. How can I get the content android edittext share improve this question By using getText Button mButton EditText mEdit Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Animation in Notification bar Cutsom View this 0 new Intent 0 notification.flags Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL notification.setLatestEventInfo this getText R.string.someTitle getText R.string.someText pendingIntent NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE .notify.. 0 notification.flags Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL notification.setLatestEventInfo this getText R.string.someTitle getText R.string.someText pendingIntent NotificationManager getSystemService NOTIFICATION_SERVICE .notify uid notification share..
Cannot Make Static Reference to Non-Static Method Getting an error when inserting String value from R.string resource XML file public static final String TTT String getText R.string.TTT This is the error message Error Cannot make a static reference to the non static method getText int from the.. String getText R.string.TTT This is the error message Error Cannot make a static reference to the non static method getText int from the type Context Thanks in advance. java android share improve this question Since getText is non static you.. static method getText int from the type Context Thanks in advance. java android share improve this question Since getText is non static you cannot call from a static method. To understand why you have to understand the difference in the two...
Auto Scale TextView Text to Fit within Bounds public AutoResizeTextView Context context AttributeSet attrs int defStyle super context attrs defStyle mTextSize getTextSize When text changes set the force resize flag to true and reset the text size. @Override protected void onTextChanged.. to update our internal reference values @Override public void setTextSize float size super.setTextSize size mTextSize getTextSize Override the set text size to update our internal reference values @Override public void setTextSize int unit float.. internal reference values @Override public void setTextSize int unit float size super.setTextSize unit size mTextSize getTextSize Override the set line spacing to update our internal reference values @Override public void setLineSpacing float add..
Android - Get time of chronometer widget widget I have a Chronometer widget in my Android app. I was wondering how to get the time from it. I tried getText getFormat getBase etc but none of them work. This is probably a easy question but I could not find it on Google. Thanks..