android Programming Glossary: getsupportloadermanager
Difference between Activity and FragmentActivity all calls to getLoaderManager and getFragmentManager to getSupportLoaderManager and getSupportFragmentManager respectively. share improve this..
Difference between Fragment And FragmentActivity to get . getSupportLoaderManager to get so dont do myFragmentActivity.getLoaderManager.. don't do this do myFragmentActivity.getSupportLoaderManager or fm myFragmentActivity.getSupportFragmentManager..
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState startService new Intent this MyIntentService.class getSupportLoaderManager .initLoader CHECK_EMPTY_DATABASE null this @Override public..
How to get LoaderManager in a ListActivity the LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks but next I have to call getSupportLoaderManager and for that one has to extend FragmentActivity and then call.. call to get LoaderManager like this FragmentActivity.getSupportLoaderManager Apparently this is a way to get LoaderManager 11 that's what.. and FragmentActivity.getSupportLoaderManager instead of the getFragmentManager and getLoaderManager methods..
How to transition from managedQuery to LoaderManager/CursorLoader? the use of Fragment s in your application. Just use getSupportLoaderManager instead of getLoaderManager and you should be all set. You could..
Show progress spinner (refresh) on ActionBar? use boolean.TRUE FALSE not just true false......... if getSupportLoaderManager .hasRunningLoaders setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility Boolean.TRUE..
Initializing a Loader in an Activity extend your activity from FragmentActivity class Use getSupportLoaderManager method instead of getLoaderManager here is sample code import.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main getSupportLoaderManager .initLoader 0 null this @Override public Loader Object onCreateLoader..
Difference between Activity and FragmentActivity
Difference between Fragment And FragmentActivity in a FragmentActivity pre HoneyComb call getSupportFragmentManager to get . getSupportLoaderManager to get so dont do myFragmentActivity.getLoaderManager don't do this do myFragmentActivity.getSupportLoaderManager.. so dont do myFragmentActivity.getLoaderManager don't do this do myFragmentActivity.getSupportLoaderManager or fm myFragmentActivity.getSupportFragmentManager don't do this do
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not perform this action after onSaveInstanceState friendListFragment ft.commit fm.executePendingTransactions startService new Intent this MyIntentService.class getSupportLoaderManager .initLoader CHECK_EMPTY_DATABASE null this @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu super.onCreateOptionsMenu..
How to get LoaderManager in a ListActivity I have imported the support packages and implemented the LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks but next I have to call getSupportLoaderManager and for that one has to extend FragmentActivity and then call from Activity Context but I have already extended ListActivity.. I have already extended ListActivity and want to make a static call to get LoaderManager like this FragmentActivity.getSupportLoaderManager Apparently this is a way to get LoaderManager 11 that's what the doc says To manage your fragments and loaders you must.. your fragments and loaders you must use the methods FragmentActivity.getSupportFragmentManager and FragmentActivity.getSupportLoaderManager instead of the getFragmentManager and getLoaderManager methods . But it is giving this compile time error Cannot make a..
How to transition from managedQuery to LoaderManager/CursorLoader? created for Android compatibility support and does not require the use of Fragment s in your application. Just use getSupportLoaderManager instead of getLoaderManager and you should be all set. You could of course implement a parent FragmentActivity for each..
Show progress spinner (refresh) on ActionBar? progress in action bar. Notice with actionbarsherlock you must use boolean.TRUE FALSE not just true false......... if getSupportLoaderManager .hasRunningLoaders setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility Boolean.TRUE else setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility Boolean.FALSE..
Initializing a Loader in an Activity library. So to implement Loader you should do some things extend your activity from FragmentActivity class Use getSupportLoaderManager method instead of getLoaderManager here is sample code import android.os.Bundle import public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main getSupportLoaderManager .initLoader 0 null this @Override public Loader Object onCreateLoader int i Bundle bundle return null TODO @Override public..