android Programming Glossary: getview
Android Endless List pos public long getItemId int pos return pos public View getView int pos View v ViewGroup p TextView view new TextView Test.this..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works now I have something that does not make sense. This is my getView from my BaseAdapter public View getView int position View convertView.. sense. This is my getView from my BaseAdapter public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent if convertView.. items if you scroll up when item 1 is not any more visible getView pass this view item1 to recycler and you can use System.out.println..
Android: ListView elements with multiple clickable buttons true and setClickable true for the buttons in getView . I also added this code to my custom list adapter @Override.. I thought. You can simply add in your custom adapter's getView method a setOnClickListener for the buttons you're using. Any.. the button has to be added with myButton.setTag in the getView and can be accessed in the onClickListener via view.getTag I..
Android Listview with different layout for each row layout you would have it's possible to use those methods. getViewTypeCount this methods returns information how many types of.. because you won't have to call findViewById every time in getView method. See List14 in API demos . Create one generic layout..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view COtv protected CheckBox checkbox @Override public View getView final int position View convertView ViewGroup parent view null.. out what is wrong with your implementation and idea of getView and maybe others too when they will find this question and answer.. edited but was suggesting to implement getItemViewType and getViewTypeCount so every list item had its own view type. The edited..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” new SpinnerAdapterProxy obj Intercepts getView to display the prompt if position 0 protected class SpinnerAdapterProxy.. protected SpinnerAdapter obj protected Method getView protected SpinnerAdapterProxy SpinnerAdapter obj this.obj obj.. SpinnerAdapter obj this.obj obj try this.getView SpinnerAdapter.class.getMethod getView int.class View.class..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works view item1 to recycler and you can use System.out.println getview position convertView inside your public View getView final int.. View convertView ViewGroup parent System.out.println getview position convertView View row convertView if row null LayoutInflater.. me. didn't know why 01 01 14 49 36.606 I System.out 13871 getview 0 null 01 01 14 49 36.636 I System.out 13871 getview 0 android.widget.RelativeLayout@406082c0..
What's LazyList? https thest1 LazyList . Lazy List In your getview imageLoader.DisplayImage imageurl imageview ImageLoader Display..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask the fade in you need to remove the asynctask from the getview. You need to be able to call picasso within getview which means.. the getview. You need to be able to call picasso within getview which means having your data ready before arriving at getview... which means having your data ready before arriving at getview. The below not quite sure if it will compile I've done it in..
custom listview adapter getView method being called multiple times, and in no coherent order from 0 3 makes sense. But the rest is a mess Why is getview called for each row three times Where are these convertViews..
Android Endless List getCount return count public Object getItem int pos return pos public long getItemId int pos return pos public View getView int pos View v ViewGroup p TextView view new TextView Test.this view.setText entry pos return view You should obviously..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works able to change how I added Views to my GridView. Problem is now I have something that does not make sense. This is my getView from my BaseAdapter public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent if convertView null LayoutInflater.. GridView. Problem is now I have something that does not make sense. This is my getView from my BaseAdapter public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent if convertView null LayoutInflater inflater LayoutInflater.from parent.getContext.. to image as you can see initially list view has 7 visible items if you scroll up when item 1 is not any more visible getView pass this view item1 to recycler and you can use System.out.println getview position convertView inside your public View..
Android: ListView elements with multiple clickable buttons the next list item ignoring the buttons even though I set .setFocusable true and setClickable true for the buttons in getView . I also added this code to my custom list adapter @Override public boolean areAllItemsEnabled return false @Override public.. this question The solution to this is actually easier than I thought. You can simply add in your custom adapter's getView method a setOnClickListener for the buttons you're using. Any data associated with the button has to be added with myButton.setTag.. for the buttons you're using. Any data associated with the button has to be added with myButton.setTag in the getView and can be accessed in the onClickListener via view.getTag I posted a detailed solution on my blog as a tutorial. share..
Android Listview with different layout for each row improve this question Since you know how many types of layout you would have it's possible to use those methods. getViewTypeCount this methods returns information how many types of rows do you have in your list getItemViewType int position returns.. views in object called ViewHolder . It would increase speed because you won't have to call findViewById every time in getView method. See List14 in API demos . Create one generic layout that will conform all combinations of properties and hide some..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view list static class ViewHolder protected TextView text CItv COtv protected CheckBox checkbox @Override public View getView final int position View convertView ViewGroup parent view null final ArrayList Integer checkedItems new ArrayList Integer.. the actual idea and process of recycling so you might figure out what is wrong with your implementation and idea of getView and maybe others too when they will find this question and answer . See further below for a code example just ignore the.. another list item before. The accpeted answer was deleted edited but was suggesting to implement getItemViewType and getViewTypeCount so every list item had its own view type. The edited answer shows now how to solve the problem the way it's described..
How to make an Android Spinner with initial text “Select One” obj.getClass .getClassLoader new Class SpinnerAdapter.class new SpinnerAdapterProxy obj Intercepts getView to display the prompt if position 0 protected class SpinnerAdapterProxy implements InvocationHandler protected SpinnerAdapter.. 0 protected class SpinnerAdapterProxy implements InvocationHandler protected SpinnerAdapter obj protected Method getView protected SpinnerAdapterProxy SpinnerAdapter obj this.obj obj try this.getView SpinnerAdapter.class.getMethod getView.. SpinnerAdapter obj protected Method getView protected SpinnerAdapterProxy SpinnerAdapter obj this.obj obj try this.getView SpinnerAdapter.class.getMethod getView int.class View.class ViewGroup.class catch Exception e throw new RuntimeException..
How ListView's recycling mechanism works up when item 1 is not any more visible getView pass this view item1 to recycler and you can use System.out.println getview position convertView inside your public View getView final int position View convertView ViewGroup parent System.out.println.. convertView inside your public View getView final int position View convertView ViewGroup parent System.out.println getview position convertView View row convertView if row null LayoutInflater inflater Activity context .getLayoutInflater row inflater.inflate.. putting Listview inside LinearLayout worked like magic for me. didn't know why 01 01 14 49 36.606 I System.out 13871 getview 0 null 01 01 14 49 36.636 I System.out 13871 getview 0 android.widget.RelativeLayout@406082c0 01 01 14 49 36.636 I System.out..
What's LazyList? demand. Since images are cached you can display images offline. https thest1 LazyList . Lazy List In your getview imageLoader.DisplayImage imageurl imageview ImageLoader Display method public void DisplayImage String url ImageView imageView..
Picasso loading of image spawned inside AsyncTask still the same when you go to set it in postexecute. To remove the fade in you need to remove the asynctask from the getview. You need to be able to call picasso within getview which means having your data ready before arriving at getview. The below.. To remove the fade in you need to remove the asynctask from the getview. You need to be able to call picasso within getview which means having your data ready before arriving at getview. The below not quite sure if it will compile I've done it.. the getview. You need to be able to call picasso within getview which means having your data ready before arriving at getview. The below not quite sure if it will compile I've done it in a text editor. But bassically I'm caching results in mCachedContactIds..
custom listview adapter getView method being called multiple times, and in no coherent order with four visible rows at least the position numbers cycling from 0 3 makes sense. But the rest is a mess Why is getview called for each row three times Where are these convertViews coming from when I haven't scrolled yet I did a bit of reseach..