android Programming Glossary: gettheme
How to get the ActionBar height? Calculate ActionBar height TypedValue tv new TypedValue if getTheme .resolveAttribute android.R.attr.actionBarSize tv true actionBarHeight..
Android: application-wide font-size preference item style Then in onCreate method of every activity add getTheme .applyStyle new Preferences this .getFontStyle .getResId true.. protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState getTheme .applyStyle new Preferences this .getFontStyle .getResId true..
Android: how to get value of “listPreferredItemHeight” attribute in code? displayMetrics new DisplayMetrics Activity context .getTheme .resolveAttribute android.R.attr.listPreferredItemHeight value.. works TypedValue value new TypedValue Activity context .getTheme .resolveAttribute android.R.attr.listPreferredItemHeight value.. value new android.util.TypedValue boolean b getTheme .resolveAttribute android.R.attr.listPreferredItemHeight value..
how to get Theme attributes values share improve this question The solution TypedArray a getTheme .obtainStyledAttributes new int R.attr.attribute_name..
setTextAppearance through code referencing custom attribute Working Solution thanks @nininho Resources.Theme theme getTheme TypedValue styleID new TypedValue if theme.resolveAttribute.. this id EDIT Correct Tested Code Resources.Theme theme getTheme TypedValue styleID new TypedValue if theme.resolveAttribute..
Access resource defined in theme and attrs.xml android think you can get the Drawable with this code TypedArray a getTheme .obtainStyledAttributes new int R.attr.homeIcon..
How to get the ActionBar height? need a context this example would be valid in an Activity. Calculate ActionBar height TypedValue tv new TypedValue if getTheme .resolveAttribute android.R.attr.actionBarSize tv true actionBarHeight TypedValue.complexToDimensionPixelSize getResources..
Android: application-wide font-size preference item name font_large 30sp item item name font_xlarge 32sp item style Then in onCreate method of every activity add getTheme .applyStyle new Preferences this .getFontStyle .getResId true where Preferences is a facade to SharedPreferences object.. like public class PreferencesActivity extends Activity @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState getTheme .applyStyle new Preferences this .getFontStyle .getResId true super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.preferences..
Android: how to get value of “listPreferredItemHeight” attribute in code? are 0. As is ret . TypedValue value new TypedValue DisplayMetrics displayMetrics new DisplayMetrics Activity context .getTheme .resolveAttribute android.R.attr.listPreferredItemHeight value true float ret value.getDimension displayMetrics android.. displayMetrics android share improve this question This works TypedValue value new TypedValue Activity context .getTheme .resolveAttribute android.R.attr.listPreferredItemHeight value true EDIT You get zero because haven't initialized the DisplayMetrics.. a display to do any meaningful conversion. android.util.TypedValue value new android.util.TypedValue boolean b getTheme .resolveAttribute android.R.attr.listPreferredItemHeight value true String s TypedValue.coerceToString value.type
how to get Theme attributes values activity I mean before invoking context.setTheme .. android share improve this question The solution TypedArray a getTheme .obtainStyledAttributes new int R.attr.attribute_name int attributeResourceId a.getResourceId 0 0 share..
setTextAppearance through code referencing custom attribute It seems to work all right. EDIT Tested Working Solution thanks @nininho Resources.Theme theme getTheme TypedValue styleID new TypedValue if theme.resolveAttribute R.attr.Channel_Title_Style styleID true channelTitle.setTextAppearance.. defValue textView.setTextAppearance this id EDIT Correct Tested Code Resources.Theme theme getTheme TypedValue styleID new TypedValue if theme.resolveAttribute R.attr.Channel_Title_Style styleID true channelTitle.setTextAppearance..
Access resource defined in theme and attrs.xml android themes drawable share improve this question I think you can get the Drawable with this code TypedArray a getTheme .obtainStyledAttributes new int R.attr.homeIcon int attributeResourceId a.getResourceId 0 0 Drawable drawable..