android Programming Glossary: getviewtypecount
Android ListView headers Here's how I do it the keys are getItemViewType and getViewTypeCount in the Adapter class. getViewTypeCount returns how many types.. getItemViewType and getViewTypeCount in the Adapter class. getViewTypeCount returns how many types of items we have in the list in this.. mInflater LayoutInflater.from context @Override public int getViewTypeCount return RowType.values .length @Override public int getItemViewType..
Android: custom separator (or even item) in ListView depening on content of item at the right spot and properly implement methods like getViewTypeCount getItemViewType areAllItemsEnabled and isEnabled . share improve..
ListView Adapter with arbitrary number of row types (Don't know the number of different row types) this question You need to override getViewItemType and getViewTypeCount . getItemViewType int position returns information which layout.. type 2 for Quote return type @Override public int getViewTypeCount return 3 three different layouts to be inflated In getView int..
Android: xml layout for a listview with different items this question You need to override getViewItemType and getViewTypeCount . You will also need to have custom layouts. getItemViewType.. else type TYPE_ITEM3 return type @Override public int getViewTypeCount return 3 @Override public View getView int position View convertView..
How to generate a ListView with headers above some sections? You can overwrite the two methods getItemViewType and getViewTypeCount . You now have a list that can display different rows. You need..
Using Android, how can I select rows from a ListView which contains Button controls vg.addView tv vg.addView bv return vg @Override public int getViewTypeCount return 1 @Override public boolean hasStableIds return false..
how to customize listview row android position getCount position 0 return position public int getViewTypeCount return 1 public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup..
Android Listview with different layout for each row layout you would have it's possible to use those methods. getViewTypeCount this methods returns information how many types of rows do you..
getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter Can somebody in.. Can somebody in plain words explain me the usage of getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter android share.. the right. In that case you would use @Override public int getViewTypeCount return 2 @Override public int getItemViewType int position return..
android change text color of items in spinner int getItemViewType int position return 0 public int getViewTypeCount return 1 public boolean isEmpty return getCount 0 android..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view edited but was suggesting to implement getItemViewType and getViewTypeCount so every list item had its own view type. The edited answer.. it's described here. Reimplementing getItemViewType and getViewTypeCount works but your obviously misinterpreting it's use compare my.. position 1 normal item 0 void int getViewTypeCount return 2 normal item and separator void View getView int position..
Android ListView headers header android arrayadapter share improve this question Here's how I do it the keys are getItemViewType and getViewTypeCount in the Adapter class. getViewTypeCount returns how many types of items we have in the list in this case we have a header.. improve this question Here's how I do it the keys are getItemViewType and getViewTypeCount in the Adapter class. getViewTypeCount returns how many types of items we have in the list in this case we have a header item and an event item so two. getItemViewType.. Context context List Item items super context 0 items mInflater LayoutInflater.from context @Override public int getViewTypeCount return RowType.values .length @Override public int getItemViewType int position return getItem position .getViewType @Override..
Android: custom separator (or even item) in ListView depening on content of item
ListView Adapter with arbitrary number of row types (Don't know the number of different row types) android android listview android adapter share improve this question You need to override getViewItemType and getViewTypeCount . getItemViewType int position returns information which layout type you should use based on position Then you inflate layout.. position 1 type TYPE_ITEM2 type 1 for message else type TYPE_ITEM3 type 2 for Quote return type @Override public int getViewTypeCount return 3 three different layouts to be inflated In getView int type getItemViewType i determine type using position. switch..
Android: xml layout for a listview with different items LinearLayout android listview layout share improve this question You need to override getViewItemType and getViewTypeCount . You will also need to have custom layouts. getItemViewType int position returns information which layout type you should.. position 0 type TYPE_ITEM1 else if position 1 type TYPE_ITEM2 else type TYPE_ITEM3 return type @Override public int getViewTypeCount return 3 @Override public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent View row convertView LayoutInflater..
How to generate a ListView with headers above some sections? header into one of your rows. Consider the following solution You can overwrite the two methods getItemViewType and getViewTypeCount . You now have a list that can display different rows. You need to check the expected view type for the item in the getView..
Using Android, how can I select rows from a ListView which contains Button controls ListItem Button bv new Button this bv.setText Button vg.addView tv vg.addView bv return vg @Override public int getViewTypeCount return 1 @Override public boolean hasStableIds return false @Override public boolean isEmpty return false @Override public..
how to customize listview row android getItemId int position throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if position getCount position 0 return position public int getViewTypeCount return 1 public View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent String myText getItem position if convertView..
Android Listview with different layout for each row improve this question Since you know how many types of layout you would have it's possible to use those methods. getViewTypeCount this methods returns information how many types of rows do you have in your list getItemViewType int position returns information..
getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter Can somebody in plain words explain me the usage of getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType.. and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter Can somebody in plain words explain me the usage of getViewTypeCount and getItemViewType methods of ArrayAdapter android share improve this question These handle the case where you want.. pictures on the left side and odd rows to have pictures on the right. In that case you would use @Override public int getViewTypeCount return 2 @Override public int getItemViewType int position return position 2 The framework uses your view type to decide..
android change text color of items in spinner mAdapter .isEnabled position else return true public int getItemViewType int position return 0 public int getViewTypeCount return 1 public boolean isEmpty return getCount 0 android text colors spinner share improve this question I figured..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view another list item before. The accpeted answer was deleted edited but was suggesting to implement getItemViewType and getViewTypeCount so every list item had its own view type. The edited answer shows now how to solve the problem the way it's described here... The edited answer shows now how to solve the problem the way it's described here. Reimplementing getItemViewType and getViewTypeCount works but your obviously misinterpreting it's use compare my example further below and or this answer . These two methods.. Here's an example void getItemViewType int position return isItemAtPositionSeperator position 1 normal item 0 void int getViewTypeCount return 2 normal item and separator void View getView int position View convertView ViewGroup parent int type getItemViewType..