android Programming Glossary: getselecteditemposition
Android Gallery zoom in/out 2 1 0 1 2 ... 0 being the middle final int childPosition getSelectedItemPosition getPositionForView child final int childPositionAbs int Math.abs.. if i 0 mLastDrawnPosition 0 final int centerPosition getSelectedItemPosition getFirstVisiblePosition if i childCount 1 return centerPosition..
Android: List View Selected item -1 view int arg2 long arg3 int selectedPosition adapterView.getSelectedItemPosition ShowAlert String.valueOf selectedPosition To fill my list view.. there is no row selected. The documentation states that getSelectedItemPosition returns int Position starting at 0 or INVALID_POSITION if there.. And INVALID_POSITION is 1 . Note that you are calling getSelectedItemPosition from an OnClickListener . Click and selection are not necessarily..
Possibility of a Curved Gallery getAdapter null if pointToPosition int e.getX int e.getY getSelectedItemPosition return true else return super.onSingleTapUp e else return true..
android change text color of items in spinner mPrompt builder.setSingleChoiceItems adapter getSelectedItemPosition this .show return true private static class DropDownAdapter..
Getting the current position of a ViewPager I know with the Gallery widget I was able to use getSelectedItemPosition to retrieve the current position however it doesnt seem ViewPager..
Android Gallery zoom in/out Position of the child in the Gallery ... 2 1 0 1 2 ... 0 being the middle final int childPosition getSelectedItemPosition getPositionForView child final int childPositionAbs int Math.abs childPosition final float left child.getLeft final float.. position variable every time we are starting a new drawing loop if i 0 mLastDrawnPosition 0 final int centerPosition getSelectedItemPosition getFirstVisiblePosition if i childCount 1 return centerPosition else if i centerPosition mLastDrawnPosition return childCount..
Android: List View Selected item -1 public void onItemClick AdapterView adapterView View view int arg2 long arg3 int selectedPosition adapterView.getSelectedItemPosition ShowAlert String.valueOf selectedPosition To fill my list view i use the following code SimpleAdapter mSchedule new SimpleAdapter.. Jose. android share improve this question That means there is no row selected. The documentation states that getSelectedItemPosition returns int Position starting at 0 or INVALID_POSITION if there is nothing selected. And INVALID_POSITION is 1 . Note that.. starting at 0 or INVALID_POSITION if there is nothing selected. And INVALID_POSITION is 1 . Note that you are calling getSelectedItemPosition from an OnClickListener . Click and selection are not necessarily related. Selection comes from using the D pad or trackball..
Possibility of a Curved Gallery
android change text color of items in spinner new AlertDialog.Builder context if mPrompt null builder.setTitle mPrompt builder.setSingleChoiceItems adapter getSelectedItemPosition this .show return true private static class DropDownAdapter implements ListAdapter SpinnerAdapter private SpinnerAdapter..
Getting the current position of a ViewPager the current position of a ViewPager I know with the Gallery widget I was able to use getSelectedItemPosition to retrieve the current position however it doesnt seem ViewPager has that. I know I can setup a listener and retrieve the..