android Programming Glossary: gettabhost
OnClickListener on Tabs not working super.onCreate savedInstanceState final TabHost tabHost getTabHost TabHost.TabSpec ts tabHost.newTabSpec ID_1 ts.setIndicator 1.. tab final String myTabTag My Tab final int myTabIndex 3 getTabHost .addTab getTabHost .newTabSpec myTabTag getTabWidget .getChildAt.. myTabTag My Tab final int myTabIndex 3 getTabHost .addTab getTabHost .newTabSpec myTabTag getTabWidget .getChildAt myTabIndex .setOnClickListener..
Android ??Add new tab when button click like Google Chrome new button? setContentView R.layout.activity_main tabHost getTabHost addTab Button findViewById .setOnClickListener..
How do I change the background of an Android tab widget? My class extends extends TabActivity TabHost mTabHost getTabHost TabHost.TabSpec tab1 mTabHost.newTabSpec tab1 TabHost.TabSpec..
Android: How to detect double-tap? return false initialise tab contents mTabHost getTabHost mTabHost.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec tab1 .setIndicator Home..
Android. How to change Activity within a Tab setContentView R.layout.tab_menu TabHost tabHost getTabHost The activity TabHost TabHost.TabSpec spec Resusable TabSpec..
Custom style for Android's TabWidget savedInstanceState setContentView tabHost getTabHost tabHost.addTab tabHost.newTabSpec tab1 .setIndicator Tab 1 .setContent..
Android TabWidget detect click on current tab for tab listener I have found very simple solution... getTabHost .setOnTabChangedListener new OnTabChangeListener @Override public.. @Override public void onTabChanged String tabId int i getTabHost .getCurrentTab Log.i @@@@@@@@ ANN CLICK TAB NUMBER i if i 0..
Swipe/Fling tab-changing in conjunction with ScrollView? extends SimpleOnGestureListener TabHost tabHost getTabHost @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent..
Get notified when current tab is selected again View v MotionEvent event boolean consumed false use getTabHost .getCurrentTabView to decide if the current tab is touched again.. again if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN v.equals getTabHost .getCurrentTabView use getTabHost .getCurrentView to get a.. v.equals getTabHost .getCurrentTabView use getTabHost .getCurrentView to get a handle to the view which is displayed..
Android UI TabActivity issue setContentView R.layout.background tabHost getTabHost tabHost.setOnTabChangedListener new OnTabChangeListener @Override.. you must use Custom Tabs here is the Code try this tabHost getTabHost tabHost.addTab tabHost.newTabSpec tab1 .setContent new Intent..
Android: Change Tab Text Color Programmatically of tabs and you can change it like this TabHost tabhost getTabHost for int i 0 i tabhost.getTabWidget .getChildCount i TextView..
Android remove space between tabs in tabwidget Resource object to get Drawables TabHost tabHost TabHost getTabHost The activity TabHost TabHost.TabSpec spec Resusable TabSpec.. setContentView R.layout.main final TabHost tabHost TabHost getTabHost tabHost.addTab createTab TopNewsActivity.class topNews Top.. this intentClass final View tab LayoutInflater.from getTabHost .getContext . inflate null TextView tab.findViewById..
OnClickListener on Tabs not working @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState final TabHost tabHost getTabHost TabHost.TabSpec ts tabHost.newTabSpec ID_1 ts.setIndicator 1 ts.setContent this tabHost.addTab ts ts tabHost.newTabSpec.. you intercept the click event and change the content below the tab final String myTabTag My Tab final int myTabIndex 3 getTabHost .addTab getTabHost .newTabSpec myTabTag getTabWidget .getChildAt myTabIndex .setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override.. event and change the content below the tab final String myTabTag My Tab final int myTabIndex 3 getTabHost .addTab getTabHost .newTabSpec myTabTag getTabWidget .getChildAt myTabIndex .setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick..
Android ??Add new tab when button click like Google Chrome new button? onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.activity_main tabHost getTabHost addTab Button findViewById .setOnClickListener new OnClickListener public void onClick View v tabIndex addTab..
How do I change the background of an Android tab widget? do I change the background of an Android tab widget My class extends extends TabActivity TabHost mTabHost getTabHost TabHost.TabSpec tab1 mTabHost.newTabSpec tab1 TabHost.TabSpec tab2 mTabHost.newTabSpec tab2 tab1 .setIndicator title tab1..
Android: How to detect double-tap? MotionEvent e viewA.setText onSingleTapConfirmed return false initialise tab contents mTabHost getTabHost mTabHost.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec tab1 .setIndicator Home .setContent mTabHost.addTab mTabHost.newTabSpec..
Android. How to change Activity within a Tab onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.tab_menu TabHost tabHost getTabHost The activity TabHost TabHost.TabSpec spec Resusable TabSpec for each tab Intent intent Reusable Intent for each tab intent..
Custom style for Android's TabWidget public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView tabHost getTabHost tabHost.addTab tabHost.newTabSpec tab1 .setIndicator Tab 1 .setContent new Intent this Tab1.class tabHost.addTab tabHost.newTabSpec..
Android TabWidget detect click on current tab share improve this question After gothrough many solutions for tab listener I have found very simple solution... getTabHost .setOnTabChangedListener new OnTabChangeListener @Override public void onTabChanged String tabId int i getTabHost .getCurrentTab.. getTabHost .setOnTabChangedListener new OnTabChangeListener @Override public void onTabChanged String tabId int i getTabHost .getCurrentTab Log.i @@@@@@@@ ANN CLICK TAB NUMBER i if i 0 Log.i @@@@@@@@@@ Inside onClick tab 0 onClick tab else if i..
Swipe/Fling tab-changing in conjunction with ScrollView? GestureDetector used to swipe between classes class MyGestureDetector extends SimpleOnGestureListener TabHost tabHost getTabHost @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float velocityX float velocityY try if Math.abs e1.getY e2.getY..
Get notified when current tab is selected again android.view.MotionEvent @Override public boolean onTouch View v MotionEvent event boolean consumed false use getTabHost .getCurrentTabView to decide if the current tab is touched again if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN v.equals getTabHost.. .getCurrentTabView to decide if the current tab is touched again if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN v.equals getTabHost .getCurrentTabView use getTabHost .getCurrentView to get a handle to the view which is displayed in the tab and to get.. current tab is touched again if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN v.equals getTabHost .getCurrentTabView use getTabHost .getCurrentView to get a handle to the view which is displayed in the tab and to get this views context View currentView..
Android UI TabActivity issue void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.background tabHost getTabHost tabHost.setOnTabChangedListener new OnTabChangeListener @Override public void onTabChanged String tabId setTabHostColors.. ui tabactivity share improve this question For this you must use Custom Tabs here is the Code try this tabHost getTabHost tabHost.addTab tabHost.newTabSpec tab1 .setContent new Intent this Activity2.class .setIndicator prepareTabView Names R.drawable.icon..
Android: Change Tab Text Color Programmatically you need to get the view i.e TextView which is set as title of tabs and you can change it like this TabHost tabhost getTabHost for int i 0 i tabhost.getTabWidget .getChildCount i TextView tv TextView tabhost.getTabWidget .getChildAt i .findViewById..
Android remove space between tabs in tabwidget setContentView R.layout.main Resources res getResources Resource object to get Drawables TabHost tabHost TabHost getTabHost The activity TabHost TabHost.TabSpec spec Resusable TabSpec for each tab Intent intent Reusable Intent for each tab Create.. savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main final TabHost tabHost TabHost getTabHost tabHost.addTab createTab TopNewsActivity.class topNews Top News R.drawable.tab_news tabHost.addTab createTab PowerActivity.class.. title final int drawable final Intent intent new Intent .setClass this intentClass final View tab LayoutInflater.from getTabHost .getContext . inflate null TextView tab.findViewById .setText title ImageView tab.findViewById..