android Programming Glossary: getting
Stop EditText from gaining focus at Activity startup
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 error for the next library all without any success so i'm getting really desperate here. I would be really happy if anyone could..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android isn't handling many images it's that your images aren't getting deallocated when your activity is destroyed. It's difficult..
“Debug certificate expired” error in Eclipse Android plugins using Eclipse Android plugins to build a project but I am getting this error in the console window 2010 02 03 10 31 14 androidVNC..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android systems will need to have 20MB or so for this to avoid getting into bad paging states the Android out of memory killer is tuned..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? to do whatever you want with. This code works by getting the location of the image in the ContentResolver database but..
Focusable EditText inside ListView the selection up down in the list as expected but when getting to the header row it is also displayed with the selector and.. behavior. All items draw the selector as normal but when getting to the row with the EditText it focused on the text field instead...
“Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1” on external JAR contains the same then you will be getting the exact same error. This means you have multiple references..
How to send image via MMS in Android? that image with a text to some other number. But I am not getting how to send the image via the MMS. android messaging mms ..
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android WINDOW_SERVICE wm.addView mView params Now you will start getting each and every click event. So you need to rectify in your event..
FFMPEG on Android this question Here are the steps I went through in getting ffmpeg to work on Android Build static libraries of ffmpeg for..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView images and captions associated with those images. I am getting the images from the Internet. Is there a way to lazy load the..
When to call activity context OR application context? about what these two contexts are.. But I'm still not getting it quite right As I understand it so far Each is an instance.. to not leak out any memory. This is because the other this getting the Activity instance context points to an Activity that is.. examples where it would be the right thing to use this getting the context of the current Activity instance and the application..
How to support Arabic text in Android? to support Arabic text in Android I am getting Arabic text from server successfully. Retrieved text I want..
Https Connection Android Connection Android I am doing a https post and I'm getting an exception of ssl exception Not trusted server certificate...
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget menu getMenuInflater .inflate menu Getting SearchView from XML layout by id defined there my_search_view.. menu.findItem .getActionView Getting id for 'search_plate' the id is part of generate R file so we.. .getIdentifier android id search_plate null null Getting the 'search_plate' LinearLayout. View searchPlate searchView.findViewById..
Getting NoClassDefFoundError when using common.lang.StringUtils in android java code? NoClassDefFoundError when using common.lang.StringUtils in android..
Android Facebook SDK 3.0 gives “remote_app_id does not match stored id” while logging in keystore. Unfortunately this is caused because Facebook Getting Started Tutorial induces this error. It says that android developers..
Getting started with Android [closed] started with Android closed So I'll be getting my T Mobile..
Android : Check whether the phone is dual SIM String info super info Edit Getting access of methods like getDeviceIdGemini for other SIM slot's..
OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget (Android) bitmap size exceeds VM budget Android Getting an Exception in the BitmapFactory. Not sure what is the issue...
What is the best IDE to develop Android apps in? [closed] page and the Google Code project page for the plugin. The Getting Started wiki page is pretty helpful. If you are used to IntelliJ..
Getting installed app size installed app size I'm trying to figure out how to get the..
Getting frames from Video Image in Android frames from Video Image in Android I've implemented a simple..
ListSelector applies to the entire list using the D pad to select a row and click it with enter. Getting the highlighting and subsequent pressing colors exactly how..
Reading Text File From Server on Android e catch IOException e taken from Exampledepot Getting text from URL Should work well on Android. share improve this..
Getting View's coordinates relative to the root layout View's coordinates relative to the root layout Can I get a..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) SQlite Getting nearest locations with latitude and longitude I don't know..
WebView android proxy private boolean setProxyHostField HttpHost proxyServer Getting network Class networkClass null Object network null try networkClass..
Cannot Make Static Reference to Non-Static Method Method Building a multi language application in Java. Getting an error when inserting String value from R.string resource..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android way of getting the user's location in Android The problem Getting the user's current location within a threshold ASAP and at the..
Android post JSON using HTTP to HttpResponse and will refer you to this link on Getting Response Body of HttpResponse the path variable is the url and..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through..
Stop EditText from gaining focus at Activity startup
Libraries do not get added to APK anymore after upgrade to ADT 22 out the code that uses this library i just get the same error for the next library all without any success so i'm getting really desperate here. I would be really happy if anyone could give me a hint on how to solve that problem. android eclipse..
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget - Android question It sounds like you have a memory leak. The problem isn't handling many images it's that your images aren't getting deallocated when your activity is destroyed. It's difficult to say why this is without looking at your code. However this..
“Debug certificate expired” error in Eclipse Android plugins expired&rdquo error in Eclipse Android plugins I am using Eclipse Android plugins to build a project but I am getting this error in the console window 2010 02 03 10 31 14 androidVNC Error generating final archive Debug certificate expired..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android being used for filesystem caches and other such things. Typical systems will need to have 20MB or so for this to avoid getting into bad paging states the Android out of memory killer is tuned for a particular system to make sure that background processes..
How to pick an image from gallery (SD Card) for my app in Android? After this you've got the selected image stored in yourSelectedImage to do whatever you want with. This code works by getting the location of the image in the ContentResolver database but that on its own isn't enough. Each image has about 18 columns..
Focusable EditText inside ListView are other items in the adapter using the arrow keys will move the selection up down in the list as expected but when getting to the header row it is also displayed with the selector and no way to focus into the EditText using the jogball. Note tapping.. and just toggling descendant focusability got me the desired behavior. All items draw the selector as normal but when getting to the row with the EditText it focused on the text field instead. Then when continuing out of that EditText it started..
“Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1” on external JAR project which is added to the dependency of this project which contains the same then you will be getting the exact same error. This means you have multiple references to the same file and can't properly build it. share..
How to send image via MMS in Android? I am capturing one image through the camera and want to send that image with a text to some other number. But I am not getting how to send the image via the MMS. android messaging mms share improve this question MMS is just a htttp post request...
creating a system overlay (always on top) button in android Load Average WindowManager wm WindowManager getSystemService WINDOW_SERVICE wm.addView mView params Now you will start getting each and every click event. So you need to rectify in your event handler. In your ViewGroup touch event @Override public..
FFMPEG on Android Your help is greatly appreciated. android ffmpeg share improve this question Here are the steps I went through in getting ffmpeg to work on Android Build static libraries of ffmpeg for Android. This was achieved by building olvaffe's ffmpeg android..
How do I do a lazy load of images in ListView of images in ListView I am using a ListView to display some images and captions associated with those images. I am getting the images from the Internet. Is there a way to lazy load the images so while the text displays the UI is not locked up..
When to call activity context OR application context? context OR application context There has been a lot of posting about what these two contexts are.. But I'm still not getting it quite right As I understand it so far Each is an instance of its class which means that some programmers recommend you.. this.getApplicationContext as often as possible in order to not leak out any memory. This is because the other this getting the Activity instance context points to an Activity that is being destroyed each time the user tilts the phone or leave.. But can anyone please come up with some really good coding examples where it would be the right thing to use this getting the context of the current Activity instance and the application context will be useless wrong android context share..
How to support Arabic text in Android? to support Arabic text in Android I am getting Arabic text from server successfully. Retrieved text I want display in code but its showing boxes instead of Arabic text...
Https Connection Android Connection Android I am doing a https post and I'm getting an exception of ssl exception Not trusted server certificate. If i do normal http it is working perfectly fine. Do I have..
Changing the background drawable of the searchview widget @Override public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu Menu menu getMenuInflater .inflate menu Getting SearchView from XML layout by id defined there my_search_view in this case SearchView searchView SearchView menu.findItem.. there my_search_view in this case SearchView searchView SearchView menu.findItem .getActionView Getting id for 'search_plate' the id is part of generate R file so we have to get id on runtime. int searchPlateId searchView.getContext.. id on runtime. int searchPlateId searchView.getContext .getResources .getIdentifier android id search_plate null null Getting the 'search_plate' LinearLayout. View searchPlate searchView.findViewById searchPlateId Setting background of 'search_plate'..
Getting NoClassDefFoundError when using common.lang.StringUtils in android java code? NoClassDefFoundError when using common.lang.StringUtils in android java code I am getting this error NoClassDefFoundError..
Android Facebook SDK 3.0 gives “remote_app_id does not match stored id” while logging in Facebook App Console and to sign the android app using another keystore. Unfortunately this is caused because Facebook Getting Started Tutorial induces this error. It says that android developers should use default android debug key in your examples..
Getting started with Android [closed] started with Android closed So I'll be getting my T Mobile G1 within a month or so and I'm excited to start developing..
Android : Check whether the phone is dual SIM final long serialVersionUID 996812356902545308L public GeminiMethodNotFoundException String info super info Edit Getting access of methods like getDeviceIdGemini for other SIM slot's detail has prediction that method exist. If that method's..
OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget (Android) bitmap size exceeds VM budget Android Getting an Exception in the BitmapFactory. Not sure what is the issue. Well I can guess the issue but not sure why its happening..
What is the best IDE to develop Android apps in? [closed] See Enabling Android Support from the JetBrains help page and the Google Code project page for the plugin. The Getting Started wiki page is pretty helpful. If you are used to IntelliJ I don't think it would be beneficial to switch IDEs just..
Getting installed app size installed app size I'm trying to figure out how to get the size of an installed app. What's already failed new File ' data..
Getting frames from Video Image in Android frames from Video Image in Android I've implemented a simple application which shows the camera picture on the screen...
ListSelector applies to the entire list
Reading Text File From Server on Android
Getting View's coordinates relative to the root layout View's coordinates relative to the root layout Can I get a View's x and y position relative to the root layout of my Activity..
Android - SQlite Getting nearest locations (with latitude and longitude) SQlite Getting nearest locations with latitude and longitude I don't know if I'm wierd but I haven't found any topic about the subject...
WebView android proxy it in my project and it works. Here is the sample of my method private boolean setProxyHostField HttpHost proxyServer Getting network Class networkClass null Object network null try networkClass Class.forName android.webkit.Network Field networkField..
Cannot Make Static Reference to Non-Static Method Make Static Reference to Non Static Method Building a multi language application in Java. Getting an error when inserting String value from R.string resource XML file public static final String TTT String getText R.string.TTT..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android way of getting the user's location in Android The problem Getting the user's current location within a threshold ASAP and at the same time conserve battery. Why the problem is a problem..
Android post JSON using HTTP in this case it wasnt returning anything. I changed the signature to HttpResponse and will refer you to this link on Getting Response Body of HttpResponse the path variable is the url and I updated to fix a mistake in the code. share improve this..
Getting an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view an issue while checking the dynamically generated checkbox through list view I know that this question is already asked..