android Programming Glossary: getscrollx
Android: velocity-based ViewPager scrolling the underlying calculations in ViewPager float scrollX getScrollX distX final int width getWidth final int widthWithMargin width..
new Selectable TextView in android 3 (API <=11) component if layout null return Integer.MIN_VALUE float x event.getX getScrollX float y event.getY getScrollY int line layout.getLineForVertical..
How to Programmatically Scroll Android WebView this issue. It turns out that WebView does have scrollTo getScrollX and getScrollY methods as you'd expect. They're a bit hidden..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL int scrollX getScrollX int featureWidth getMeasuredWidth activeFeature scrollX featureWidth..
Android: Moving background image while navigating through Views canvas get the object movement if BadScrollHelp.getScrollX scroll reduce the scrolling X scroll 5 scroll BadScrollHelp.getScrollX.. reduce the scrolling X scroll 5 scroll BadScrollHelp.getScrollX Draw background image at its current locations event cancel mTouchState TOUCH_STATE_REST mScrollX this.getScrollX return true private void snapToDestination final int screenWidth..
Protected fields not visible to subclasses ScrollView apparently can. P.S. I realize that I can call getScrollX but I want to update these fields calling setScroll has side..
Smooth scrolling in Android e1 MotionEvent e2 float vX float vY mScroller.fling getScrollX getScrollY int vX int vY 0 int mMaxScrollX 0 int mMaxScrollY..
Android: HorizontalScrollView smoothScroll animation time final int maxX Math.max 0 right width final int scrollX getScrollX dx Math.max 0 Math.min scrollX dx maxX scrollX myScroller.startScroll..
Android automatic horizontally scrolling TextView by 5 pixels every second. The log output is correct the getScrollX method returns the appropriate scrollX position. If I don't.. msg scrollBy 5 0 requestLayout Log.debug Scrolled to getScrollX px sendEmptyMessageDelayed 0 REFRESH_INTERVAL android scrolling..
Android: velocity-based ViewPager scrolling false private void trackMotion float distX The following mimics the underlying calculations in ViewPager float scrollX getScrollX distX final int width getWidth final int widthWithMargin width this.getPageMargin final float leftBound Math.max 0 this.getCurrentItem..
new Selectable TextView in android 3 (API <=11) component int getOffset MotionEvent event Layout layout getLayout if layout null return Integer.MIN_VALUE float x event.getX getScrollX float y event.getY getScrollY int line layout.getLineForVertical int y int offset layout.getOffsetForHorizontal line x return..
How to Programmatically Scroll Android WebView share improve this question I've found a better answer to this issue. It turns out that WebView does have scrollTo getScrollX and getScrollY methods as you'd expect. They're a bit hidden in the documentation because they're inherited from View via..
Android - HorizontalScrollView within ScrollView Touch Handling return true else if event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_UP event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL int scrollX getScrollX int featureWidth getMeasuredWidth activeFeature scrollX featureWidth 2 featureWidth int scrollTo activeFeature featureWidth..
Android: Moving background image while navigating through Views superclass. @Override public void onDraw Canvas canvas super.onDraw canvas get the object movement if BadScrollHelp.getScrollX scroll reduce the scrolling X scroll 5 scroll BadScrollHelp.getScrollX Draw background image at its current locations.. get the object movement if BadScrollHelp.getScrollX scroll reduce the scrolling X scroll 5 scroll BadScrollHelp.getScrollX Draw background image at its current locations canvas.translate X 0 background.draw canvas canvas.restore .. redraw break case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL Log.i LOG_TAG event cancel mTouchState TOUCH_STATE_REST mScrollX this.getScrollX return true private void snapToDestination final int screenWidth getWidth final int whichScreen mScrollX screenWidth 2 screenWidth..
Protected fields not visible to subclasses access protected fields of its parent class Classes like ScrollView apparently can. P.S. I realize that I can call getScrollX but I want to update these fields calling setScroll has side effects that I don't want. java android subclass protected..
Smooth scrolling in Android distanceY return true @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float vX float vY mScroller.fling getScrollX getScrollY int vX int vY 0 int mMaxScrollX 0 int mMaxScrollY invalidate don't remember if it's needed return true @Override..
Android: HorizontalScrollView smoothScroll animation time getPaddingLeft final int right getChildAt 0 .getWidth final int maxX Math.max 0 right width final int scrollX getScrollX dx Math.max 0 Math.min scrollX dx maxX scrollX myScroller.startScroll scrollX getScrollY dx 0 500 invalidate public void..
Android automatic horizontally scrolling TextView the code to only show a text view that should be scrolling by 5 pixels every second. The log output is correct the getScrollX method returns the appropriate scrollX position. If I don't call requestLayout nothing gets drawn. invalidate has no effect... int REFRESH_INTERVAL 1000 public void handleMessage Message msg scrollBy 5 0 requestLayout Log.debug Scrolled to getScrollX px sendEmptyMessageDelayed 0 REFRESH_INTERVAL android scrolling textview share improve this question If you don't..