android Programming Glossary: getscrolly
new Selectable TextView in android 3 (API <=11) component float x event.getX getScrollX float y event.getY getScrollY int line layout.getLineForVertical int y int offset layout.getOffsetForHorizontal..
Android: ListView.getScrollY() - does it work? ListView.getScrollY does it work I am using it but it always returns 0 even though.. end of the list. android share improve this question getScrollY is actually a method on View not ListView. It is referring to..
How to Programmatically Scroll Android WebView turns out that WebView does have scrollTo getScrollX and getScrollY methods as you'd expect. They're a bit hidden in the documentation..
Smooth scrolling in Android e2 float vX float vY mScroller.fling getScrollX getScrollY int vX int vY 0 int mMaxScrollX 0 int mMaxScrollY invalidate..
Android: HorizontalScrollView smoothScroll animation time implemenation. The call myScroller.startScroll scrollX getScrollY dx 0 500 changes the scroll speed. private OverScroller myScroller.. scrollX dx maxX scrollX myScroller.startScroll scrollX getScrollY dx 0 500 invalidate public void customSmoothScrollTo int x int..
Android: How to get Scroll-Position from Gridview is how to get the current scroll position of the GridView. getScrollY does allways return 0... and the onScrollListener's parameters..
Android: Detect when ScrollView stops scrolling had stopped scrolling by comparing the value returned by getScrollY when the onTouchEvent is first triggered with the value returned.. scrollerTask new Runnable public void run int newPosition getScrollY if initialPosition newPosition 0 has stopped if onScrollStoppedListener.. else initialPosition getScrollY MyScrollView.this.postDelayed scrollerTask newCheck public..
new Selectable TextView in android 3 (API <=11) component event Layout layout getLayout if layout null return Integer.MIN_VALUE float x event.getX getScrollX float y event.getY getScrollY int line layout.getLineForVertical int y int offset layout.getOffsetForHorizontal line x return offset protected void clean..
Android: ListView.getScrollY() - does it work? ListView.getScrollY does it work I am using it but it always returns 0 even though I have scrolled till the end of the list. android share.. but it always returns 0 even though I have scrolled till the end of the list. android share improve this question getScrollY is actually a method on View not ListView. It is referring to the scroll amount of the entire view so it will almost always..
How to Programmatically Scroll Android WebView this question I've found a better answer to this issue. It turns out that WebView does have scrollTo getScrollX and getScrollY methods as you'd expect. They're a bit hidden in the documentation because they're inherited from View via AbsoluteLayout..
Smooth scrolling in Android true @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent e1 MotionEvent e2 float vX float vY mScroller.fling getScrollX getScrollY int vX int vY 0 int mMaxScrollX 0 int mMaxScrollY invalidate don't remember if it's needed return true @Override public..
Android: HorizontalScrollView smoothScroll animation time changes the field name it defaults back to original scroll implemenation. The call myScroller.startScroll scrollX getScrollY dx 0 500 changes the scroll speed. private OverScroller myScroller private void init try Class parent this.getClass do.. right width final int scrollX getScrollX dx Math.max 0 Math.min scrollX dx maxX scrollX myScroller.startScroll scrollX getScrollY dx 0 500 invalidate public void customSmoothScrollTo int x int y customSmoothScrollBy x getScrollX y getScrollY share..
Android: How to get Scroll-Position from Gridview extending on the GridView. The only thing I do net solve is how to get the current scroll position of the GridView. getScrollY does allways return 0... and the onScrollListener's parameters are just a range of visisble child views not the actual scroll..
Android: Detect when ScrollView stops scrolling i did was to have a Runnable checking out if the ScrollView had stopped scrolling by comparing the value returned by getScrollY when the onTouchEvent is first triggered with the value returned after a time defined by the variable newCheck . See code.. Context context AttributeSet attrs super context attrs scrollerTask new Runnable public void run int newPosition getScrollY if initialPosition newPosition 0 has stopped if onScrollStoppedListener null onScrollStoppedListener.onScrollStopped.. 0 has stopped if onScrollStoppedListener null onScrollStoppedListener.onScrollStopped else initialPosition getScrollY MyScrollView.this.postDelayed scrollerTask newCheck public void setOnScrollStoppedListener MyScrollView.OnScrollStoppedListener..