android Programming Glossary: getvalue
Draw Rectangle Over ImageView for highlight that can be zoom in-out in android 2 cutting return super.setFrame l t r b protected float getValue Matrix matrix int whichValue matrix.getValues mMatrixValues.. float getValue Matrix matrix int whichValue matrix.getValues mMatrixValues return mMatrixValues whichValue New Added protected.. getCanvasValue Matrix matrix int whichvalues mCanvasMatrix.getValues mCanvasMatrixValues return mCanvasMatrixValues whichvalues..
How to parse same name tag in Android XML DOM Parsing String Element e Element nl.item i map.put KEY_ITEM parser.getValue e KEY_ITEM mylist.add map My XML Parser Class import return null return DOM return doc public String getValue Element item String str NodeList n item.getElementsByTagName.. String Element e Element nl.item i map.put KEY_ITEM parser.getValue e KEY_ITEM mylist.add map android dom xml parsing android xml..
Getting the battery current values for the Android Phone public class CurrentReaderFactory static public Long getValue File f null htc desire hd desire z inspire if Build.MODEL.toLowerCase.. battery batt_current if f.exists return OneLineReader.getValue f false nexus one cyangoenmod f new File sys devices platform.. battery getcurrent if f.exists return OneLineReader.getValue f true sony ericsson xperia x1 f new File sys devices platform..
Parse JSON object with string and value only common to use and easy to use just use getString id or getValue name . But how do I parse to map using this JSON format with..
What's the correct way to implement key-value pair in Spinner in android long id MyData d items position valueTextView.setText d.getValue public void onNothingSelected AdapterView parent class.. String getSpinnerText return spinnerText public String getValue return value public String toString return spinnerText String..
Android Parcelable — return null Product product this.product product public double getValue return value public void setValue double value this.value value..
NetworkOnMainThread to the HashMap key value String String map.put Name parser.getValue e Name map.put Desc parser.getValue e Desc map.put Link parser.getValue.. map.put Name parser.getValue e Name map.put Desc parser.getValue e Desc map.put Link parser.getValue e Link menuItems.add map.. map.put Desc parser.getValue e Desc map.put Link parser.getValue e Link menuItems.add map DONE ListAdapter adapter new SimpleAdapter..
Draw Rectangle Over ImageView for highlight that can be zoom in-out in android mMatrix mMinScale mScale zoomTo mScale mWidth 2 mHeight 2 cutting return super.setFrame l t r b protected float getValue Matrix matrix int whichValue matrix.getValues mMatrixValues return mMatrixValues whichValue New Added protected float getCanvasValue.. mWidth 2 mHeight 2 cutting return super.setFrame l t r b protected float getValue Matrix matrix int whichValue matrix.getValues mMatrixValues return mMatrixValues whichValue New Added protected float getCanvasValue Matrix matrix int whichvalues mCanvasMatrix.getValues.. return mMatrixValues whichValue New Added protected float getCanvasValue Matrix matrix int whichvalues mCanvasMatrix.getValues mCanvasMatrixValues return mCanvasMatrixValues whichvalues protected float getScale return getValue mMatrix Matrix.MSCALE_X..
How to parse same name tag in Android XML DOM Parsing nl.getLength i HashMap String String map new HashMap String String Element e Element nl.item i map.put KEY_ITEM parser.getValue e KEY_ITEM mylist.add map My XML Parser Class import import import return null catch IOException e Log.e Error e.getMessage return null return DOM return doc public String getValue Element item String str NodeList n item.getElementsByTagName str return this.getElementValue n.item 0 public final String.. nl.getLength i HashMap String String map new HashMap String String Element e Element nl.item i map.put KEY_ITEM parser.getValue e KEY_ITEM mylist.add map android dom xml parsing android xml share improve this question Your getValue method gets..
Getting the battery current values for the Android Phone import android.os.Build import android.util.Log public class CurrentReaderFactory static public Long getValue File f null htc desire hd desire z inspire if Build.MODEL.toLowerCase .contains desire hd Build.MODEL.toLowerCase .contains.. .contains inspire f new File sys class power_supply battery batt_current if f.exists return OneLineReader.getValue f false nexus one cyangoenmod f new File sys devices platform ds2784 battery getcurrent if f.exists return OneLineReader.getValue.. nexus one cyangoenmod f new File sys devices platform ds2784 battery getcurrent if f.exists return OneLineReader.getValue f true sony ericsson xperia x1 f new File sys devices platform i2c adapter i2c 0 0 0036 power_supply ds2746 battery current_now..
Parse JSON object with string and value only name sql id 2 name android id 3 name mvc This that example most common to use and easy to use just use getString id or getValue name . But how do I parse to map using this JSON format with just only string and value minimum format to java map collection..
What's the correct way to implement key-value pair in Spinner in android onItemSelected AdapterView parent View view int position long id MyData d items position valueTextView.setText d.getValue public void onNothingSelected AdapterView parent class MyData public MyData String spinnerText String value this.spinnerText.. value this.spinnerText spinnerText this.value value public String getSpinnerText return spinnerText public String getValue return value public String toString return spinnerText String spinnerText String value android share improve this..
Android Parcelable — return null Product getProduct return product public void setProduct ArrayList Product product this.product product public double getValue return value public void setValue double value this.value value public double getGrossValue return grossValue public void..
NetworkOnMainThread String Element e Element nl.item i add each child node to the HashMap key value String String map.put Name parser.getValue e Name map.put Desc parser.getValue e Desc map.put Link parser.getValue e Link menuItems.add map DONE ListAdapter adapter.. i add each child node to the HashMap key value String String map.put Name parser.getValue e Name map.put Desc parser.getValue e Desc map.put Link parser.getValue e Link menuItems.add map DONE ListAdapter adapter new SimpleAdapter this menuItems R.layout.list_item.. key value String String map.put Name parser.getValue e Name map.put Desc parser.getValue e Desc map.put Link parser.getValue e Link menuItems.add map DONE ListAdapter adapter new SimpleAdapter this menuItems R.layout.list_item new String Name Desc..