android Programming Glossary: getverifier
why TwitterApp give VerifyError? void processToken String callbackUrl mProgressDlg.setMessage Finalizing ... final String verifier getVerifier callbackUrl new Thread @Override public void run int what 1 try mHttpOauthprovider.retrieveAccessToken mHttpOauthConsumer.. 0 catch Exception e e.printStackTrace mHandler.sendMessage mHandler.obtainMessage what 2 0 .start private String getVerifier String callbackUrl String verifier try callbackUrl callbackUrl.replace twitterapp http URL url new URL callbackUrl String..
In Android -How directly post tweet to following users of a authenticate user in android without open Tweet dialog (Message Dialog box) void processToken String callbackUrl mProgressDlg.setMessage Finalizing ... final String verifier getVerifier callbackUrl new Thread @Override public void run int what 1 try mHttpOauthprovider.retrieveAccessToken mHttpOauthConsumer.. getting access token e.printStackTrace mHandler.sendMessage mHandler.obtainMessage what 2 0 .start private String getVerifier String callbackUrl String verifier try callbackUrl callbackUrl.replace twitterapp http URL url new URL callbackUrl String..
Android Tumblr Oauth-signpost 401 by the app they press Allow and my WebViewClient catches the Callback Url and does this with it String token helper.getVerifier url if token null try String accessToken helper.getAccessToken token 1 editor.putString OauthToken accessToken 0 editor.putString.. accessToken 1 editor.commit catch Exception e e.printStackTrace finish The helper class's getAccessToken and getVerifier look like this public String getVerifier String myUrl extract the token if it exists Uri uri Uri.parse myUrl if uri null.. e e.printStackTrace finish The helper class's getAccessToken and getVerifier look like this public String getVerifier String myUrl extract the token if it exists Uri uri Uri.parse myUrl if uri null return null String token uri.getQueryParameter..