android Programming Glossary: fi
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? wifi informations ~ adb shell dumpsys wifi Output Wi Fi is enabled Stay awake conditions 3 Internal state interface..
Android: How to monitor WiFi signal strength How to monitor WiFi signal strength I would receive notifications when signal strength.. and call it in the onCreate private void initializeWiFiListener Log.i TAG executing initializeWiFiListener String connectivity_context.. initializeWiFiListener Log.i TAG executing initializeWiFiListener String connectivity_context Context.WIFI_SERVICE final..
Android: Simulate WiFi in the emulator? Simulate WiFi in the emulator I would like to check from my app whether the.. I would like to check from my app whether the device has WiFi connectivity but in order to do that I must first find a way.. but in order to do that I must first find a way to get WiFi in the emulator. Just going to Settings Wireless controls Wifi..
customised listview using arrayadapter class in android Documentary Drama Foreign History Independent Romance Sci Fi Television Thriller private CheckBoxAdapter mCheckBoxAdapter.. listView.setItemsCanFocus false listView.setTextFilterEnabled true listView.setOnItemClickListener this mCheckBoxAdapter..
How to change the text of a CheckBox in listview? Documentary Drama Foreign History Independent Romance Sci Fi Television Thriller @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. listView.setItemsCanFocus false listView.setTextFilterEnabled true listView.setOnItemClickListener this mCheckBoxAdapter..
How can i call Wi-Fi settings screen from my application using Android can i call Wi Fi settings screen from my application using Android Normally.. my application using Android Normally I am getting Wi Fi setting screen on the emulator by clicking on the Settings Wireless.. controls wifi settings . I need to go directly to the Wi Fi settings screen from my program when pressing on the Wi Fi button..
Check WiFi and GPS isConnected or Not in Android? WiFi and GPS isConnected or Not in Android I would need to check.. You can use the WifiManager class to get the state of Wi Fi. See this question for opening Wi Fi settings. And this question.. get the state of Wi Fi. See this question for opening Wi Fi settings. And this question for GPS status. share improve this..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android I have the connect read write working for TCP IP over Wi Fi and now trying to implement Bluetooth. But I am running into..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function and I may want to stream live mic audio over a Wi Fi network in near real time. Where can I find some specific examples..
Why is Android Geocoder throwing a “Service not Available” exception? has no GPS or mobile network in a scenario where the Wi Fi connection doesn't provide a location the user must manually..
How users/developers can set the Android's proxy configuration for versions 2.x? possible for the user or for the developers to set the Wi Fi Access Point proxy settings in Android versions 2.x I know that.. I don't think there was any platform level support for Wi Fi proxies before Gingerbread or prerhaps Honeycomb. Edit An Android.. didn't have proxies for different network types e.g. Wi Fi until Honeycomb. So there is no official way to get the Wi Fi..
How to provide option to select wi-fi or GPRS for network connectivity in android app to provide option to select wi fi or GPRS for network connectivity in android app In my app i.. i want to provide the user with the option to choose wi fi GPRS for network connectivity to the web server. May be answers.. network connectivity option enabled. 2. How to enable wi fi GPRS on user selection or disable the wi fi if user chooses..
How to Send Desktop Screen to Android is android tablet server is written in java using Wi fi I succeed on doing the mouse and keyboard capabilities now I'm..
How to determine Android internet connection? You can use this to determine whether you are connected final ConnectivityManager connectManager ConnectivityManager ctx.getSystemService.. ctx.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE final NetworkInfo mobile connectManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE.. ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE final NetworkInfo wifi connectManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI..
Android ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent app to let the user take a new picture. It works just fine if we leave out the EXTRA_OUTPUT extra and returns the small.. open and nothing locks up. We can cancel out of it but the file never gets written. What exactly do we have to do to get ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE.. get ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE to write the picture taken to a file Edit This is done via the MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE..
How to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi-fi? to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi fi How to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of.. to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi fi I want to connect a 3G connection is there any sample code to.. is there any sample code to connect to 3G instead of Wi fi android android emulator share improve this question The..
Android apps, communicating with a device plugged in the USB port possibly an accompanying physical device and i'm trying to figure out whether this is something that's feasible. 1 Let's say.. PC to talk to an app on the phone through any other way Wi fi bluetooth etc . I'm guessing no on wi fi since neither party.. any other way Wi fi bluetooth etc . I'm guessing no on wi fi since neither party has the other's IP and I want this to kinda..
How can I effectively debug C code that's wrapped with JNI in Eclipse? (Android Dev) you need to get the stack trace from logcat into a file adb logcat mycrash.log then dump your library to a text file.. adb logcat mycrash.log then dump your library to a text file then run the program on the two of them. Here's the shell.. Android logcat crash echo Usage 0 crash.log exit 1 fi of mktemp echo Disassemble 1 ~ tools android ndk r5 toolchains..
Android, How to handle change in network (from GPRS to Wi-fi and vice-versa) while polling for data How to handle change in network from GPRS to Wi fi and vice versa while polling for data I use DefaultHttpClient.. HttpGet to poll data from server. Now say a user was in Wi fi network and moves out of the room. So the phone automatically.. OS take care to make the changes appropriately android wifi android networking gprs share improve this question You..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android video from Youtube but this code doesn't work with Wi fi connection and work with mobile connection. Where did I have.. video int size huc.getContentLength if huc null String fileName FILE.mp4 String storagePath Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory.. .toString File f new File storagePath fileName FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream f byte buffer..
Capturing mobile phone traffic on wireshark mobile phone traffic on wireshark How can I capture mobile phone traffic on wireshark.. traffic on wireshark How can I capture mobile phone traffic on wireshark android iphone ios networking wireshark share.. an iOS device. See here for more details For all phones wi fi only Set up your PC as a wireless access point then run wireshark..
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? temperature technology Li poly Battery technology 2 Getting wifi informations ~ adb shell dumpsys wifi Output Wi Fi is enabled Stay awake conditions 3 Internal state interface tiwlan0 runState Running SSID XXXXXXX BSSID xx xx xx xx xx xx..
Android: How to monitor WiFi signal strength How to monitor WiFi signal strength I would receive notifications when signal strength changes. I tried to create the following method and.. signal strength changes. I tried to create the following method and call it in the onCreate private void initializeWiFiListener Log.i TAG executing initializeWiFiListener String connectivity_context Context.WIFI_SERVICE final WifiManager wifi.. the following method and call it in the onCreate private void initializeWiFiListener Log.i TAG executing initializeWiFiListener String connectivity_context Context.WIFI_SERVICE final WifiManager wifi WifiManager getSystemService connectivity_context..
Android: Simulate WiFi in the emulator? Simulate WiFi in the emulator I would like to check from my app whether the device has WiFi connectivity but in order to do that I must.. Simulate WiFi in the emulator I would like to check from my app whether the device has WiFi connectivity but in order to do that I must first find a way to get WiFi in the emulator. Just going to Settings Wireless.. to check from my app whether the device has WiFi connectivity but in order to do that I must first find a way to get WiFi in the emulator. Just going to Settings Wireless controls Wifi says Unable to start Wi Fi while logcat says E WifiService..
customised listview using arrayadapter class in android GENRES new String Action Adventure Animation Children Comedy Documentary Drama Foreign History Independent Romance Sci Fi Television Thriller private CheckBoxAdapter mCheckBoxAdapter @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate.. final ListView listView ListView findViewById listView.setItemsCanFocus false listView.setTextFilterEnabled true listView.setOnItemClickListener this mCheckBoxAdapter new CheckBoxAdapter this GENRES listView.setAdapter..
How to change the text of a CheckBox in listview? GENRES new String Action Adventure Animation Children Comedy Documentary Drama Foreign History Independent Romance Sci Fi Television Thriller @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. final ListView listView ListView findViewById listView.setItemsCanFocus false listView.setTextFilterEnabled true listView.setOnItemClickListener this mCheckBoxAdapter new CheckBoxAdapter this GENRES listView.setAdapter..
How can i call Wi-Fi settings screen from my application using Android can i call Wi Fi settings screen from my application using Android Normally I am getting Wi Fi setting screen on the emulator by clicking.. can i call Wi Fi settings screen from my application using Android Normally I am getting Wi Fi setting screen on the emulator by clicking on the Settings Wireless controls wifi settings . I need to go directly to the.. screen on the emulator by clicking on the Settings Wireless controls wifi settings . I need to go directly to the Wi Fi settings screen from my program when pressing on the Wi Fi button which I have created. Contacts call Logs we can handle..
Check WiFi and GPS isConnected or Not in Android? WiFi and GPS isConnected or Not in Android I would need to check the wifi is on or off in the phone at the runtime if it is..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android string commands and receive string responses back. Currently I have the connect read write working for TCP IP over Wi Fi and now trying to implement Bluetooth. But I am running into some roadblocks. I have been searching the web trying to find..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function another class called MediaRecorder but it doesn't support streaming and I may want to stream live mic audio over a Wi Fi network in near real time. Where can I find some specific examples java android audiorecord android hardware share improve..
Why is Android Geocoder throwing a “Service not Available” exception? but not another The app is a location app and as the tablet has no GPS or mobile network in a scenario where the Wi Fi connection doesn't provide a location the user must manually specify it so not being able to use the Geocoder object is..
How users/developers can set the Android's proxy configuration for versions 2.x? configuration for versions 2.x I would like to know if it's possible for the user or for the developers to set the Wi Fi Access Point proxy settings in Android versions 2.x I know that it's possible for 3.x or greater versions editing the AP.. http proxy wifi android wifi share improve this question I don't think there was any platform level support for Wi Fi proxies before Gingerbread or prerhaps Honeycomb. Edit An Android engineer who works on this part of the platform confirms..
How to provide option to select wi-fi or GPRS for network connectivity in android app to provide option to select wi fi or GPRS for network connectivity in android app In my app i want to provide the user with the option to choose wi fi GPRS.. fi or GPRS for network connectivity in android app In my app i want to provide the user with the option to choose wi fi GPRS for network connectivity to the web server. May be answers to the following ques solve my prob ... 1. How to check.. my prob ... 1. How to check which is the current default network connectivity option enabled. 2. How to enable wi fi GPRS on user selection or disable the wi fi if user chooses GPRS if only this option will be required for GPRS to work or..
How to Send Desktop Screen to Android am trying to develop the Remote desktop application where client is android tablet server is written in java using Wi fi I succeed on doing the mouse and keyboard capabilities now I'm having problem on viewing the screen of my desktop on Android...
How to determine Android internet connection? 3G none. android networking share improve this question You can use this to determine whether you are connected final ConnectivityManager connectManager ConnectivityManager ctx.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE final NetworkInfo.. final ConnectivityManager connectManager ConnectivityManager ctx.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE final NetworkInfo mobile connectManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE final NetworkInfo wifi connectManager.getNetworkInfo.. Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE final NetworkInfo mobile connectManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE final NetworkInfo wifi connectManager.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI Return true if connected either in 3G or..
Android ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE Intent Intent We are trying to use the native camera app to let the user take a new picture. It works just fine if we leave out the EXTRA_OUTPUT extra and returns the small Bitmap image. However if we putExtra EXTRA_OUTPUT ... on.. app. The Ok button just does nothing. The camera app stays open and nothing locks up. We can cancel out of it but the file never gets written. What exactly do we have to do to get ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE to write the picture taken to a file Edit.. the file never gets written. What exactly do we have to do to get ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE to write the picture taken to a file Edit This is done via the MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE intent just to be clear android camera return value android..
How to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi-fi? to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi fi How to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi fi I want to connect a 3G connection is there any sample.. 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi fi How to use 3G Connection in Android Application instead of Wi fi I want to connect a 3G connection is there any sample code to connect to 3G instead of Wi fi android android emulator .. Application instead of Wi fi I want to connect a 3G connection is there any sample code to connect to 3G instead of Wi fi android android emulator share improve this question The T Mobile 'My Account app does this if you are connected to..
Android apps, communicating with a device plugged in the USB port in the USB port I'm thinking about an Android app with possibly an accompanying physical device and i'm trying to figure out whether this is something that's feasible. 1 Let's say I plug my Android to my PC. Would it be possible for an app.. worth the shot. 2 Would it be possible for an app on the PC to talk to an app on the phone through any other way Wi fi bluetooth etc . I'm guessing no on wi fi since neither party has the other's IP and I want this to kinda just work not having.. for an app on the PC to talk to an app on the phone through any other way Wi fi bluetooth etc . I'm guessing no on wi fi since neither party has the other's IP and I want this to kinda just work not having to input IPs manually all the time..
How can I effectively debug C code that's wrapped with JNI in Eclipse? (Android Dev) NDK Stacktrace Analyzer . The steps are on the wiki but basically you need to get the stack trace from logcat into a file adb logcat mycrash.log then dump your library to a text file then run the program on the two of them. Here's the shell.. you need to get the stack trace from logcat into a file adb logcat mycrash.log then dump your library to a text file then run the program on the two of them. Here's the shell script I use to do the lot # bin sh if test # lt 2 then echo.. if test # lt 2 then echo Extract readable stack trace from Android logcat crash echo Usage 0 crash.log exit 1 fi of mktemp echo Disassemble 1 ~ tools android ndk r5 toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux x86 bin arm linux..
Android, How to handle change in network (from GPRS to Wi-fi and vice-versa) while polling for data How to handle change in network from GPRS to Wi fi and vice versa while polling for data I use DefaultHttpClient and HttpGet to poll data from server. Now say a user was.. versa while polling for data I use DefaultHttpClient and HttpGet to poll data from server. Now say a user was in Wi fi network and moves out of the room. So the phone automatically starts using the 3G network. Are there any call backs for.. such changes. Should I start polling again or does the OS take care to make the changes appropriately android wifi android networking gprs share improve this question You can set up a Receiver in your manifest receiver android name..
Code for download video from Youtube on Java, Android video from Youtube on Java Android I created code for download video from Youtube but this code doesn't work with Wi fi connection and work with mobile connection. Where did I have mistake import import huc HttpURLConnection u.openConnection to know the size of video int size huc.getContentLength if huc null String fileName FILE.mp4 String storagePath Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File f new File storagePath fileName.. fileName FILE.mp4 String storagePath Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory .toString File f new File storagePath fileName FileOutputStream fos new FileOutputStream f byte buffer new byte 1024 int len1 0 if is null while len1
Capturing mobile phone traffic on wireshark mobile phone traffic on wireshark How can I capture mobile phone traffic on wireshark android iphone ios networking wireshark share improve.. mobile phone traffic on wireshark How can I capture mobile phone traffic on wireshark android iphone ios networking wireshark share improve this question Here are some suggestions For Android.. use Mac OS X packet trace programs to capture traces from an iOS device. See here for more details For all phones wi fi only Set up your PC as a wireless access point then run wireshark on the PC For all phones wi fi only Get a capture device..