android Programming Glossary: feels
Why does Intent.createChooser() need a BroadcastReceiver and how to implement? ReceiverDispatcher. 763 This feels like an Android bug because my own code doesn't call registerReceiver..
Android App Crashes Suddenly while running? first thing which struck my mind was that may be Android feels their is low memory so it terminates my App and than restarts..
Querying and working with Cursors in SQLite on Android in SQLite on Android Not sure if I'm the only one who feels this... I find working with the sqlite api in android a complete..
Navigation Drawer (Google+ vs. YouTube) like to experience what a beautiful slide menu looks and feels like download Prixing Evernote Spotify android android layout..
Best way to accomplish inter-activity communication in an Android TabHost application and update their map list. It's much faster but still feels slightly hack ish especially the part where I'm calling a custom..
GridLayout and Row/Column Span Woe android gridlayout share improve this question It feels pretty hacky but I managed to get the correct look by adding..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? Android can very well totally destroy your app whenever it feels like it . What's up with that I am starting to think that it's..
Android: SQLite one-to-many design I reparse to String inside ContentProvider#insert . That feels yucky so maybe someone can hint how it can be done in cleaner..
Detecting which selected item (in a ListView) spawned the ContextMenu (Android) id record position id whatever here return false but that feels majorly kludgey to me. Does anyone have any better solutions..
Vertical line using XML drawable the one that I marked as correct. It does the trick though feels a bit heavy thus if you happen to know the answer don't forget..
Creating ViewHolders for ListViews with different item layouts My problem is that this can get really ugly looking and feels really hacky especially when an item layout may have many Views..
Android Browser textarea scrolls all over the place, is unusable The above issues are even more pronounced there. This feels like a bug with Android as there really isn't anything fancy..
Create an Android Jar library for distribution layouts in the JAR. I've seen http but it feels like a workaround and I would rather use something 'officially..
Android MapView -setting zoom automatically until all ItemizedOverlay's are visible are visible hard coding the setZoom within onCreate feels very antiquated and I'd like to enhance the user experience..
How can I work around Android issue 9161, where bottomRightRadius and bottomLeftRadius are swapped? corners radius share improve this question This feels like such a hack but it worked. The buttons were originally..
How to allow the user to select a text range in a TextView (Similar to EditText) to use either a TextView or an EditText which looks and feels like a TextView and be able to select text using a dragging..
Android ACTION_MOVE Threshold different devices may vary. eg on a Galaxy Tab 2.0 7.0 it feels like we are able to draw shorter minimum strokes using the same..
GridView rows overlapping: how to make row height fit the tallest item? screen and it also wouldn't be an AdapterView which this feels like it ought to be. Edit in fact clone and own is not practical..
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED firing like crazy will be broadcast whenever the hardware feels like it. Also bear in mind that other data changes within that..
Android ProgressBar UI custom layout progressbar share improve this question The solution feels weird answering your own First one problem was that progress..
Why does Intent.createChooser() need a BroadcastReceiver and how to implement? 04 08 21 26 19.094 E ActivityThread 27894 at ReceiverDispatcher. 763 This feels like an Android bug because my own code doesn't call registerReceiver so why is Android complaining that I need to call..
Android App Crashes Suddenly while running? with in the Application class itself. What I have done The first thing which struck my mind was that may be Android feels their is low memory so it terminates my App and than restarts it automatically. So I implemented onLowMemory of Application..
Querying and working with Cursors in SQLite on Android and working with Cursors in SQLite on Android Not sure if I'm the only one who feels this... I find working with the sqlite api in android a complete pain in the butt and pretty soul destroying. Has anyone..
Navigation Drawer (Google+ vs. YouTube) original screen back it works just like G . Apps If you would like to experience what a beautiful slide menu looks and feels like download Prixing Evernote Spotify android android layout android actionbar navigation drawer share improve this..
Best way to accomplish inter-activity communication in an Android TabHost application child activity that then grab the data in a synchronized fashion and update their map list. It's much faster but still feels slightly hack ish especially the part where I'm calling a custom function in the parent activity like so MainActivity getParent..
GridLayout and Row/Column Span Woe diagram from the blog post using a GridLayout Thanks android android gridlayout share improve this question It feels pretty hacky but I managed to get the correct look by adding an extra column and row beyond what is needed. Then I filled..
Quitting an application - is that frowned upon? Apparently you cannot quit an application in Android but Android can very well totally destroy your app whenever it feels like it . What's up with that I am starting to think that it's impossible to write an app that functions as a normal app..
Android: SQLite one-to-many design String value I generate a comma delimited String which then I reparse to String inside ContentProvider#insert . That feels yucky so maybe someone can hint how it can be done in cleaner fashion. Here's some code. First from the model class public..
Detecting which selected item (in a ListView) spawned the ContextMenu (Android) onItemLongClick AdapterView parent View v int position long id record position id whatever here return false but that feels majorly kludgey to me. Does anyone have any better solutions for this android listview contextmenu share improve this..
Vertical line using XML drawable Android XML Manual UPDATE I found no other way other than the one that I marked as correct. It does the trick though feels a bit heavy thus if you happen to know the answer don't forget to share android android layout line android xml android..
Creating ViewHolders for ListViews with different item layouts 3 TextView variables and only use 1 of them for my other item. My problem is that this can get really ugly looking and feels really hacky especially when an item layout may have many Views of many different types. Here is a very basic getView @Override..
Android Browser textarea scrolls all over the place, is unusable scroll within it. Don't even get me started on landscape mode. The above issues are even more pronounced there. This feels like a bug with Android as there really isn't anything fancy about my textarea. I've stripped it down to the bare essentials..
Create an Android Jar library for distribution a vanilla Java JAR file. FWIW I do not need to embed resources layouts in the JAR. I've seen http but it feels like a workaround and I would rather use something 'officially supported' by Google. Also I need to make sure that the JAR..
Android MapView -setting zoom automatically until all ItemizedOverlay's are visible MapView setting zoom automatically until all ItemizedOverlay's are visible hard coding the setZoom within onCreate feels very antiquated and I'd like to enhance the user experience by initially having the MapView set the zoom until all GeoPoints..
How can I work around Android issue 9161, where bottomRightRadius and bottomLeftRadius are swapped? other suggestions on how to work around the bug android rounded corners radius share improve this question This feels like such a hack but it worked. The buttons were originally made up of 1 an outer shadow 2 a top half gradient and 3 a bottom..
How to allow the user to select a text range in a TextView (Similar to EditText) need to use what I was attempting above. I ultimately want to use either a TextView or an EditText which looks and feels like a TextView and be able to select text using a dragging cursor. Then I would like to manipulate the selected text with..
Android ACTION_MOVE Threshold is that the actual minimum stroke length as perceived on different devices may vary. eg on a Galaxy Tab 2.0 7.0 it feels like we are able to draw shorter minimum strokes using the same code base than when running on a Galaxy Tab 2.0 10.1 You..
GridView rows overlapping: how to make row height fit the tallest item? myself since I want e.g. just one long column on a phone screen and it also wouldn't be an AdapterView which this feels like it ought to be. Edit in fact clone and own is not practical here. GridView depends on inaccessible parts of its parent..
ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED firing like crazy percent decrease Where do you see that documented AFAIK ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED will be broadcast whenever the hardware feels like it. Also bear in mind that other data changes within that Intent such as temperature. If you want to implement this..
Android ProgressBar UI custom layout I add the left and right rings The resource android android progressbar share improve this question The solution feels weird answering your own First one problem was that progress drawable had a different size than background stupid me . Also..