android Programming Glossary: february
How to set Adapter to Auto Complete Text view? AutoCompleteTextView myAutoComplete String item January February March April May June July August September October November..
Custom Listview with CheckBox single selection ImageAdapter adapter private static String month January February March April May June July August September October November..
How to get the current lcoation in Google Maps Android API v2? thinks I'm spam because I have no rep. Update on February 4th 2013 Google has stated that the issue will be fixed in the..
Best Android 2.0 development book? [closed] three authors with Android 2.0 ready books by the end of February 2010. I can tell you that One of my books will be updated to..
how to get current week days in calender Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat private final String months January February March April May June July August September October November..
how to show previousmonth dates in calender c c12 m d y mYear 100 y12 mYear 1 100 only for January and February c mYear 100 c12 mYear 1 100 m mMonth d 1 switch mMonth case.. c c12 m d y mYear 100 y12 mYear 1 100 only for January and February c mYear 100 c12 mYear 1 100 m mMonth d 1 switch mMonth case..
How to use and package a JAR file with my Android app? set the Order and Export in your Eclipse project. Update February 2012 Pacerier mentions in the comment having an issue ClassNotFound..
External USB devices to Android phones? email updates. There was also work on a patch back in February 2010 http group android kernel browse_thread..
Android: Multiple Alarm not working PI_2M_GST_4 for the GST 20 February 2012 AM_2M_GST_5 AlarmManager getApplicationContext .getSystemService.. in5.putExtra MyMessage Your GST tax is due on 18 February 2012 PI_2M_GST_5 PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 4 in5 PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT.. Calendar calendar_GST_18_February_2012 Calendar.getInstance calendar_GST_18_February_2012.setTimeInMillis..
How to set Adapter to Auto Complete Text view? extends Activity implements TextWatcher AutoCompleteTextView myAutoComplete String item January February March April May June July August September October November December Called when the activity is first created. @Override..
Custom Listview with CheckBox single selection solutions for that then please let me know. private ImageAdapter adapter private static String month January February March April May June July August September October November December Called when the activity is first created. @Override..
How to get the current lcoation in Google Maps Android API v2? the new API. Also sorry for not posting more links StackOverlow thinks I'm spam because I have no rep. Update on February 4th 2013 Google has stated that the issue will be fixed in the next update to the Google Maps API via Issue 4644 . I am..
Best Android 2.0 development book? [closed] 2.0 coverage. I will be impressed if there are more than three authors with Android 2.0 ready books by the end of February 2010. I can tell you that One of my books will be updated to be compatible with Android 2.0 within the next few days. However..
how to get current week days in calender DAY_OFFSET 1 private final String weekdays new String Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat private final String months January February March April May June July August September October November December private final int daysOfMonth 31 28 31 30 31 30 31..
how to show previousmonth dates in calender 4 0 mYear 100 0 mYear 400 0 month 1 else month 0 int y y12 c c12 m d y mYear 100 y12 mYear 1 100 only for January and February c mYear 100 c12 mYear 1 100 m mMonth d 1 switch mMonth case 1 first_day y12 y12 4 c12 4 2 c12 26 13 1 10 d 1 break case.. 4 0 mYear 100 0 mYear 400 0 month 1 else month 0 int y y12 c c12 m d y mYear 100 y12 mYear 1 100 only for January and February c mYear 100 c12 mYear 1 100 m mMonth d 1 switch mMonth case 1 first_day y12 y12 4 c12 4 2 c12 26 13 1 10 d 1 break case..
How to use and package a JAR file with my Android app? Add Jar yourjar.jar You must add it as external JAR files and set the Order and Export in your Eclipse project. Update February 2012 Pacerier mentions in the comment having an issue ClassNotFound even though he did declare the library. He had However..
External USB devices to Android phones? log in and star it yourself both to vote for it and to receive email updates. There was also work on a patch back in February 2010 http group android kernel browse_thread thread c8471573d7553331 and there's info on using a USB keyboard..
Android: Multiple Alarm not working 0 AM_2M_GST_4.set AlarmManager.RTC_WAKEUP calendar_GST_17_December_2011.getTimeInMillis PI_2M_GST_4 for the GST 20 February 2012 AM_2M_GST_5 AlarmManager getApplicationContext .getSystemService Context.ALARM_SERVICE Intent in5 new Intent this.. in5 new Intent this AlarmReceiverNotificationForTwoMonth.class in5.putExtra MyMessage Your GST tax is due on 18 February 2012 PI_2M_GST_5 PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 4 in5 PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT Calendar calendar_GST_18_February_2012.. 2012 PI_2M_GST_5 PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 4 in5 PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT Calendar calendar_GST_18_February_2012 Calendar.getInstance calendar_GST_18_February_2012.setTimeInMillis System.currentTimeMillis calendar_GST_18_February_2012.set..