android Programming Glossary: feeling
How can I maintain fragment state when added to the back stack? is created and the state it was in is lost. I get the feeling I'm after the same thing as this question but I've included..
Trying to build a correct SOAP Request parameters ExecuteMethod v Body v Envelope I have a feeling that the problem is in the header with the n0 prefixes but I..
Confusion on YUV NV21 conversion to RGB both a V and U are flipped b R and B are flipped I have a feeling that when both of these things are flipped it will produce the..
how to force overflow menu in Actionbar using Actionbarsherlock on < 4.0 devices [duplicate] ForceOverFlow the action bar in Action Modes . I have a feeling after checking the relevant Java files on github that the answer..
Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec camera's colorspace and the encoder's colorspace I have a feeling this is more of a H.264 related question than a Android MediaCodec..
Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements apps will always have a better user experience and general feeling. You will spend much more time fixing the app then building..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk [duplicate] in which the changes to the project were NONE. So I am feeling quite frustrated now because I have actually changed NOTHING..
Android SMS receiver not working [closed] up and debugging breakpoints are never hit so I have a feeling it's somewhere in my intent filter. I'm running this on Android..
Android AnimationDrawable and knowing when animation ends . After having searched for answers I'm having a bad feeling the AnimationDrawable does not support listeners.. Does anyone..
Custom Drawable for ProgressBar/ProgressDialog limited documentation that Google has provided I get the feeling that it is possible to change the look drawable of a ProgressBar..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android are not supported on Android awesome but I have a feeling there's more to it than that because none of the sample code..
How do you have the code pause for a couple of seconds in android? thread. The UI thread is responsible for keeping your app feeling responsive. Any work you do there should not block do what you..
Detect touch press vs long press vs movement? and if it's 3 in MOVE I execute my move code. But I have a feeling this isn't really the way to go. I also haven't found out how..
Android phone orientation overview including compass Then I realised I didn't. Now I think hope I have a better feeling for it again but I am still not 100 . I will try and explain..
Android:How to programmatically set an Activity's theme to Theme.Dialog p android issues detail id 4394 .But there is a strong feeling that it can be done. All suggestions are welcome. android activity..
Android regular task (cronjob equivalent) timer cron share improve this question I have a feeling this may help http 2009 01 using..
Do I need 14 different layouts to support all Android devices? layouts to support all Android devices I'm really feeling confused. From the docs at it seems in..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? inside onCreate via getFragment. But I still have a string feeling that things shouldn't work like thant... See code below @Override..
Gmail-like ListView with checkboxes (and using the ActionBar) created my own Cursor adapter which works fine . I have a feeling I need to set up listeners in this class in the newView and..
Mobile development - Native VS Cross Platform VS JavaScript [closed] spend time with top 50 apps on each market. You will get a feeling how high the bar is. Then check apps made with cross platform..
How can I maintain fragment state when added to the back stack? I return to FragmentA by pressing back a totally new FragmentA is created and the state it was in is lost. I get the feeling I'm after the same thing as this question but I've included a complete code sample to help root out the issue public class..
Trying to build a correct SOAP Request i type n1 Parameter Name string Name Value string Value Parameter parameters ExecuteMethod v Body v Envelope I have a feeling that the problem is in the header with the n0 prefixes but I have no clue how to get rid of them. I removed them from from..
Confusion on YUV NV21 conversion to RGB salt. However I believe you are right. I think in their code both a V and U are flipped b R and B are flipped I have a feeling that when both of these things are flipped it will produce the same result as if they arent' flipped. That's the reason..
how to force overflow menu in Actionbar using Actionbarsherlock on < 4.0 devices [duplicate] out by the OP in a comment the Demos Sample APK in fact does ForceOverFlow the action bar in Action Modes . I have a feeling after checking the relevant Java files on github that the answer to that lies perhaps in 3 Java files. The Activity ActionModes..
Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec And which settings should I use to make a match between the camera's colorspace and the encoder's colorspace I have a feeling this is more of a H.264 related question than a Android MediaCodec topic. Or am I still not using the MediaCodec API correctly..
Struggling between native and phonegap, simple app requirements much better page transitions. To make this short native apps will always have a better user experience and general feeling. You will spend much more time fixing the app then building it. Creating an app for each and every platform is a pain in..
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException after changing nothing in the project but upgrading eclipse android sdk [duplicate] asked questions but have not found any of the situations in which the changes to the project were NONE. So I am feeling quite frustrated now because I have actually changed NOTHING and my project has stopped working android classnotfoundexception..
Android SMS receiver not working [closed] monitoring the emulator's logcat the log events never come up and debugging breakpoints are never hit so I have a feeling it's somewhere in my intent filter. I'm running this on Android 2.0.1. android sms broadcastreceiver intentfilter share..
Android AnimationDrawable and knowing when animation ends it ends i.e add a listener like the Animation.AnimationListener . After having searched for answers I'm having a bad feeling the AnimationDrawable does not support listeners.. Does anyone know how to do frame by frame image animation on Android..
Custom Drawable for ProgressBar/ProgressDialog Drawable for ProgressBar ProgressDialog Reading the limited documentation that Google has provided I get the feeling that it is possible to change the look drawable of a ProgressBar ProgressDialog by simply creating a new style an assigning..
Using client/server certificates for two way authentication SSL socket on Android a bit and it looks like there's a possibility that Java Keystores are not supported on Android awesome but I have a feeling there's more to it than that because none of the sample code I've found resembles what I'm trying to do at all. Everything..
How do you have the code pause for a couple of seconds in android? here. You can do it. The first rule is never stall the UI thread. The UI thread is responsible for keeping your app feeling responsive. Any work you do there should not block do what you need to do and return as quickly as possible. Definitely..
Detect touch press vs long press vs movement? which I set to 0 on ACTION_DOWN increase in MOVE and if it's 3 in MOVE I execute my move code. But I have a feeling this isn't really the way to go. I also haven't found out how to detect a long press. The culprit really is the MOVE which..
Android phone orientation overview including compass orientation sensors for a while. I thought I understood it. Then I realised I didn't. Now I think hope I have a better feeling for it again but I am still not 100 . I will try and explain my patchy understanding of it and hopefully people will be..
Android:How to programmatically set an Activity's theme to Theme.Dialog says it can't be done here is the post http p android issues detail id 4394 .But there is a strong feeling that it can be done. All suggestions are welcome. android activity dialog themes share improve this question Would..
Android regular task (cronjob equivalent)
Do I need 14 different layouts to support all Android devices? I need 14 different layouts to support all Android devices I'm really feeling confused. From the docs at it seems in order to keep my images scaled correctly aspect ratio too across..
ViewPager and fragments ??what's the right way to store fragment's state? of host Activity with putFragment and get 'em inside onCreate via getFragment. But I still have a string feeling that things shouldn't work like thant... See code below @Override protected void onSaveInstanceState Bundle outState super.onSaveInstanceState..
Gmail-like ListView with checkboxes (and using the ActionBar) loading data from a SQLite database into the list and I've created my own Cursor adapter which works fine . I have a feeling I need to set up listeners in this class in the newView and bindView methods but everything I've tried hasn't worked. Any..
Mobile development - Native VS Cross Platform VS JavaScript [closed] amount of time days using you competitors apps. Also spend time with top 50 apps on each market. You will get a feeling how high the bar is. Then check apps made with cross platform tools you can find links on their sites and compare. share..