android Programming Glossary: fb
Android Facebook chat example project any one know facebook chat example app or way to implement fb chat in android android facebook facebook graph api facebook..
Android Facebook SDK 3.0 gives “remote_app_id does not match stored id” while logging in CLOSED_LOGIN_FAILED and LogCat is 12 16 00 03 40.510 W fb4a fb OrcaServiceQueue 4105 com.facebook.orca.protocol.base.ApiException.. and LogCat is 12 16 00 03 40.510 W fb4a fb OrcaServiceQueue 4105 com.facebook.orca.protocol.base.ApiException..
Android Facebook remote_app_id does not match stored id Error getting this error my logcat error 02 14 18 00 01.821 WARN fb4a fb OrcaServiceQueue 10988 Exception during service 02 14 18.. this error my logcat error 02 14 18 00 01.821 WARN fb4a fb OrcaServiceQueue 10988 Exception during service 02 14 18 00.. 10988 Exception during service 02 14 18 00 01.821 WARN fb4a fb OrcaServiceQueue 10988 com.facebook.orca.protocol.base.ApiException..
Post message to facebook wall from android fb sdk always error message to facebook wall from android fb sdk always error I have problem with fb sdk for Android downloaded.. wall from android fb sdk always error I have problem with fb sdk for Android downloaded from http facebook facebook.. always get error permission already set and logged in to fb here is the code snippet onClick function i made small modifications..
Open Facebook page from Android app? app is installed of course . For iPhone there exists the fb URL scheme but trying the same thing on my Android device throws.. 0 return new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse fb profile id_here catch Exception e return new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW..
“An error's occurred” when authenticating with Facebook's android sdk the facebook dialog public class Base private Facebook fb public Base fb new Facebook app_id_here public void onCreate.. dialog public class Base private Facebook fb public Base fb new Facebook app_id_here public void onCreate Bundle b super.onCreate.. onCreate Bundle b super.onCreate b private void doLogin fb.authorize this new DialogListener public void onComplete Bundle..
upload video to facebook in android e Error Stream contains JSON that we can parse to a FB error response read conn.getErrorStream return response Put..
Facebook API login fails with FB app installed on phone API login fails with FB app installed on phone I am building an app which is going.. original Git repos. The problem is with login if original FB app is not installed on phone the login is going through custom.. is going through custom dialog and everything works but if FB app is installed the Hackbook automatically redirect to original..
Share a Facebook app ID across apps Android I faced any difficulty over it. Of course at time I feel FB neglects the Android platform considering the lack of documentation..
Menu like Facebook and Sliding from One View to Another by touch in Android 2.2 in Android 2.2 I want to implement a sliding Menu like FB or G app and I have found some sample code from FB Menu Demo.. like FB or G app and I have found some sample code from FB Menu Demo and https jfeinstein10 SlidingMenu These..
App is misconfigured for facebook login - not returning the logcat , after setting ENABLE_LOG to true in native FaceBook App . But i want to login using Native FB . thanks in advance . . . . . . android facebook share improve.. Use the password android Option 2 Print key hash sent to FB A variation of Facebook SDK for Android Example app won't work..
Set permission for getting User's email ID from Facebook Login First Name firstName System.out.println FB USER ID fb_user_id @Override public void onActivityResult.. First Name firstName System.out.println FB USER ID fb_user_id Now I'm able to get email permission..
How does Facebook add badge numbers on app icon in Android? in an appropriate environment i.e. the same device where FB demonstrates this behavior android facebook badge share improve..
Post message to facebook wall from android fb sdk always error it works really well. I just check the source code of the FB SDK and it seems it has changed a lot... I found this on the..
How to get a contact's facebook id or url from native contacts / content resolver? now I fetch an cache all contact names id mappings via FB Graph api http me friends and use that for..
Android Facebook Graph API to update status void onFacebookError FacebookError e Log.d FACEBOOK ERROR FB ERROR. MSG e.getMessage CAUSE e.getCause @Override public void..
“An error's occurred” when authenticating with Facebook's android sdk also added the key hash under Mobile and Devices on the FB app settings page and this isn't the same problem as found over..
How to customize share intent in Android? and share directly to one social network for example FB or twitter any advice how to do that android share share..
Keytool alias does not exist is 64 88 A2 FC AA 9F B1 B0 CA E4 D0 24 A8 1E 77 FB This is working but I am getting small error here this is my..
Android - How to filter specific apps for ACTION_SEND intent want every sharing option there I'd rather limit it to FB Twitter and Email and 2 I don't want to share the same thing..
Android Facebook chat example project here . also i got the facebook chat doc here Same way Did any one know facebook chat example app or way to implement fb chat in android android facebook facebook graph api facebook chat share improve this question There is one Android..
Android Facebook SDK 3.0 gives “remote_app_id does not match stored id” while logging in It just simply gives me a SessionState with CLOSED_LOGIN_FAILED and LogCat is 12 16 00 03 40.510 W fb4a fb OrcaServiceQueue 4105 com.facebook.orca.protocol.base.ApiException remote_app_id does not match stored id I have searched.. It just simply gives me a SessionState with CLOSED_LOGIN_FAILED and LogCat is 12 16 00 03 40.510 W fb4a fb OrcaServiceQueue 4105 com.facebook.orca.protocol.base.ApiException remote_app_id does not match stored id I have searched..
Android Facebook remote_app_id does not match stored id Error In my application user have to login via facebook but i am getting this error my logcat error 02 14 18 00 01.821 WARN fb4a fb OrcaServiceQueue 10988 Exception during service 02 14 18 00 01.821 WARN fb4a fb OrcaServiceQueue 10988 com.facebook.orca.protocol.base.ApiException.. application user have to login via facebook but i am getting this error my logcat error 02 14 18 00 01.821 WARN fb4a fb OrcaServiceQueue 10988 Exception during service 02 14 18 00 01.821 WARN fb4a fb OrcaServiceQueue 10988 com.facebook.orca.protocol.base.ApiException.. logcat error 02 14 18 00 01.821 WARN fb4a fb OrcaServiceQueue 10988 Exception during service 02 14 18 00 01.821 WARN fb4a fb OrcaServiceQueue 10988 com.facebook.orca.protocol.base.ApiException remote_app_id does not match stored id 02 14 18..
Post message to facebook wall from android fb sdk always error message to facebook wall from android fb sdk always error I have problem with fb sdk for Android downloaded from http facebook facebook android sdk ... message to facebook wall from android fb sdk always error I have problem with fb sdk for Android downloaded from http facebook facebook android sdk . Tried to post wall but always get error.. facebook facebook android sdk . Tried to post wall but always get error permission already set and logged in to fb here is the code snippet onClick function i made small modifications on their sample code Bundle params new Bundle params.putString..
Open Facebook page from Android app? to a Facebook profile in the official Facebook app if the app is installed of course . For iPhone there exists the fb URL scheme but trying the same thing on my Android device throws an ActivityNotFoundException . Is there a chance to open.. try context.getPackageManager .getPackageInfo com.facebook.katana 0 return new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse fb profile id_here catch Exception e return new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW Uri.parse https user_name_here ..
“An error's occurred” when authenticating with Facebook's android sdk a response in the callback until I hit the return key to leave the facebook dialog public class Base private Facebook fb public Base fb new Facebook app_id_here public void onCreate Bundle b super.onCreate b private void doLogin fb.authorize.. the callback until I hit the return key to leave the facebook dialog public class Base private Facebook fb public Base fb new Facebook app_id_here public void onCreate Bundle b super.onCreate b private void doLogin fb.authorize this new DialogListener.. fb public Base fb new Facebook app_id_here public void onCreate Bundle b super.onCreate b private void doLogin fb.authorize this new DialogListener public void onComplete Bundle values Toast.makeText getApplicationContext values.toString..
upload video to facebook in android try response read conn.getInputStream catch FileNotFoundException e Error Stream contains JSON that we can parse to a FB error response read conn.getErrorStream return response Put above function in that Util.Java and comment the same function..
Facebook API login fails with FB app installed on phone API login fails with FB app installed on phone I am building an app which is going to have support for facebook. I have downloaded facebook API.. facebook API and their sample called Hackbook from original Git repos. The problem is with login if original FB app is not installed on phone the login is going through custom dialog and everything works but if FB app is installed the.. if original FB app is not installed on phone the login is going through custom dialog and everything works but if FB app is installed the Hackbook automatically redirect to original FB app and then nothing happened. It's impossible to login...
Share a Facebook app ID across apps Android my free and paid app for over 5 months now. And not once have I faced any difficulty over it. Of course at time I feel FB neglects the Android platform considering the lack of documentation vis a vis iOS. I doubt if you will find any definitive..
Menu like Facebook and Sliding from One View to Another by touch in Android 2.2 like Facebook and Sliding from One View to Another by touch in Android 2.2 I want to implement a sliding Menu like FB or G app and I have found some sample code from FB Menu Demo and https jfeinstein10 SlidingMenu These are good.. by touch in Android 2.2 I want to implement a sliding Menu like FB or G app and I have found some sample code from FB Menu Demo and https jfeinstein10 SlidingMenu These are good to begin with But I need something extra from them...
App is misconfigured for facebook login - not returning the logcat , after setting ENABLE_LOG to true in .and also that i am getting it right when i use the app without native FaceBook App . But i want to login using Native FB . thanks in advance . . . . . . android facebook share improve this question Assuming you're using the latest 3.0 SDK.. OpenSSL bin openssl sha1 binary C OpenSSL bin openssl base64 Use the password android Option 2 Print key hash sent to FB A variation of Facebook SDK for Android Example app won't work Add this code to your activity try PackageInfo info getPackageManager..
Set permission for getting User's email ID from Facebook Login .println Facebook Access token access_token System.out.println First Name firstName System.out.println FB USER ID fb_user_id @Override public void onActivityResult int requestCode int resultCode Intent data super.onActivityResult.. .println Facebook Access token access_token System.out.println First Name firstName System.out.println FB USER ID fb_user_id Now I'm able to get email permission with rest of the publish permission. Marking this as..
How does Facebook add badge numbers on app icon in Android? some API for this that I can use in my own app when running in an appropriate environment i.e. the same device where FB demonstrates this behavior android facebook badge share improve this question But somehow the latest Facebook beta..
Post message to facebook wall from android fb sdk always error really weird... I have an app which uses the same syntax but it works really well. I just check the source code of the FB SDK and it seems it has changed a lot... I found this on the SDK src for String key params.keySet if params.getByteArray..
How to get a contact's facebook id or url from native contacts / content resolver?
Android Facebook Graph API to update status values.getString Facebook.TOKEN @Override public void onFacebookError FacebookError e Log.d FACEBOOK ERROR FB ERROR. MSG e.getMessage CAUSE e.getCause @Override public void onError DialogError e Log.e ERROR AUTH ERROR. MSG e.getMessage..
“An error's occurred” when authenticating with Facebook's android sdk or where how I can find what's causing the error P.S I've also added the key hash under Mobile and Devices on the FB app settings page and this isn't the same problem as found over at login failed invalid key error with facebook sdk I've..
How to customize share intent in Android? intent Share with but i need the dialog not to appear and share directly to one social network for example FB or twitter any advice how to do that android share share improve this question No you can't. Intent's are supposed..
Keytool alias does not exist storepass android keypass android Here the MD5 certificate fingerprint is 64 88 A2 FC AA 9F B1 B0 CA E4 D0 24 A8 1E 77 FB This is working but I am getting small error here this is my path C ANDROID Java jdk1.6.0 bin keytool.exe list alias androiddebugkey..
Android - How to filter specific apps for ACTION_SEND intent the ACTION_SEND intent is great but the problem is 1 I don't want every sharing option there I'd rather limit it to FB Twitter and Email and 2 I don't want to share the same thing to each sharing app . For example in my twitter share I'm going..