android Programming Glossary: fetching
Android songs fetching from SD card songs fetching from SD card I am fetching my songs from the SD card and putting.. songs fetching from SD card I am fetching my songs from the SD card and putting him to the list view...
Passing image from one activity another activity image in Activity1 and display it in Activity2. I'm fetching image id of clicked image like this ImageView v .getId and passing..
I want to let user add multiple items by action sequence items by action sequence I am making an app in which i am fetching data using JSON into ListView and allowing user to view selected.. Form i just want to show Item's Title and Cost those i am fetching into SingleMenuItem form using Intent from ListView Form and..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android Birthdays in Android I am writing an app in which i am fetching list of Facebook Friends using Hackbook Sample Code but now..
Android: Changing an ImageView src depending on database field data wrap_content I just really have no clue how I'd go about fetching the right drawable depending on the type of note that has been..
How can I update information in an Android Activity from a background Service be in sync with the in my case Service that is calculating fetching the data constantly. Thanks in advance java android android..
AsyncTask, RejectedExecutionException and Task Limit RejectedExecutionException and Task Limit I am fetching lots of thumbnails from a remote server and displaying them..
Ideal way to cancel an executing AsyncTask an executing AsyncTask I am running remote audio file fetching and audio file playback operations in a background thread using..
Android: OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget with no reason I can see bitmap size exceeds VM budget And it happens when fetching the fifth image. I have tried to change the size of my image..
AsyncTask threads never die (Android) This works well and keeps the interface responsive while fetching the data but when I checked out what was going on in the Eclipse..
Out of memory exception due to large bitmap size to limited virtual memory heap size. Here is my code for fetching bitmap from server @SuppressWarnings unchecked public class..
Android, google maps and drawing route [closed] lat long and destination lat long for your purpose points fetching import import java.util.ArrayList import..
Android: AsyncTask vs Service that cannot be run of the UI thread. A common example is fetching processing data when a button is pressed. Service s are designed.. running in the background. In the example above of fetching data when a button is pressed you could start a service let..
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread Handlers but doesn't run in the UI thread so its good for fetching data for instance fetching webservices. Later you can interact.. the UI thread so its good for fetching data for instance fetching webservices. Later you can interact with the UI. Threads however..
Android HTML ImageGetter as AsyncTask Html.ImageGetter as well and having the same problem on fetching image on the main thread. The steps that I did basically Create..
How to parse json string in Android? [duplicate] Duplicate JSON Array iteration in Android Java I am fetching JSON string from server and I have already got JSON string by..
AsyncTaskLoader onLoadFinished with a pending task and config change number selectedNumber number resultFragment.setResultText Fetching details for item number ... getLoaderManager .restartLoader..
How to retrieve posts from a WordPress Blog in an Android App? read access you can't get the posts using the xml rpc api. Fetching the rss feed and parsing the rss feed with some java lib would..
How can i update my ADT in eclipse? Starting ADB server succeeded. Done. 2 packages installed. Fetching URL https dl android repository addon.xml Failed.. android repository addon.xml reason dl Fetching URL http sites landingpage android addon.xml..
How to draw road directions between two geocodes in android google map v2? url For storing data from web service String data try Fetching the data from web service data downloadUrl url 0 catch Exception.. new ArrayList LatLng lineOptions new PolylineOptions Fetching i th route List HashMap String String path result.get i Fetching.. i th route List HashMap String String path result.get i Fetching all the points in i th route for int j 0 j path.size j HashMap..
Android: Problem/bug with ThreadSafeClientConnManager downloading images I get the following logcat output 13970 Gallery_Activity I Fetching image 2 8 URL http _images_ verticales a 0 1..
How to draw interactive Polyline on route google maps v2 android new ProgressDialog context progressDialog.setMessage Fetching route Please wait... progressDialog.setIndeterminate true
Pass ArrayList data into SOAP web service in android ResultActivity.this Wait Fetching @Override protected Void doInBackground Void... params SoapObject..
Android Calendar Events i cursor.getString 1 cursor.moveToNext cursor.close Fetching all events and particular event is done by specifying range..
Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList) params try dialog ProjectsList.this Fetching Projects... true dialog.setCancelable true dialog.setCanceledOnTouchOutside..
LinkedIn scribe OAuth library unable to allow access to LinkedIn account Obtain the Request Token System.out.println Fetching the Request Token... requestToken service.getRequestToken .. OAuth Workflow 07 05 23 39 58.204 INFO System.out 300 Fetching the Request Token... 07 05 23 39 59.284 INFO System.out 300..
Return data from AsyncTask Android DownloadRecentQuote extends AsyncTask String Void String Fetching data for RecentQuote information @Override protected String..
Android SDK installation issue - Peer not authenticated SDK and I get the following error in the SDK Manager Logs Fetching https dl android repository addons_list 1.xml.. peer not authenticated Fetched Add ons List successfully Fetching URL https dl android repository repository 5.xml..
Android songs fetching from SD card songs fetching from SD card I am fetching my songs from the SD card and putting him to the list view. I am using this method. but its.. songs fetching from SD card I am fetching my songs from the SD card and putting him to the list view. I am using this method. but its taking some time and if path..
Passing image from one activity another activity questions on SO but none worked for me. I want to fetch clicked image in Activity1 and display it in Activity2. I'm fetching image id of clicked image like this ImageView v .getId and passing it through intent to another activity. In 2nd activity..
I want to let user add multiple items by action sequence want to let user add multiple items by action sequence I am making an app in which i am fetching data using JSON into ListView and allowing user to view selected item in another form in singleMenuItem form i have placed.. and show all the items selected by user into View Cart Form i just want to show Item's Title and Cost those i am fetching into SingleMenuItem form using Intent from ListView Form and now i want to show in View Cart Form like add multiple items..
Current Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android Month Facebook Friends Birthdays in Android I am writing an app in which i am fetching list of Facebook Friends using Hackbook Sample Code but now i want to fetch list of Facebook Friends those birthdays in..
Android: Changing an ImageView src depending on database field data android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content I just really have no clue how I'd go about fetching the right drawable depending on the type of note that has been selected. At the moment I have the ability to select the..
How can I update information in an Android Activity from a background Service the data would be being changed regularly and need to be in sync with the in my case Service that is calculating fetching the data constantly. Thanks in advance java android android listview observer pattern share improve this question How..
AsyncTask, RejectedExecutionException and Task Limit RejectedExecutionException and Task Limit I am fetching lots of thumbnails from a remote server and displaying them in a grid view using AsyncTask. The problem is my grid view..
Ideal way to cancel an executing AsyncTask way to cancel an executing AsyncTask I am running remote audio file fetching and audio file playback operations in a background thread using AsyncTask . A Cancellable progress bar is shown for the..
Android: OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget with no reason I can see debug. The problem I have been getting an exception OutofMemoryError bitmap size exceeds VM budget And it happens when fetching the fifth image. I have tried to change the size of my image cache and it is still the same. The strange thing There should..
AsyncTask threads never die (Android) s to fetch data in response to the user pressing a button. This works well and keeps the interface responsive while fetching the data but when I checked out what was going on in the Eclipse debugger I found out that every time a new AsyncTask was..
Out of memory exception due to large bitmap size to large bitmap size I have a problem of out of memory due to limited virtual memory heap size. Here is my code for fetching bitmap from server @SuppressWarnings unchecked public class DrawableManager @SuppressWarnings rawtypes private final Map..
Android, google maps and drawing route [closed] 16.71 destination 51.27 6.75 sensor false change origin lat long and destination lat long for your purpose points fetching import import java.util.ArrayList import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserFactory..
Android: AsyncTask vs Service AsyncTask s are designed for once off time consuming tasks that cannot be run of the UI thread. A common example is fetching processing data when a button is pressed. Service s are designed to be continually running in the background. In the example.. when a button is pressed. Service s are designed to be continually running in the background. In the example above of fetching data when a button is pressed you could start a service let it fetch the data and then stop it but this is inefficient...
Handler vs AsyncTask vs Thread tasks. AsyncTasks are similar infact they make use of Handlers but doesn't run in the UI thread so its good for fetching data for instance fetching webservices. Later you can interact with the UI. Threads however can't interact with the UI provide.. similar infact they make use of Handlers but doesn't run in the UI thread so its good for fetching data for instance fetching webservices. Later you can interact with the UI. Threads however can't interact with the UI provide more basic threading..
Android HTML ImageGetter as AsyncTask the HTML and set it up back to TextView and I needed to use Html.ImageGetter as well and having the same problem on fetching image on the main thread. The steps that I did basically Create my own subclass for Drawable to facilitate redraw I called..
How to parse json string in Android? [duplicate] to parse json string in Android duplicate Possible Duplicate JSON Array iteration in Android Java I am fetching JSON string from server and I have already got JSON string by code. But I didn't understand how to parse it. Below is my..
AsyncTaskLoader onLoadFinished with a pending task and config change for myActivityId @Override public void onRowTapped Integer number selectedNumber number resultFragment.setResultText Fetching details for item number ... getLoaderManager .restartLoader 0 null this @Override public Loader String onCreateLoader int..
How to retrieve posts from a WordPress Blog in an Android App? access. If you do not have the credentials of a user with read access you can't get the posts using the xml rpc api. Fetching the rss feed and parsing the rss feed with some java lib would probably be your best bet then check http
How can i update my ADT in eclipse? SDK Tools revision 20 Stopping ADB server succeeded. Starting ADB server succeeded. Done. 2 packages installed. Fetching URL https dl android repository addon.xml Failed to fetch URL https dl android repository.. addon.xml Failed to fetch URL https dl android repository addon.xml reason dl Fetching URL http sites landingpage android addon.xml Failed to fetch URL http sites landingpage..
How to draw road directions between two geocodes in android google map v2? ui thread @Override protected String doInBackground String... url For storing data from web service String data try Fetching the data from web service data downloadUrl url 0 catch Exception e Log.d Background Task e.toString return data Executes.. through all the routes for int i 0 i result.size i points new ArrayList LatLng lineOptions new PolylineOptions Fetching i th route List HashMap String String path result.get i Fetching all the points in i th route for int j 0 j path.size j.. ArrayList LatLng lineOptions new PolylineOptions Fetching i th route List HashMap String String path result.get i Fetching all the points in i th route for int j 0 j path.size j HashMap String String point path.get j double lat Double.parseDouble..
Android: Problem/bug with ThreadSafeClientConnManager downloading images return bmp However when downloading images from I get the following logcat output 13970 Gallery_Activity I Fetching image 2 8 URL http _images_ verticales a 0 1 0 2540 los_inmortales_la_trattoria marc_aureli_27_29_no.jpg..
How to draw interactive Polyline on route google maps v2 android Auto generated method stub super.onPreExecute progressDialog new ProgressDialog context progressDialog.setMessage Fetching route Please wait... progressDialog.setIndeterminate true @Override protected String doInBackground..
Pass ArrayList data into SOAP web service in android TODO Auto generated method stub super.onPreExecute mProgressDialog ResultActivity.this Wait Fetching @Override protected Void doInBackground Void... params SoapObject request new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME_1 request.addProperty..
Android Calendar Events for int i 0 i CalNames.length i CalIds i cursor.getInt 0 CalNames i cursor.getString 1 cursor.moveToNext cursor.close Fetching all events and particular event is done by specifying range ContentResolver contentResolver getContentResolver Uri.Builder..
Android: Help in adapting ListView adapter with an ImageLoader Class (LazyList) getMoreAllerts params String response webService.webGet params try dialog ProjectsList.this Fetching Projects... true dialog.setCancelable true dialog.setCanceledOnTouchOutside true dialog.setOnCancelListener new OnCancelListener..
LinkedIn scribe OAuth library unable to allow access to LinkedIn account .build System.out.println LinkedIn's OAuth Workflow System.out.println Obtain the Request Token System.out.println Fetching the Request Token... requestToken service.getRequestToken System.out.println Got the Request Token System.out.println.. logcat is here 07 05 23 39 58.204 INFO System.out 300 LinkedIn's OAuth Workflow 07 05 23 39 58.204 INFO System.out 300 Fetching the Request Token... 07 05 23 39 59.284 INFO System.out 300 Body oauth_token 88d888e9 f05b 4b3e ae64 97c4878cbf06 oauth_token_secret..
Return data from AsyncTask Android list1 listrecent.setAdapter adapter1 private class DownloadRecentQuote extends AsyncTask String Void String Fetching data for RecentQuote information @Override protected String doInBackground String... urls String response for String url..
Android SDK installation issue - Peer not authenticated Peer not authenticated I am trying to install the Android SDK and I get the following error in the SDK Manager Logs Fetching https dl android repository addons_list 1.xml Failed to fetch URL https dl android repository.. dl android repository addons_list 1.xml reason peer not authenticated Fetched Add ons List successfully Fetching URL https dl android repository repository 5.xml Failed to fetch URL https dl android repository..