android Programming Glossary: feature
Determine if running on a rooted device a device where root is available. Rather than having this feature fail when it is used and then show an appropriate error message..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader submitting a patch request about this problem missing feature to Android core developer community. Here you find the instructions.. on how to submit such a suggestion request about a missing feature Android how to contribute . If what you have in mind is worth..
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) Require OpenGL ES version 2 uses feature android glEsVersion 0x00020000 android required true application..
Slow Android emulator Android Development Tools ADT 9.0.0 or later has a feature that allows you to save state of the AVD emulator and you can.. can start your emulator instantly. You have to enable this feature while creating a new AVD or you can just create it later by.. information. Creating a new AVD with the save snapshot feature. Launching the emulator from the snapshot. share improve this..
Scrollview vertical and horizontal in android I read that the any view layout implements this feature in the framework but I need something like this I need to define..
Android: I want to shake it I want to shake it I need to add a shake feature that will refresh my Android application. All I find of documentation..
How to implement my very own URI scheme on Android
Display PDF within app on Android? share improve this question If you would like to add a feature in your android app to view PDF documents I would suggest you.. for the reliable libraries to support that kind of feature into my app and finally found it. The library however it's a..
How to send image via MMS in Android? You should perform the request using extra network feature final ConnectivityManager connMgr ConnectivityManager context.getSystemService..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog handle threads streams etc. GingerBread brought a new feature DownloadManager which allows you to download files easily and..
File Upload in WebView wont work on 4 versions since it has an image preview feature if you want to make it work use a simple php upload without..
Capture Image from Camera and Display in Activity LinearLayout And one final detail be sure to add uses feature android name uses feature and if camera.. add uses feature android name uses feature and if camera is optional to your app functionality. make sure.. to set require to false in the permission. like this uses feature android name android required false..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? full post.. Note that only rooted HTC devices support this feature. Issues There are also some problems while turning On Off flashlight...
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget android gravity center Button android id @ id btn_SubFeature android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent.. @drawable property_blue_blink android onClick onSubFeature android singleLine true android text Submit A Feature android.. android singleLine true android text Submit A Feature android textColor @color white android textSize @dimen font_size..
OpenCV for ANDROID image compare likely the images have the same object. Tutorials from Feature Detection and below http doc tutorials features2d..
Android : How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES Invalid if SL_RESULT_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED result LOGD Feature Unsupported if SL_RESULT_SUCCESS result assert SL_RESULT_SUCCESS..
Security Exception when trying to access a Picasa image on device running 4.2
Google Places API request denied for Android autocomplete, even with the right api key
Android - capture/suppress Home and EndCall buttons events? presses in Activity especially in Options Menu Issue 4202 Feature Suggestion permission for intercepting KEYCODE_CALL Do you know..
Android desktop log viewer problem solving rather than struggling in the log file. Feature http p androidlogcatviewer wiki KeyFeature Download.. Feature http p androidlogcatviewer wiki KeyFeature Download http p androidlogcatviewer downloads..
what is Promotional and Feature graphic in Android Market/Play Store? is Promotional and Feature graphic in Android Market Play Store What does it mean and..
Problem with Hindi keyboard on Android 2.3 emulator hindi share improve this question Read this Android Feature Request . If you read towards the end December 2010 you will..
How Does OpenCV ORB Feature Detector Work? Does OpenCV ORB Feature Detector Work I want to implement a feature based alignment..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? via POST request in Android I am totally new to Web Feature Service WFS but I want to build an Android application with.. data that will be returned. Questions How can I put the GetFeature object into the SOAP envelope How can I use JAXBElement on the.. help to understand their format. GetCapabilities DescribeFeature Example WFS 1.1 GetFeature POST request http
Determine if running on a rooted device has a certain piece of functionality that will only work on a device where root is available. Rather than having this feature fail when it is used and then show an appropriate error message to the user I'd prefer an ability to silently check if root..
AutoCompleteTextView backed by CursorLoader Otherwise my suggestion would be to make a contribution submitting a patch request about this problem missing feature to Android core developer community. Here you find the instructions on how to submit such a suggestion request about a missing.. core developer community. Here you find the instructions on how to submit such a suggestion request about a missing feature Android how to contribute . If what you have in mind is worth doing which apparently is you will be able to check on these..
This app won't run unless you update Google Play Services. (via Bazaar) uses permission android name android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION Require OpenGL ES version 2 uses feature android glEsVersion 0x00020000 android required true application android icon @drawable ic_launcher android label @string..
Slow Android emulator performance android emulator qemu share improve this question Android Development Tools ADT 9.0.0 or later has a feature that allows you to save state of the AVD emulator and you can start your emulator instantly. You have to enable this feature.. that allows you to save state of the AVD emulator and you can start your emulator instantly. You have to enable this feature while creating a new AVD or you can just create it later by editing the AVD. Also I have increased the Device RAM Size to..
Scrollview vertical and horizontal in android tired looking for a solution for vertical and horizontal Scrollview. I read that the any view layout implements this feature in the framework but I need something like this I need to define a layout within other the child layout must implement scrolling..
Android: I want to shake it I want to shake it I need to add a shake feature that will refresh my Android application. All I find of documentation involves implementing the SensorListener but Eclipse..
How to implement my very own URI scheme on Android
Display PDF within app on Android? Have any of you done something with it yet android pdf share improve this question If you would like to add a feature in your android app to view PDF documents I would suggest you to compile and use library within this project . I've had.. . I've had the exact same problem as you in the past and searched for the reliable libraries to support that kind of feature into my app and finally found it. The library however it's a bit tricky to use. It's not a standard Java jar library but..
How to send image via MMS in Android? share improve this question MMS is just a htttp post request. You should perform the request using extra network feature final ConnectivityManager connMgr ConnectivityManager context.getSystemService Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE final int result..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog you do not have to worry about downloading the file manually handle threads streams etc. GingerBread brought a new feature DownloadManager which allows you to download files easily and delegate the hard work to the system. First let's see a utility..
File Upload in WebView
Capture Image from Camera and Display in Activity src @drawable icon android layout_width wrap_content ImageView LinearLayout And one final detail be sure to add uses feature android name uses feature and if camera is optional to your app functionality. make sure to set.. ImageView LinearLayout And one final detail be sure to add uses feature android name uses feature and if camera is optional to your app functionality. make sure to set require to false in the permission. like this uses.. if camera is optional to your app functionality. make sure to set require to false in the permission. like this uses feature android name android required false uses feature to your manifest.xml. share improve this answer..
How turn on camera flash light programmatically in Android? refer Can I change the LED intensity of an Android device full post.. Note that only rooted HTC devices support this feature. Issues There are also some problems while turning On Off flashlight. eg. for the devices not having FLASH_MODE_TORCH or..
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget android layout_height match_parent android layout_margin 5dp android gravity center Button android id @ id btn_SubFeature android layout_width match_parent android layout_height match_parent android layout_weight 1 android background @drawable.. match_parent android layout_weight 1 android background @drawable property_blue_blink android onClick onSubFeature android singleLine true android text Submit A Feature android textColor @color white android textSize @dimen font_size.. background @drawable property_blue_blink android onClick onSubFeature android singleLine true android text Submit A Feature android textColor @color white android textSize @dimen font_size android textStyle bold TableRow TableRow android id..
OpenCV for ANDROID image compare to see if they match. If several matches are found it is most likely the images have the same object. Tutorials from Feature Detection and below http doc tutorials features2d table_of_content_features2d table_of_content_features2d.html..
Android : How to change Playback Rate of music using OpenSL ES if SL_RESULT_PARAMETER_INVALID result LOGD Parameter Invalid if SL_RESULT_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED result LOGD Feature Unsupported if SL_RESULT_SUCCESS result assert SL_RESULT_SUCCESS result LOGD Success result uriPlaybackPitch GetPitchCapabilities..
Security Exception when trying to access a Picasa image on device running 4.2
Google Places API request denied for Android autocomplete, even with the right api key
Android - capture/suppress Home and EndCall buttons events? button problem With Home Back screen button Supressing Key presses in Activity especially in Options Menu Issue 4202 Feature Suggestion permission for intercepting KEYCODE_CALL Do you know any workaround to block two those buttons Is the only way..
Android desktop log viewer of this tool is to allow developers to quickly locate analyze problem solving rather than struggling in the log file. Feature http p androidlogcatviewer wiki KeyFeature Download http p androidlogcatviewer downloads.. problem solving rather than struggling in the log file. Feature http p androidlogcatviewer wiki KeyFeature Download http p androidlogcatviewer downloads list Discuss group http group androidlogcatviewer..
what is Promotional and Feature graphic in Android Market/Play Store? is Promotional and Feature graphic in Android Market Play Store What does it mean and need wheather we are uploading our app into the market Please..
Problem with Hindi keyboard on Android 2.3 emulator boxes instead of characters. android keyboard android sdk 2.3 hindi share improve this question Read this Android Feature Request . If you read towards the end December 2010 you will see discussions of Gingerbread Android v2.3 and that although..
How Does OpenCV ORB Feature Detector Work? Does OpenCV ORB Feature Detector Work I want to implement a feature based alignment algorithm using the ORB feature detector and extractor. So..
How to query a web service via POST request in Android? to query a web service via POST request in Android I am totally new to Web Feature Service WFS but I want to build an Android application with ksoap2 android on top of an API publishing its data via WFS... API passing them the bounding box parameter to limit the data that will be returned. Questions How can I put the GetFeature object into the SOAP envelope How can I use JAXBElement on the Android client See edit from March 15 2012 Here are some.. from March 15 2012 Here are some links to the API that might help to understand their format. GetCapabilities DescribeFeature Example WFS 1.1 GetFeature POST request http daten geoserver wfs xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 wfs GetFeature..