android Programming Glossary: fear
touch through translucent app Screen Android app http 2012 02 06 transparent screen android app lets you text and walk without fear Any help is much appreciated android share improve this question A very simple way of understanding stacking of views..
JDBC vs Web Service for Android service calls to be idempotent using unique request tokens. That lets your app re send modification requests without fear that it'll perform an action against the database twice. See idempotence and definining idempotence . Seriously JDBC from..
How do I pass data from a BroadcastReceiver through to an Activity being started? from a BroadcastReceiver to an Activity as opposed to passing the bundle from an Activity to a BroadcastReceiver I fear I may be doing something very very obvious wrong here... android android intent bundle broadcastreceiver alarm share..
SQLiteDiskIOException in Android uninstalling and reinstalling has proven successful in cleaning up the issue though possibly only temporarily. I fear this problem is a result of data corruption in Android 2.1. Does anyone have possible suggestions of what to look into Could..
How do I pause Flash content in an Android WebView when my activity isn't visible? source for the stock browser and it seems to be doing something similar calling pauseTimers resumeTimers although I fear the code I have been looking at is out of date because it is calling functions that don't seem to exist anymore. I did verify..
Auto increment version code in Android app after builds. I have found this article about configuring ant builder but this is not exactly about Android and I fear this will mess up too much the predefined building steps for Android Should be a common problem how did you solve it Well..