android Programming Glossary: deprecation
How to capture and save an image using custom camera in Android? that obtains context and camera @SuppressWarnings deprecation public CameraPreview Context context Camera camera super context..
How to put JSON lOutput (latitude and longitude) on the map when the activity is first created. @SuppressWarnings deprecation @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset not supports use of SCO for off call. @SuppressWarnings deprecation private boolean startBluetooth Log.d TAG startBluetooth NON.. new BroadcastReceiver @SuppressWarnings deprecation synthetic access @Override public void onReceive Context context..
Get date and time picker value from dialog fragment and set it in Edit text new View.OnClickListener @SuppressWarnings deprecation public void onClick View v showDialog TIME_DIALOG_ID protected..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview true @Override @SuppressWarnings deprecation public void onShowCustomView View view int requestedOrientation..
Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view static final String TAG In AddContacts @SuppressWarnings deprecation @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Post to facebook after login fails Android FacebookError e Object state @SuppressWarnings deprecation public void postOWall String msg Bundle params new Bundle params.putString..
Rotate MapView in Android new MyLocationOverlay this mMapView @SuppressWarnings deprecation public void onClick View v switch v.getId case mModeCompass true break @SuppressWarnings deprecation @Override public void onResume super.onResume if mModeCompass.. mMyLocationOverlay.disableCompass @SuppressWarnings deprecation @Override protected void onStop mSensorManager.unregisterListener..
How do I get a Phonegap app to receive variables on Android? off you said that certain methods were deprecated however deprecation does not mean that the methods wont function. The old plugin..
How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code? webView.destroy webView null @SuppressWarnings deprecation @SuppressLint NewApi @Override public View onCreateView final..
How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview? void onClick View v getActivity .finish @SuppressWarnings deprecation @SuppressLint SetJavaScriptEnabled NewApi @Override public..
How to deal with deprecated classes in Android to keep compatibility deprectated methods still just add the @SuppressWarnings deprecation annotation above it This will get rid of the warning and you..
Android signing with ANT
webview shouldinterceptrequest example with CSS markup from a String. @SuppressWarnings deprecation private WebResourceResponse getCssWebResourceResponseFromString..
What does “This method is deprecated” mean for application developers that upstream changes in WebKit are driving the deprecation and that support for PictureListener might be totally lost in..
onSaveInstanceState limit? limit Since the deprecation of onRetainNonConfigurationInstance I have been leveraging the..
How to capture and save an image using custom camera in Android? SurfaceHolder mSurfaceHolder private Camera mCamera Constructor that obtains context and camera @SuppressWarnings deprecation public CameraPreview Context context Camera camera super context this.mCamera camera this.mSurfaceHolder this.getHolder..
How to put JSON lOutput (latitude and longitude) on the map e e.printStackTrace return true else return false Called when the activity is first created. @SuppressWarnings deprecation @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.mapview1..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset if device does not support bluetooth or current platform does not supports use of SCO for off call. @SuppressWarnings deprecation private boolean startBluetooth Log.d TAG startBluetooth NON NLS 1 Device support bluetooth if mBluetoothAdapter null .. and Sco audio connection states. private BroadcastReceiver mBroadcastReceiver new BroadcastReceiver @SuppressWarnings deprecation synthetic access @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent String action intent.getAction if action.equals..
Get date and time picker value from dialog fragment and set it in Edit text findViewById LaterTextView.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener @SuppressWarnings deprecation public void onClick View v showDialog TIME_DIALOG_ID protected Dialog onCreateDialog int id switch id case TIME_DIALOG_ID..
Playing HTML5 video on fullscreen in android webview if toggledFullscreenCallback null toggledFullscreenCallback.toggledFullscreen true @Override @SuppressWarnings deprecation public void onShowCustomView View view int requestedOrientation CustomViewCallback callback Available in API level 14 deprecated..
Displaying Contact Number and Contact Name in a custom list view String contact2 CheckBox checkBox String contact_name static final String TAG In AddContacts @SuppressWarnings deprecation @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.listview..
Post to facebook after login fails Android e Object state @Override public void onFacebookError FacebookError e Object state @SuppressWarnings deprecation public void postOWall String msg Bundle params new Bundle params.putString link http mAsyncRunner.request me..
Rotate MapView in Android mMapView MapView findViewById mMyLocationOverlay new MyLocationOverlay this mMapView @SuppressWarnings deprecation public void onClick View v switch v.getId case if mMyLocationOverlay.isCompassEnabled mSensorManager.unregisterListener.. SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_UI mMyLocationOverlay.enableCompass mModeCompass true break @SuppressWarnings deprecation @Override public void onResume super.onResume if mModeCompass mMyLocationOverlay.enableCompass mSensorManager.registerListener.. @Override public void onPause super.onPause mMyLocationOverlay.disableCompass @SuppressWarnings deprecation @Override protected void onStop mSensorManager.unregisterListener mRotateView super.onStop @Override protected boolean isRouteDisplayed..
How do I get a Phonegap app to receive variables on Android? PhoneGap 2.9.0. However I have to clarify some things. First off you said that certain methods were deprecated however deprecation does not mean that the methods wont function. The old plugin as it is listed on github works fine but I did manage to get..
How Do I fix the password/ username authentication in my code? public void clearWebView if webView null webView.removeAllViews webView.destroy webView null @SuppressWarnings deprecation @SuppressLint NewApi @Override public View onCreateView final LayoutInflater inflater final ViewGroup container final Bundle..
How do I resolve the authentication message that keeps popping up in a webview? mWebview.destroy mWebview null @Override public void onClick View v getActivity .finish @SuppressWarnings deprecation @SuppressLint SetJavaScriptEnabled NewApi @Override public View onCreateView LayoutInflater inflater ViewGroup container..
How to deal with deprecated classes in Android to keep compatibility a lot of googling P.S. if in the else you want to use your deprectated methods still just add the @SuppressWarnings deprecation annotation above it This will get rid of the warning and you have done it for the right reasons as you are using the latest..
Android signing with ANT
webview shouldinterceptrequest example super.shouldInterceptRequest view url Return WebResourceResponse with CSS markup from a String. @SuppressWarnings deprecation private WebResourceResponse getCssWebResourceResponseFromString return getUtf8EncodedCssWebResourceResponse new StringBufferInputStream..
What does “This method is deprecated” mean for application developers
onSaveInstanceState limit? limit Since the deprecation of onRetainNonConfigurationInstance I have been leveraging the framework more and more for Configuration changes. Since..