android Programming Glossary: deselect
Android: How to tell if 'Mobile Network Data' is enabled or disabled (even when connected by WiFi) network data is enabled without polling to see if is connected EDIT So when connected by WiFi If I go to settings and deselect 'Data Enabled' and then in my app I do this boolean mob_avail conMan.getNetworkInfo ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE .isAvailable..
Android checkable submenu options So I have a submenu that I have for an options menu item. I want a list of checkable entries that the user can select deselect as many as they want. The only problem I can't solve is how to prevent the option menu from closing when one of the checkboxes..
Modifying the Android seekbar widget to operate vertically SeekBar. http 2012 04 20 working vertical seekbar for android This code will correctly select deselect the thumb move correctly update the listener correctly only when the progress changes update draw the progress correctly..
How to select/deselect all checkBox? to select deselect all checkBox I have an adapter with an imageview a textView and a Checkbox and a button Select all for selecting all the..
SingleSelectList trouble with customView for one row onclicklistener state of your check boxes. The size of that ArrayList should be equal to the list view items. You can maintain select deselect the state of this ArrayList in onListItemClick and most importantly you should use this ArrayList in getView of Adapter..
checkbox in listview for multiple selection of contacts inflator and I got success but the problem is when I select the multiple contacts there is no problem but when I deselect it when I scroll down then go back to that deselected checkbox its get automatically selected... public class Contactlist_selfActivity.. when I select the multiple contacts there is no problem but when I deselect it when I scroll down then go back to that deselected checkbox its get automatically selected... public class Contactlist_selfActivity extends ListActivity Called when the..