android Programming Glossary: deliver
Does GPS require Internet? shortens this time by using the cellular network to deliver the satellite data to the phone. But regardless of whether it..
Service being re-Created by AlarmManager on it the AlarmManager is designed and specified to deliver Broadcast intents not other types. However in practice it isn't..
Calling AlarmManager in Service use set on AlarmManager with a getService PendingIntent to deliver control back to your already running Service with its already..
GCM Not Sending the Notifications locked or asleep then the GCM server does not attempt to deliver the message. So if you send the message and your phone is not..
Android multiple email attachments using Intent file to the mail and it is working fine the mail can be delivered through the Gmail. However when I tried to have multiple images.. Based on SDK documentation it simply states that it deliver multiple data to someone else it works like ACTION_SEND except..
Multiple calls to AlarmManager.setRepeating deliver the same Intent/PendingIntent extra values, but I supplied different ones calls to AlarmManager.setRepeating deliver the same Intent PendingIntent extra values but I supplied different.. final long id intent.getLongExtra EXTRA_ID 1 The alarm is delivered to my receiver at the right times but often with EXTRA_ID.. I have used at some point just not the one that I wanted delivered at that particular time. android android pendingintent extras..
How do you get the current DNS servers for Android? this question will deliver you an array of NetworkInfo's using getAllNetworkInfo . Then..
How can I deliver parameters to a test function, that launched using adb shell am Instrumentation command can I deliver parameters to a test function that launched using adb shell.. adb shell then write in shell the am command. I wish to deliver a parameter together with this am command. I mean that I wish.. together with this am command. I mean that I wish to deliver parameters to the test launched by the am command. Is it possible..
Display AlertDialog as system overlay window from Service and sending of the Intent or use of some other means to deliver result to the Service. Be sure that you defined setOnCancelListener..
RESTful frameworks for Android, iOS…? everything RIGHT for this time Thats the setup... We are delivering data to clients over the internet. Clients are mobile handsets.. Authorization shall be included. We use OAuth and need to deliver the Access Token on any request. Maybe as parameter or in the..
Getting IP Cam video stream on Android (MJEPG) this question MJPEG is a terribly inefficient way to deliver motion video to a mobile device because each frame is compressed..
What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain? When Bill and I started on this project the goal was to deliver a working JIT as soon as possible with minimal impact to resource..
Is there an easy way to convert Android Application to IPad, IPhone [closed] in the Android Market. Several people have asked me to deliver an IPad Phone version. What am I getting into here if I try..
How do I verify Android in-app-billing transactions on MY server? MY server to be aware of the purchase. The decision to deliver app specific data should be made on my server not in the client.. Client sends Y to my server. Client asks the server to deliver content for X. Server delivers content if Y is valid . How can.. Client asks the server to deliver content for X. Server delivers content if Y is valid . How can this be accomplished Q How..
Getting SQLiteCursorLoader to observe data changes active they should monitor the source of their data and deliver new results when the contents change. Under my SQLiteCursor.. into Android itself monitor the source of their data and deliver new results when the contents change . Since there is only one..
START_STICKY and START_NOT_STICKY that tells the OS to recreate the service AND redelivery the same intent to onStartCommand . This article by Dianne.. the process is killed with no remaining start commands to deliver then the service will be stopped instead of restarted. This.. calls stopSelf for a given intent that intent will be re delivered to it until it completes unless after some number of more..
Does GPS require Internet? to calculate a position. A GPS used by cellular networks shortens this time by using the cellular network to deliver the satellite data to the phone. But regardless of whether it is an A GPS or GPS location all that is derived is Geographic..
Service being re-Created by AlarmManager coming in twice As per one of the other answers and comments on it the AlarmManager is designed and specified to deliver Broadcast intents not other types. However in practice it isn't picky and seems to honour other forms. I think that this..
Calling AlarmManager in Service in two minutes. What I meant by that was that you would use set on AlarmManager with a getService PendingIntent to deliver control back to your already running Service with its already acquired WakeLock so that it can obtain the location release..
GCM Not Sending the Notifications The delay_while_idle is set to true so that if the phone is locked or asleep then the GCM server does not attempt to deliver the message. So if you send the message and your phone is not woken up or unlocked for 30 seconds then you will never get..
Android multiple email attachments using Intent uri to attach the designated image file to the mail and it is working fine the mail can be delivered through the Gmail. However when I tried to have multiple images attached to the same mail by calling Intent.putExtra android.content.Intent.EXTRA_STREAM.. available since API level 4 which might meet my requirement. Based on SDK documentation it simply states that it deliver multiple data to someone else it works like ACTION_SEND except the data is multiple. But I still could not figure out the..
Multiple calls to AlarmManager.setRepeating deliver the same Intent/PendingIntent extra values, but I supplied different ones calls to AlarmManager.setRepeating deliver the same Intent PendingIntent extra values but I supplied different ones Solved while writing this question but posting.. .equals ACTION_ALARM It's time to sound show an alarm final long id intent.getLongExtra EXTRA_ID 1 The alarm is delivered to my receiver at the right times but often with EXTRA_ID set to the wrong value it's a value that I have used at some.. often with EXTRA_ID set to the wrong value it's a value that I have used at some point just not the one that I wanted delivered at that particular time. android android pendingintent extras alarms share improve this question The documentation..
How do you get the current DNS servers for Android? valid DhcpInfo object Best regards John android share improve this question will deliver you an array of NetworkInfo's using getAllNetworkInfo . Then use to get a DhcpInfo for..
How can I deliver parameters to a test function, that launched using adb shell am Instrumentation command can I deliver parameters to a test function that launched using adb shell am Instrumentation command I am developing in Android I am.. use am command with name of test case. I run adb then I enter adb shell then write in shell the am command. I wish to deliver a parameter together with this am command. I mean that I wish to deliver parameters to the test launched by the am command... then write in shell the am command. I wish to deliver a parameter together with this am command. I mean that I wish to deliver parameters to the test launched by the am command. Is it possible Please help android instrumentation share improve this..
Display AlertDialog as system overlay window from Service on AlertDialog buttons causes Dialog and Activity closing and sending of the Intent or use of some other means to deliver result to the Service. Be sure that you defined setOnCancelListener for the Dialog implementation should call finish on..
RESTful frameworks for Android, iOS…? iOS&hellip My company is reworking its API and wants to make everything RIGHT for this time Thats the setup... We are delivering data to clients over the internet. Clients are mobile handsets like iPhone Androids J2ME Blackberry... The server is.. dynamically providing of models Licence must be open source. Authorization shall be included. We use OAuth and need to deliver the Access Token on any request. Maybe as parameter or in the HTTP Header HTTPS SSL support Pagination and Relationships..
Getting IP Cam video stream on Android (MJEPG) thanks android video stream camera ip share improve this question MJPEG is a terribly inefficient way to deliver motion video to a mobile device because each frame is compressed as it's own independent picture. For an application which..
What optimizations can I expect from Dalvik and the Android toolchain? This is Ben one of the engineers working on the JIT @ Google. When Bill and I started on this project the goal was to deliver a working JIT as soon as possible with minimal impact to resource contention eg memory footprint CPU hijacked by the compiler..
Is there an easy way to convert Android Application to IPad, IPhone [closed] to IPad IPhone closed I have a nice application running in the Android Market. Several people have asked me to deliver an IPad Phone version. What am I getting into here if I try to do this Are there any reputable companies that can do this..
How do I verify Android in-app-billing transactions on MY server? Android Market and the phone to be used in the app. But I need MY server to be aware of the purchase. The decision to deliver app specific data should be made on my server not in the client app. E.g. User buys item X from Android Market. Transaction.. from Android Market. Transaction data Y is sent to the client. Client sends Y to my server. Client asks the server to deliver content for X. Server delivers content if Y is valid . How can this be accomplished Q How do I verify that transaction data.. data Y is sent to the client. Client sends Y to my server. Client asks the server to deliver content for X. Server delivers content if Y is valid . How can this be accomplished Q How do I verify that transaction data coming from the Android client..
Getting SQLiteCursorLoader to observe data changes The android reference states about Loaders While Loaders are active they should monitor the source of their data and deliver new results when the contents change. Under my SQLiteCursor implementation below this does not happen. OnLoadFinished gets.. documentation is flawed. 100 of Loader implementations built into Android itself monitor the source of their data and deliver new results when the contents change . Since there is only one Loader implementation built into Android itself as of now..
START_STICKY and START_NOT_STICKY the service again. There is also a third code START_REDELIVER_INTENT that tells the OS to recreate the service AND redelivery the same intent to onStartCommand . This article by Dianne Hackborn explained the background of this a lot better then.. says that after returning from onStartCreated if the process is killed with no remaining start commands to deliver then the service will be stopped instead of restarted. This makes a lot more sense for services that are intended to only.. except if the service's process is killed before it calls stopSelf for a given intent that intent will be re delivered to it until it completes unless after some number of more tries it still can't complete at which point the system gives..