android Programming Glossary: densitydpi
Full webpage and disabled zoom viewport meta tag for all mobile browsers scale 1.0 width device width height device height target densitydpi device dpi user scalable yes Android 4.x Same rule apply as.. work in 4.x . iOS Safari also has no concept of target densitydpi so you should leave that out to avoid errors. You don't need..
Making Sense of Android meta-viewport scaling: What am I missing? width 338x200 initial scale 2 width device width target densitydpi device dpi 507x300 initial scale 0.5 width device width target.. dpi 507x300 initial scale 0.5 width device width target densitydpi device dpi 800x473 initial scale 0.9 width device width target.. dpi 800x473 initial scale 0.9 width device width target densitydpi device dpi 800x473 width device width target densitydpi device..
Android— PhoneGap/WebView ignores viewport meta tags? device width height device height user scalable no target densitydpi device dpi initial scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 maximum scale..
Webview in Scrollview 8 String viewport head meta name viewport content target densitydpi device dpi head String css style type text css img width 100..
page loaded differently with jQuery-mobile transition scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 user scalable no target densityDpi device dpi link rel stylesheet href http mobile.. scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 user scalable no target densityDpi device dpi link rel stylesheet href http mobile.. scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 user scalable no target densityDpi device dpi link rel stylesheet href http mobile..
How do I get the WVGA Android browser to stop scaling my images? Android source code. There's a new Android specific target densityDpi setting available in the viewport meta tag as far as I can tell.. WebView. In the viewport meta tag you can specify target densityDpi . If it is not specified it uses the default 160dpi as of today... tag means 100 on G1 and 150 on Sholes. If you set target densityDpi to device dpi then the 1.0 scale factor means 100 on both G1..
getting the screen density programmatically in android? then scales to the actual screen size. So the metrics.densityDpi property will be one of the DENSITY_ constants 120 160 213 240.. density 160dpi . The same value now provided by metrics.densityDpi can be calculated int densityDpi int metrics.density 160f share..
Size of android notification bar and title bar? So if you retrieve the screen density of the device using densityDpi of DisplayMetrics you know which value to subtract so it could.. .getMetrics metrics int myHeight 0 switch metrics.densityDpi case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_HIGH Log.i display high myHeight..
Android Webview - Webpage should fit the device screen 0 meta name viewport content width device width target densityDpi medium dpi But nothing works webpage is not fixed to the device..
Convert pixels to sp
Android Samsung S I9000 screen size and density issues metrics are as follows density 2.0 scaledDensity 2.0 densityDpi 320 widthPixels 800 heightPixels 480 xdpi 320.0 ydpi 320.0 Can..
Full webpage and disabled zoom viewport meta tag for all mobile browsers viewport content initial scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 width device width height device height target densitydpi device dpi user scalable yes Android 4.x Same rule apply as 2.3.x except the min and max scales are not honored anymore.. can disable scaling with user scalable 0 keywords yes no don't work in 4.x . iOS Safari also has no concept of target densitydpi so you should leave that out to avoid errors. You don't need min and max since you can switch off zooming in the expected..
Making Sense of Android meta-viewport scaling: What am I missing? 1.0 width device width 676x400 initial scale 2 width device width 338x200 initial scale 2 width device width target densitydpi device dpi 507x300 initial scale 0.5 width device width target densitydpi device dpi 800x473 initial scale 0.9 width device.. initial scale 2 width device width target densitydpi device dpi 507x300 initial scale 0.5 width device width target densitydpi device dpi 800x473 initial scale 0.9 width device width target densitydpi device dpi 800x473 width device width target densitydpi.. initial scale 0.5 width device width target densitydpi device dpi 800x473 initial scale 0.9 width device width target densitydpi device dpi 800x473 width device width target densitydpi device dpi 1014x600 initial scale 1.0 width device width target..
Android— PhoneGap/WebView ignores viewport meta tags? My current settings are meta name viewport content width device width height device height user scalable no target densitydpi device dpi initial scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 That too is completely ignored. EDIT2 Here's something..
Webview in Scrollview text html private final static String WEBVIEW_ENCODING utf 8 String viewport head meta name viewport content target densitydpi device dpi head String css style type text css img width 100 style articleContent.loadDataWithBaseURL http viewport css..
page loaded differently with jQuery-mobile transition name viewport content width device width initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 user scalable no target densityDpi device dpi link rel stylesheet href http mobile 1.2.0 1.2.0.min.css script src http www.dragan.. name viewport content width device width initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 user scalable no target densityDpi device dpi link rel stylesheet href http mobile 1.2.0 1.2.0.min.css script src http www.dragan.. name viewport content width device width initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 user scalable no target densityDpi device dpi link rel stylesheet href http mobile 1.2.0 1.2.0.min.css script src http www.dragan..
How do I get the WVGA Android browser to stop scaling my images? this question Ah found it by searching through the Android source code. There's a new Android specific target densityDpi setting available in the viewport meta tag as far as I can tell it's totally undocumented except for the check in comment.. except for the check in comment Add dpi support for WebView. In the viewport meta tag you can specify target densityDpi . If it is not specified it uses the default 160dpi as of today. Then the 1.0 scale factor specified in the viewport tag.. of today. Then the 1.0 scale factor specified in the viewport tag means 100 on G1 and 150 on Sholes. If you set target densityDpi to device dpi then the 1.0 scale factor means 100 on both G1 and Sholes. Implemented Safari's window.devicePixelRatio and..
getting the screen density programmatically in android? it uses a handful of quantized Density Independent Pixel values then scales to the actual screen size. So the metrics.densityDpi property will be one of the DENSITY_ constants 120 160 213 240 320 480 or 640 dpi . If you need the actual lcd pixel density..
Size of android notification bar and title bar? the screen density 24px for LDPI 32px for MDPI 48px for HDPI So if you retrieve the screen density of the device using densityDpi of DisplayMetrics you know which value to subtract so it could look something like that DisplayMetrics metrics new DisplayMetrics.. metrics new DisplayMetrics getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay .getMetrics metrics int myHeight 0 switch metrics.densityDpi case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_HIGH Log.i display high myHeight display.getHeight 48 break case DisplayMetrics.DENSITY_MEDIUM..
Android Webview - Webpage should fit the device screen scale 1.0 maximum scale 1.0 minimum scale 1.0 user scalable 0 meta name viewport content width device width target densityDpi medium dpi But nothing works webpage is not fixed to the device screen size. Can anyone tell me how to get this android..
Convert pixels to sp
Android Samsung S I9000 screen size and density issues to even smaller font sizes than I was already using. Display metrics are as follows density 2.0 scaledDensity 2.0 densityDpi 320 widthPixels 800 heightPixels 480 xdpi 320.0 ydpi 320.0 Can anybody explain why the device is scaling my graphics up..