android Programming Glossary: describes
Why start using -libraryjars when I never needed it before? and it hasn't been solved see comment 24 . Comment 25 also describes the workaround that allows me now to proceed with my actual..
Setting drawable folder to use for different resolutions xxhdpi You can't. The qualifiers hdpi xhdpi xxhdpi describes the screen density of the device not the size of screen. From..
Is there a simple example of the PopupWindow class using Android v2.0? you'll need to do the following Create a layout XML which describes the View that will be rendered within the PopupWindow. Invoke..
Which programming languages can I use on Android Dalvik? this . Just now 2 Aug 2010 i have read an article which describes regarding Frink Programming language and Calculating Tool for..
How to bring an activity to foreground (top of stack)?
How to group a 3x3 grid of radio buttons? to group a 3x3 grid of radio buttons As the title describes I'm trying to group up a grid of 3x3 radio buttons into a single..
Processing more than one button click at Android Widget Widget I saw this topic and implement IntentService as describes but what if I want more that one button How can I distinguish..
Which programming languages can be used to develop in Android? [duplicate] this . Just now 2 Aug 2010 i have read an article which describes regarding Frink Programming language and Calculating Tool for..
How do I prevent an Android device from going to sleep programmatically? wl.release There's also a table on this page that describes the different kinds of wakelocks. Be aware that some caution..
Calculate compass bearing / heading to location in Android value returned from the compass gives you a value that describes where magnetic north is in degrees east of true north in relation..
Android: CursorAdapter, ListView and CheckBox onCheckedChanged. That's normal The deal is my list view describes alarm elements and periodic calls of onCheckedChanged start..
Detecting MMS messages on Android for browsing android source code This information somewhat describes how to retrieve information from MMS messages that are in the..
Access pictures from Pictures app in my android app can use startActivityForResult passing in an Intent that describes an action you want completed and and data source to perform..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? any proper formula. I know that the Android documentation describes the relation as px dp dpi 160 . But my problem is that if I..
Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss a deep stack then yes you just have a leak. This blog post describes how to debug leaks http android 2011..
Admob implementation Error in the manifest and the build target. This answer describes what solved the issue for me and what caused trouble. Solution..
Dealing with different aspect ratios in libgdx 640 X 480 is the resolution of your TextureRegion that describes the intended aspect ratio. If your TextureRegion size was 320..
How to implement Drag and Drop in android 2.2? then please provide me some code snippet or any link which describes it briefly. android android layout drag and drop share improve..
'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4 2.3 does not. bdc's answer in the thread I mentioned above describes how to check the validity of your SSL certificate and chain..
'Missing contentDescription attribute on image' in XML a contentDescription This defines text that briefly describes content of the view. This property is used primarily for accessibility...
Why start using -libraryjars when I never needed it before? in r17 but I am using the latest of today June 18 2012 and it hasn't been solved see comment 24 . Comment 25 also describes the workaround that allows me now to proceed with my actual development. Bugs are fact of life in complex systems. But the..
Setting drawable folder to use for different resolutions in drawable xhdpi and then the 10 inch tab to use drawable xxhdpi You can't. The qualifiers hdpi xhdpi xxhdpi describes the screen density of the device not the size of screen. From the official doc Screen density The quantity of pixels within..
Is there a simple example of the PopupWindow class using Android v2.0? Google Groups post. To create a simple working PopupWindow you'll need to do the following Create a layout XML which describes the View that will be rendered within the PopupWindow. Invoke the PopupWindow by inflating the layout XML and assign the..
Which programming languages can I use on Android Dalvik? Android Programming Language . For example of this refer this . Just now 2 Aug 2010 i have read an article which describes regarding Frink Programming language and Calculating Tool for Android refer this links Link 1 Link 2 On 4 Aug 2010 i have..
How to bring an activity to foreground (top of stack)?
How to group a 3x3 grid of radio buttons? to group a 3x3 grid of radio buttons As the title describes I'm trying to group up a grid of 3x3 radio buttons into a single radio group. In a previous question asked I learned that..
Processing more than one button click at Android Widget more than one button click at Android Widget I saw this topic and implement IntentService as describes but what if I want more that one button How can I distinguish button from each other I'm trying to setFlags but cannot read..
Which programming languages can be used to develop in Android? [duplicate] Android Programming Language . For example of this refer this . Just now 2 Aug 2010 i have read an article which describes regarding Frink Programming language and Calculating Tool for Android refer this links Link 1 Link 2 On 4 Aug 2010 i have..
How do I prevent an Android device from going to sleep programmatically? My Tag wl.acquire ..screen will stay on during this section.. wl.release There's also a table on this page that describes the different kinds of wakelocks. Be aware that some caution needs to be taken when using wakelocks. Ensure that you always..
Calculate compass bearing / heading to location in Android true north. This is the part that I got stuck on. The heading value returned from the compass gives you a value that describes where magnetic north is in degrees east of true north in relation to where the phone is pointing. So e.g. if the value is..
Android: CursorAdapter, ListView and CheckBox keep checkboxes states. It works fine but every scroll calls onCheckedChanged. That's normal The deal is my list view describes alarm elements and periodic calls of onCheckedChanged start stop the alarms. A lot of unnesseccary actions. android listview..
Detecting MMS messages on Android class that contains MMS calass also this site is convenient for browsing android source code This information somewhat describes how to retrieve information from MMS messages that are in the database. However I still can't figure out the way to detect..
Access pictures from Pictures app in my android app SDK Thanks. android share improve this question You can use startActivityForResult passing in an Intent that describes an action you want completed and and data source to perform the action on. Luckily for you Android includes an Action for..
How do I convert ppi into dpi for Android images? for the conversion between the two but never ended up with any proper formula. I know that the Android documentation describes the relation as px dp dpi 160 . But my problem is that if I know dpi where do I get the value of dp to be used in this calculation..
Android app out of memory issues - tried everything and still at a loss press back go to another activity etc and never have a deep stack then yes you just have a leak. This blog post describes how to debug leaks http android 2011 03 memory analysis for android.html share improve this answer..
Admob implementation Error differentiate clear enough between the targetSdkVersion attribute in the manifest and the build target. This answer describes what solved the issue for me and what caused trouble. Solution The easiest part at first you are missing a few flags in..
Dealing with different aspect ratios in libgdx 640 480 false stage.getCamera .position.set 640 2 480 2 0 Where 640 X 480 is the resolution of your TextureRegion that describes the intended aspect ratio. If your TextureRegion size was 320 X 240 then both the arguments should be changed to the new..
How to implement Drag and Drop in android 2.2? is there a way to implement this using Touch events If yes then please provide me some code snippet or any link which describes it briefly. android android layout drag and drop share improve this question TouchEvent TouchDown LockItemOnTouchPoint..
'No peer certificate' error in Android 2.3 but NOT in 4 browsers handle out of order certificate chains but Android 2.3 does not. bdc's answer in the thread I mentioned above describes how to check the validity of your SSL certificate and chain with openssl s_client connect 443 . When digging..
'Missing contentDescription attribute on image' in XML in ADT 16 throws this warning to ensure that image widgets provide a contentDescription This defines text that briefly describes content of the view. This property is used primarily for accessibility. Since some views do not have textual representation..