android Programming Glossary: deliveredpi
SMS Delivery Report in Android this 0 new Intent SENT 0 PendingIntent deliveredPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 new Intent DELIVERED 0 registerReceiver.. sms.sendTextMessage phoneNumber null message sentPI deliveredPI class deliverReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver @Override public..
Write sent sms to content://sms/sent table code. sms.sendTextMessage phoneNumber null message sentPI deliveredPI Now I want to send sms to multicontacts.Some suggest to use..
Send SMS until it is successful message PendingIntent sentPI null PendingIntent deliveredPI null Intent sentIntent new Intent INTENT_MESSAGE_SENT int sentID.. int deliveredID IDGenerator.nextValue deliveredPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast SMSSender.this deliveredID deliveryIntent.. parts.size i sentIntents.add sentPI deliveredIntents.add deliveredPI for String receiver receivers try sm.sendMultipartTextMessage..
Why do I get NullPointerException when sending an SMS on an HTC Desire, or what is SubmitPdu? sms.sendTextMessage phoneNumber null message sentPI deliveredPI This error seems to only occur on HTC Desire or HTC Wildfire..
How to monitor each of Sent SMS status? this 0 new Intent SENT 0 PendingIntent deliveredPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 new Intent DELIVERED 0 when..
Broadcast Receiver with sendMultiPartTextMessage new Intent mContext SmsSentReceiver.class 0 PendingIntent deliveredPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast mContext 0 new Intent mContext SmsDeliveredReceiver.class.. i sentPI deliveredPendingIntents.add i deliveredPI sms.sendMultipartTextMessage phoneNumber null mSMSMessage ..
Sending sms to multiple people in android PHONE_NOS null msg.getText .toString sentPI deliveredPI PS I have tried using as a separator. But the only thing that.. context 0 new Intent SMS_SENT 0 PendingIntent deliveredPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 new Intent SMS_DELIVERED..
Getting multiple broadcasts from intents? this 0 new Intent SENT 0 PendingIntent deliveredPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 new Intent DELIVERED 0 when.. sms.sendTextMessage phoneNumber null message sentPI deliveredPI android sms broadcastreceiver android intent share improve.. your pending intents better ... e.g. PendingIntent deliveredPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast this uniqueIdPerSMS new Intent DELIVERED..
How to send the SMS more than 160 character? sms.sendTextMessage contactNos j null msgs i sentPI deliveredPI this code work only for 160 character message. i also use ArrayList..
Sending text messages programmatically in android this 0 new Intent SENT 0 PendingIntent deliveredPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 new Intent DELIVERED 0 when..
SMS Delivery Report in Android String DELIVERED SMS_DELIVERED PendingIntent sentPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 new Intent SENT 0 PendingIntent deliveredPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 new Intent DELIVERED 0 registerReceiver sendBroadcastReceiver new IntentFilter SENT registerReceiver.. new IntentFilter DELIVERED SmsManager sms SmsManager.getDefault sms.sendTextMessage phoneNumber null message sentPI deliveredPI class deliverReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent arg1 switch getResultCode..
Write sent sms to content://sms/sent table can send sms to single contact by using the following code. sms.sendTextMessage phoneNumber null message sentPI deliveredPI Now I want to send sms to multicontacts.Some suggest to use loop.SO now I am using loops to send sms to multicontact. After..
Send SMS until it is successful sm SmsManager.getDefault ArrayList String parts sm.divideMessage message PendingIntent sentPI null PendingIntent deliveredPI null Intent sentIntent new Intent INTENT_MESSAGE_SENT int sentID IDGenerator.nextValue sentPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast.. Intent deliveryIntent new Intent INTENT_MESSAGE_DELIVERED int deliveredID IDGenerator.nextValue deliveredPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast SMSSender.this deliveredID deliveryIntent PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT Log.i TAG sending.. deliveredIntents new ArrayList PendingIntent for int i 0 i parts.size i sentIntents.add sentPI deliveredIntents.add deliveredPI for String receiver receivers try sm.sendMultipartTextMessage receiver null parts sentIntents deliveredIntents catch..
Why do I get NullPointerException when sending an SMS on an HTC Desire, or what is SubmitPdu? I don't verify message length or phone number validity sms.sendTextMessage phoneNumber null message sentPI deliveredPI This error seems to only occur on HTC Desire or HTC Wildfire with android version 2.2 or 2.21 so I dug up the android platform..
How to monitor each of Sent SMS status? String DELIVERED SMS_DELIVERED PendingIntent sentPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 new Intent SENT 0 PendingIntent deliveredPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 new Intent DELIVERED 0 when the SMS has been sent registerReceiver new BroadcastReceiver..
Broadcast Receiver with sendMultiPartTextMessage PendingIntent sentPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast mContext 0 new Intent mContext SmsSentReceiver.class 0 PendingIntent deliveredPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast mContext 0 new Intent mContext SmsDeliveredReceiver.class 0 try SmsManager sms SmsManager.getDefault.. message for int i 0 i mSMSMessage.size i sentPendingIntents.add i sentPI deliveredPendingIntents.add i deliveredPI sms.sendMultipartTextMessage phoneNumber null mSMSMessage sentPendingIntents deliveredPendingIntents catch Exception e..
Sending sms to multiple people in android this. The code I use is given below SmsManager.getDefault .sendTextMessage PHONE_NOS null msg.getText .toString sentPI deliveredPI PS I have tried using as a separator. But the only thing that happens is that it sends an sms only to the first person in.. smsMessage.getMsgBody PendingIntent sentPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 new Intent SMS_SENT 0 PendingIntent deliveredPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast context 0 new Intent SMS_DELIVERED 0 int AddresseesPerMessage 10 StringBuilder builder new StringBuilder..
Getting multiple broadcasts from intents? String DELIVERED SMS_DELIVERED PendingIntent sentPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 new Intent SENT 0 PendingIntent deliveredPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 new Intent DELIVERED 0 when the SMS has been sent registerReceiver new BroadcastReceiver.. new IntentFilter DELIVERED SmsManager sms SmsManager.getDefault sms.sendTextMessage phoneNumber null message sentPI deliveredPI android sms broadcastreceiver android intent share improve this question First you have a new BroadcastReceiver every.. along with your pendingIntent you need to help Android distinguish your pending intents better ... e.g. PendingIntent deliveredPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast this uniqueIdPerSMS new Intent DELIVERED PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT share improve this..
How to send the SMS more than 160 character? big SMS in android. I used SmsManager sms SmsManager.getDefault sms.sendTextMessage contactNos j null msgs i sentPI deliveredPI this code work only for 160 character message. i also use ArrayList String msgsplit sms.divideMessage msgs i ArrayList PendingIntent..
Sending text messages programmatically in android String DELIVERED SMS_DELIVERED PendingIntent sentPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 new Intent SENT 0 PendingIntent deliveredPI PendingIntent.getBroadcast this 0 new Intent DELIVERED 0 when the SMS has been sent registerReceiver new BroadcastReceiver..