android Programming Glossary: delta
How can I get the direction of movement using an accelerometer? on subsequent calls to the onSensorChanged method to get a delta value. If the delta value on one axis is positive then the device.. to the onSensorChanged method to get a delta value. If the delta value on one axis is positive then the device is moving one.. events and the threshold at which you consider a delta value to indicate a change in direction. Here's a quick code..
Android listview row delete animation float x event.getX v.getTranslationX float deltaX x mDownX float deltaXAbs Math.abs deltaX if mSwiping if.. event.getX v.getTranslationX float deltaX x mDownX float deltaXAbs Math.abs deltaX if mSwiping if deltaXAbs mSwipeSlop .. float deltaX x mDownX float deltaXAbs Math.abs deltaX if mSwiping if deltaXAbs mSwipeSlop mSwiping true mListView.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent..
Android: I want to shake it mAccelCurrent float Math.sqrt double x x y y z z float delta mAccelCurrent mAccelLast mAccel mAccel 0.9f delta perform low.. z float delta mAccelCurrent mAccelLast mAccel mAccel 0.9f delta perform low cut filter public void onAccuracyChanged Sensor..
Developing an Android Homescreen Scroll to follow the motion event final int deltaX int mLastMotionX x mLastMotionX x Log.i LOG_TAG event move.. mLastMotionX x mLastMotionX x Log.i LOG_TAG event move deltaX deltaX mScrollX mScrollX if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 scrollBy.. x mLastMotionX x Log.i LOG_TAG event move deltaX deltaX mScrollX mScrollX if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 scrollBy Math.max..
Detect touch press vs long press vs movement? As for the moving happens even when I touch I would set a delta and make sure the View has been moved by at least the delta.. and make sure the View has been moved by at least the delta before kicking in the movement code. If it hasn't been kick..
Android: Moving background image while navigating through Views Scroll to follow the motion event final int deltaX int mLastMotionX x mLastMotionX x if deltaX 0 if mScrollX.. final int deltaX int mLastMotionX x mLastMotionX x if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 BadScrollHelp.setScrollX deltaX scrollBy.. x if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 BadScrollHelp.setScrollX deltaX scrollBy Math.max mScrollX deltaX 0 else if deltaX 0 final..
Android Homescreen Scroll to follow the motion event final int deltaX int mLastMotionX x mLastMotionX x Log.i LOG_TAG event move.. mLastMotionX x mLastMotionX x Log.i LOG_TAG event move deltaX deltaX mScrollX mScrollX if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 scrollBy.. x mLastMotionX x Log.i LOG_TAG event move deltaX deltaX mScrollX mScrollX if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 scrollBy Math.max..
How can I get the direction of movement using an accelerometer? and then compare them to any new values that you receive on subsequent calls to the onSensorChanged method to get a delta value. If the delta value on one axis is positive then the device is moving one way if its negative its moving the opposite.. them to any new values that you receive on subsequent calls to the onSensorChanged method to get a delta value. If the delta value on one axis is positive then the device is moving one way if its negative its moving the opposite way. You will probably.. need to fine tune both the rate at which you receive accelerometer events and the threshold at which you consider a delta value to indicate a change in direction. Here's a quick code example of what I'm talking about public class AccelerometerExample..
Android listview row delete animation 0 mItemPressed false break case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE float x event.getX v.getTranslationX float deltaX x mDownX float deltaXAbs Math.abs deltaX if mSwiping if deltaXAbs mSwipeSlop mSwiping true mListView.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent.. false break case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE float x event.getX v.getTranslationX float deltaX x mDownX float deltaXAbs Math.abs deltaX if mSwiping if deltaXAbs mSwipeSlop mSwiping true mListView.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent.. case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE float x event.getX v.getTranslationX float deltaX x mDownX float deltaXAbs Math.abs deltaX if mSwiping if deltaXAbs mSwipeSlop mSwiping true mListView.requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent true mBackgroundContainer.showBackground..
Android: I want to shake it y se.values 1 float z se.values 2 mAccelLast mAccelCurrent mAccelCurrent float Math.sqrt double x x y y z z float delta mAccelCurrent mAccelLast mAccel mAccel 0.9f delta perform low cut filter public void onAccuracyChanged Sensor sensor int.. mAccelCurrent mAccelCurrent float Math.sqrt double x x y y z z float delta mAccelCurrent mAccelLast mAccel mAccel 0.9f delta perform low cut filter public void onAccuracyChanged Sensor sensor int accuracy @Override protected void onResume super.onResume..
Developing an Android Homescreen Log.i LOG_TAG event move if mTouchState TOUCH_STATE_SCROLLING Scroll to follow the motion event final int deltaX int mLastMotionX x mLastMotionX x Log.i LOG_TAG event move deltaX deltaX mScrollX mScrollX if deltaX 0 if mScrollX.. Scroll to follow the motion event final int deltaX int mLastMotionX x mLastMotionX x Log.i LOG_TAG event move deltaX deltaX mScrollX mScrollX if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 scrollBy Math.max mScrollX deltaX 0 else if deltaX 0 final int.. to follow the motion event final int deltaX int mLastMotionX x mLastMotionX x Log.i LOG_TAG event move deltaX deltaX mScrollX mScrollX if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 scrollBy Math.max mScrollX deltaX 0 else if deltaX 0 final int availableToScroll..
Detect touch press vs long press vs movement? gesture on the screen within the bounds of the item . As for the moving happens even when I touch I would set a delta and make sure the View has been moved by at least the delta before kicking in the movement code. If it hasn't been kick..
Android: Moving background image while navigating through Views motion event started mLastMotionX x break case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE Scroll to follow the motion event final int deltaX int mLastMotionX x mLastMotionX x if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 BadScrollHelp.setScrollX deltaX scrollBy Math.max mScrollX.. MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE Scroll to follow the motion event final int deltaX int mLastMotionX x mLastMotionX x if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 BadScrollHelp.setScrollX deltaX scrollBy Math.max mScrollX deltaX 0 else if deltaX 0 final int availableToScroll.. event final int deltaX int mLastMotionX x mLastMotionX x if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 BadScrollHelp.setScrollX deltaX scrollBy Math.max mScrollX deltaX 0 else if deltaX 0 final int availableToScroll getChildAt getChildCount 1 .getRight..
Android Homescreen Log.i LOG_TAG event move if mTouchState TOUCH_STATE_SCROLLING Scroll to follow the motion event final int deltaX int mLastMotionX x mLastMotionX x Log.i LOG_TAG event move deltaX deltaX mScrollX mScrollX if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0.. Scroll to follow the motion event final int deltaX int mLastMotionX x mLastMotionX x Log.i LOG_TAG event move deltaX deltaX mScrollX mScrollX if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 scrollBy Math.max mScrollX deltaX 0 else if deltaX 0 final int.. Scroll to follow the motion event final int deltaX int mLastMotionX x mLastMotionX x Log.i LOG_TAG event move deltaX deltaX mScrollX mScrollX if deltaX 0 if mScrollX 0 scrollBy Math.max mScrollX deltaX 0 else if deltaX 0 final int availableToScroll..