android Programming Glossary: deprecated
How to get screen dimensions could use the getWidth and getHeight methods that are now deprecated Display display getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay int width.. .getDefaultDisplay int width display.getWidth deprecated int height display.getHeight deprecated For the use case you're.. display.getWidth deprecated int height display.getHeight deprecated For the use case you're describing however a margin padding..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen always use RelativeLayout for layouts AbsoluteLayout is deprecated and should not be used. Use appropriate image formats PNG versus..
Does Android support near real time push notification to applications running on devices. Previously and now deprecated the service was called Cloud To Device Messaging . share improve..
Push Notifications in Android Platform answer is the Android Cloud to Device Messaging Framework deprecated Google Cloud Messaging It will work on Android 2.2 on phones..
How to read contacts on Android 2.0 of all contacts. Since android.provider.Contacts.People is deprecated I have to use android.provider.ContactsContract But I can't..
How to obtain all details of a contact in Android of the tutorial on Content Providers since it referenced deprecated classes this might help. import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts..
Android: I want to shake it implementing the SensorListener but Eclipse tells me it's deprecated and suggest SensorEventListener. Anybody that has a nice guide..
Read all contact's phone numbers in android null Please note that this example like yours uses the deprecated contacts API. From eclair onwards this has been replaced with..
How do you format date and time in Android? you should be aware that the constructors have been deprecated and you should really be using a Java Calendar object. share..
Was PreferenceFragment intentionally excluded from the compatibility package? 3.0 devices. Discovering that PreferenceActivity contains deprecated methods although these are used in the accompanying sample code.. question Discovering that PreferenceActivity contains deprecated methods although these are used in the accompanying sample code.. these are used in the accompanying sample code The deprecated methods are deprecated as of Android 3.0. They are perfectly..
what is the difference between match_parent and fill_parent property in android be as big as its parent minus padding . This constant is deprecated starting from API Level 8 and is replaced by match_parent ...
Android create shortcuts on the home screen this code is not gonna work on all devices and that is deprecated and that what i want to do is not possibile....... This technique..
Separate Back Stack for each tab in Android using Fragments in an Android app. Since TabActivity and ActivityGroup are deprecated I would like to implement it using Fragments instead. I know..
Usage CursorLoader without ContentProvider startManagingCursor method is depracated This method is deprecated. Use the new CursorLoader class with LoaderManager instead this..
Google map signed api key errors in Android UPDATE The link above for obtaining api keys is now a deprecated procedure. Refer Obtaining API keys for GoogleMaps Android API..
Is it possible to extend Facebook tokens with extendAccessTokenIfNeeded in an Android app? Stack Overflow Questions Facebook 60 day access token and Deprecated Offline_Access Facebook access token can not be extended How..
Non Deprecated findPreference() Method? - Android Deprecated findPreference Method Android I want to detect when a Preference..
Deprecated ManagedQuery() issue ManagedQuery issue I have this method public String getRealPathFromURI..
How do you stop Proguard from removing type parameters? Annotation InnerClasses SourceFile LineNumberTable Deprecated keep public class public protected keepclassmembers enum public..
Is there a way to automate the android sdk installation? list sdk Lists remote SDK repository. Options o obsolete Deprecated. Please use all instead. a all Lists all available packages..
How to stop a thread? throwing an exception 01 21 14 12 40.188 ERROR global 535 Deprecated Thread methods are not supported. 01 21 14 12 40.188 ERROR global..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM Facebook forum it is needed to disable the Disable Deprecated Auth Methods setting from the Facebook settings page of your.. To make that method works you have to disable the Disable Deprecated Auth Methods option in the Advance tab in your application settings...
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException when my splash screen starts i get tis error in logcat 11 06 02 36 45.450 E global 4184 Deprecated Thread methods are not supported. 11 06 02 36 45.450 E global..
Problems with connecting to Facebook XMMP MD5-DIGEST To make that method works you have to disable the Disable Deprecated Auth Methods option in the Advance tab in your application settings...
deprecated thread methods are not supported true The error in LogCat 12 30 14 54 54.044 E global 1232 Deprecated Thread methods are not supported. 12 30 14 54 54.044 E global..
SimpleCursorAdapter deprecated in API version 15? one of its constructors with the following comment Deprecated. This option is discouraged as it results in Cursor queries..
Android eclipse startManagingCursor Deprecated but want to support older API versions? eclipse startManagingCursor Deprecated but want to support older API versions I am trying to understand..
How to get screen dimensions Before getSize was introduced in API level 13 you could use the getWidth and getHeight methods that are now deprecated Display display getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay int width display.getWidth deprecated int height display.getHeight deprecated.. methods that are now deprecated Display display getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay int width display.getWidth deprecated int height display.getHeight deprecated For the use case you're describing however a margin padding in the layout seems.. Display display getWindowManager .getDefaultDisplay int width display.getWidth deprecated int height display.getHeight deprecated For the use case you're describing however a margin padding in the layout seems more appropriate. share improve this answer..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen setting. Scaled at runtime. Use for font sizes you should always use RelativeLayout for layouts AbsoluteLayout is deprecated and should not be used. Use appropriate image formats PNG versus JPEG Android prefers PNG for bitmap image files accepts..
Does Android support near real time push notification
Push Notifications in Android Platform
How to read contacts on Android 2.0 I'm working on Android 2.0 and am trying to receive a list of all contacts. Since android.provider.Contacts.People is deprecated I have to use android.provider.ContactsContract But I can't find a proper example of how to use it ex retrieve a list of..
How to obtain all details of a contact in Android contacts share improve this question Had to change a bit of the tutorial on Content Providers since it referenced deprecated classes this might help. import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts import android.database.Cursor Form an array..
Android: I want to shake it my Android application. All I find of documentation involves implementing the SensorListener but Eclipse tells me it's deprecated and suggest SensorEventListener. Anybody that has a nice guide to how I go about creating this shake controller android..
Read all contact's phone numbers in android
How do you format date and time in Android?
Was PreferenceFragment intentionally excluded from the compatibility package? to write preferences that can be applied to both 3.0 and pre 3.0 devices. Discovering that PreferenceActivity contains deprecated methods although these are used in the accompanying sample code I looked at PreferenceFragement and the compatibility package.. James android compatibility android 3.0 share improve this question Discovering that PreferenceActivity contains deprecated methods although these are used in the accompanying sample code The deprecated methods are deprecated as of Android 3.0... that PreferenceActivity contains deprecated methods although these are used in the accompanying sample code The deprecated methods are deprecated as of Android 3.0. They are perfectly fine on all versions of Android but the direction is to use..
what is the difference between match_parent and fill_parent property in android as its parent minus padding ... fill_parent The view should be as big as its parent minus padding . This constant is deprecated starting from API Level 8 and is replaced by match_parent . http reference android view ViewGroup.LayoutParams.html..
Android create shortcuts on the home screen seem to be the answer to my question but someone told me that this code is not gonna work on all devices and that is deprecated and that what i want to do is not possibile....... This technique is not recommended. This is an internal implementation..
Separate Back Stack for each tab in Android using Fragments Fragments I'm trying to implement tabs for navigation in an Android app. Since TabActivity and ActivityGroup are deprecated I would like to implement it using Fragments instead. I know how to set up one fragment for each tab and then switch fragments..
Usage CursorLoader without ContentProvider without ContentProvider Android SDK documentation says that startManagingCursor method is depracated This method is deprecated. Use the new CursorLoader class with LoaderManager instead this is also available on older platforms through the Android..
Google map signed api key errors in Android
Is it possible to extend Facebook tokens with extendAccessTokenIfNeeded in an Android app? permission deprecation Facebook bug report Related Stack Overflow Questions Facebook 60 day access token and Deprecated Offline_Access Facebook access token can not be extended How would offline_access work after deprecation after May 1st Facebook..
Non Deprecated findPreference() Method? - Android Deprecated findPreference Method Android I want to detect when a Preference contained in a ListView gets clicked so that I can launch..
Deprecated ManagedQuery() issue ManagedQuery issue I have this method public String getRealPathFromURI Uri contentUri String proj MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA..
How do you stop Proguard from removing type parameters? SourceFile keepparameternames keepattributes Exceptions Annotation InnerClasses SourceFile LineNumberTable Deprecated keep public class public protected keepclassmembers enum public static values public static valueOf java.lang.String keepclassmembernames..
Is there a way to automate the android sdk installation? cache. s silent Silent mode shows errors only. Action list sdk Lists remote SDK repository. Options o obsolete Deprecated. Please use all instead. a all Lists all available packages including obsolete and installed ones proxy host HTTP HTTPS..
How to stop a thread? thread.stop but the method stop is depricated and is throwing an exception 01 21 14 12 40.188 ERROR global 535 Deprecated Thread methods are not supported. 01 21 14 12 40.188 ERROR global 535 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException 01 21 14 12..
XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM xml ns xmpp sasl not authorized failure As read in the developers Facebook forum it is needed to disable the Disable Deprecated Auth Methods setting from the Facebook settings page of your app. But even doing that I can't login. And the session key..
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException when my splash screen starts when my splash screen starts When my splash screen starts i get tis error in logcat 11 06 02 36 45.450 E global 4184 Deprecated Thread methods are not supported. 11 06 02 36 45.450 E global 4184 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException 11 06 02 36 45.450..
Problems with connecting to Facebook XMMP MD5-DIGEST
deprecated thread methods are not supported event.getAction MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN _active false return true The error in LogCat 12 30 14 54 54.044 E global 1232 Deprecated Thread methods are not supported. 12 30 14 54 54.044 E global 1232 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException. 12 30 14 54..
SimpleCursorAdapter deprecated in API version 15? deprecated in API version 15 SimpleCursorAdapter deprecates one of its constructors with the following comment Deprecated. This option is discouraged as it results in Cursor queries being performed on the application's UI thread and thus can..
Android eclipse startManagingCursor Deprecated but want to support older API versions? eclipse startManagingCursor Deprecated but want to support older API versions I am trying to understand something and I am sure it is very basic to some people...