android Programming Glossary: demo
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted stepper.step My test counter. static int n 0 Test demo. public static void main String args throws InterruptedException..
Bitmap recycle with largeHeap enabled period so that other images can be cached. I had created a demo example for the same you can download from here share improve..
Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment I try to do a demo with google maps android v2 with very simple actitiviy just.. for activity package com.example.mapdemo import import android.os.Bundle public.. add for map2 permission android name com.example.mapdemo.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE android protectionLevel signature uses..
HTML5 <video> element on Android button checked usually does the trick. Have a look at the demo on this page http broken tests video This works AFAIK..
How do I make links in a TextView clickable? clickable share improve this question Buried in the API demos I found the solution to my problem text2 has links.. of the attributes on my TextView to match what was in the demo. TextView android id @ id infoTxtCredits android layout_width..
Sending POST data in Android
Android: I am using AChartEngine library for graphs, but not able to integrate achartengine's graph view with android xml? This is a FAQ for AChartEngine. The AChartEngine demo application is available for download here AChartEngine demo.. application is available for download here AChartEngine demo In the demo source code you can see an example on how to embed.. is available for download here AChartEngine demo In the demo source code you can see an example on how to embed a chart into..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? look similar to the following I'm only putting in one as a demo but the idea is the same for each public class CarsDBAdapter..
AlertDialog from within BroadcastReceiver?? Can it be done? in android Android SMS receiver not working Android SDK demo example android sdk windows samples android 8 ApiDemos src com..
The Android emulator is not starting, showing “invalid command-line parameter” in the console. console output 2011 07 10 07 10 22 demo 2011 07 10 07 10 22 demo Android Launch 2011 07 10 07 10 24.. output 2011 07 10 07 10 22 demo 2011 07 10 07 10 22 demo Android Launch 2011 07 10 07 10 24 demo adb is running normally... 07 10 07 10 22 demo Android Launch 2011 07 10 07 10 24 demo adb is running normally. 2011 07 10 07 10 24 demo Performing..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application is my Android code I have implemented till now package com.demo import import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope.. . SQLEXPRESS Initial Catalog student User ID sa Password demo myConnection.Open using SqlCommand myCommand new SqlCommand.. in the future. So here is the modified code package com.demo import import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope..
Android Facebook style slide the best menus I could come up with Android sliding menu demo Screenshot from emulator mid scroll Screenshot from device full..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? devices a bitmap caching implementation should fit better Demo video with the animation Here Slow frame rate cause of the screen..
How many Activities vs Fragments? prefer the pattern used by the ActionBarSherlock Fragments Demo app download here and source code here . The demo that most..
How to get the correct number of bytes sent and received in TrafficStats? android paddingBottom 20dip android text Traffic Stats Demo TextView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height..
Menu like Facebook and Sliding from One View to Another by touch in Android 2.2 FB or G app and I have found some sample code from FB Menu Demo and https jfeinstein10 SlidingMenu These are good..
Android Map api v2 Custom marker with ImageView [closed] share improve this question In the Google Maps API v2 Demo there is a MarkerDemoActivity class in which you can see how.. question In the Google Maps API v2 Demo there is a MarkerDemoActivity class in which you can see how a custom Image is set..
Implementations of Emoji (Emoticon) View/Keyboard Layouts the Google Hangouts app. I looked into the SoftKeyboard Demo app in the Android API Samples but the display of these emoji..
Handling registration ID changes in Google Cloud Messaging on Android so no harm was done. EDIT 06.06.2013 Google changed their Demo App to use the new interface. They refresh the registration.. expirationTime EDIT 08.14.2013 Google changed their Demo App again two days ago . This time they removed the logic that..
How to make an alert dialog fill 90% of screen size? Dialog bigger you can set those parameters to FILL_PARENT. Demo code AlertDialog.Builder adb new AlertDialog.Builder this Dialog..
Is there a way to animate on a Home Widget?
Android: Progress Dialog spinner not spinning like that the spinning image stops spinning. In the API Demo you can see this by clicking Show Indeterminate pressing back..
Android: Speech Recognition without using google server [closed] and run it on your device CMU Sphinx Pocket Sphinx Android Demo You can find a tutorial with the details here CMU Sphinx Pocket..
Need sample Android REST Client project which implements Virgil Dobjanschi REST implementation pattern implementation direction are also helpful Android API Demo does not match my use case . Thanks in advance. Klaus EDIT Similar..
Android Nfc Sample Demo - reads only fake information from the Tag Nfc Sample Demo reads only fake information from the Tag I just installed the.. fake information from the Tag I just installed the Nfc Demo from google but it doesn´t read the information from the Tag...
Displaying Android asset files in a WebView? Content Type content text html charset ISO 8859 1 title Demo Html title link rel stylesheet type text css href demo.css head..
Need Help in Downloading in Background Images in Android? solved Here's asynctask code sample sinnpet public class Demo extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. stub return null Invoking Service public class ServicesDemo extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState.. Calling IntentService from MyActivity public class ServicesDemo extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState..
Android READ PHONE STATE? import android.widget.TextView public class TelephonyDemo extends Activity TextView textOut TelephonyManager telephonyManager.. @android style Theme.Light activity android name .TelephonyDemo android label @string app_name intent filter action android.. android layout_height wrap_content android text Telephony Demo android textSize 22sp TextView android id @ id textOut android..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? appVersion.setPadding 0 5 0 0 appVersion.setText n nSimple Demo Build build nMPL Library Build PayPal.getBuild content.addView..
Slide Toggle for Android on git hub. http pellucide Android Switch Demo pre 4.0 tree master A screenshot from that project android..
More efficient way for pausing loop wanted this.stepper stepper @Override public void step throws Exception stepper.step My test counter. static int n 0 Test demo. public static void main String args throws InterruptedException try Simple stepper that just increments n. Stepper s new..
Bitmap recycle with largeHeap enabled
Unable instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment instantiate android.gms.maps.MapFragment I try to do a demo with google maps android v2 with very simple actitiviy just copy code from google page https maps.. maps documentation android start#adding_the_api_key_to_your_application for activity package com.example.mapdemo import import android.os.Bundle public class MainActivity extends Activity @Override protected void.. 15 uses permission android name android.permission.INTERNET add for map2 permission android name com.example.mapdemo.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE android protectionLevel signature uses permission android name com.example.mapdemo.permission.MAPS_RECEIVE..
HTML5 <video> element on Android the iPhone setting on Handbrake with the 'Web Optimized' button checked usually does the trick. Have a look at the demo on this page http broken tests video This works AFAIK in all video enabled desktop browsers iPhone and Android...
How do I make links in a TextView clickable? than show the full URL. android hyperlink android textview clickable share improve this question Buried in the API demos I found the solution to my problem text2 has links specified by putting a tags in the string resource. By default.. LinkMovementMethod.getInstance I removed most of the attributes on my TextView to match what was in the demo. TextView android id @ id infoTxtCredits android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content android layout_below..
Sending POST data in Android
Android: I am using AChartEngine library for graphs, but not able to integrate achartengine's graph view with android xml? or not. android achartengine share improve this question This is a FAQ for AChartEngine. The AChartEngine demo application is available for download here AChartEngine demo In the demo source code you can see an example on how to embed.. This is a FAQ for AChartEngine. The AChartEngine demo application is available for download here AChartEngine demo In the demo source code you can see an example on how to embed a chart into an existing view. Basically in the activity.. is a FAQ for AChartEngine. The AChartEngine demo application is available for download here AChartEngine demo In the demo source code you can see an example on how to embed a chart into an existing view. Basically in the activity descriptor .xml..
Multiple Table SQLite DB Adapter(s) in Android? Boats Motorcycles I would have three adapters that would look similar to the following I'm only putting in one as a demo but the idea is the same for each public class CarsDBAdapter public static final String ROW_ID _id public static final String..
AlertDialog from within BroadcastReceiver?? Can it be done? How to send data from BroadcastReceiver to an Activity in android Android SMS receiver not working Android SDK demo example android sdk windows samples android 8 ApiDemos src com example android apis os And of course..
The Android emulator is not starting, showing “invalid command-line parameter” LinearLayout And now when I run my program it shows the following in the console. console output 2011 07 10 07 10 22 demo 2011 07 10 07 10 22 demo Android Launch 2011 07 10 07 10 24 demo adb is running normally. 2011 07 10 07 10 24 demo Performing.. I run my program it shows the following in the console. console output 2011 07 10 07 10 22 demo 2011 07 10 07 10 22 demo Android Launch 2011 07 10 07 10 24 demo adb is running normally. 2011 07 10 07 10 24 demo Performing com.demo.DemoActivity.. in the console. console output 2011 07 10 07 10 22 demo 2011 07 10 07 10 22 demo Android Launch 2011 07 10 07 10 24 demo adb is running normally. 2011 07 10 07 10 24 demo Performing com.demo.DemoActivity activity launch 2011 07 10 07 10 25 demo..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application me what's wrong or any other simpler way to do this Here is my Android code I have implemented till now package com.demo import import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapPrimitive.. SqlConnection myConnection new SqlConnection @ Data Source . SQLEXPRESS Initial Catalog student User ID sa Password demo myConnection.Open using SqlCommand myCommand new SqlCommand myCommand.Connection myConnection myCommand.CommandText SELECT.. so that it be can be useful to people who see this post in the future. So here is the modified code package com.demo import import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject import org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapPrimitive..
Android Facebook style slide and HorzScrollWithImageMenu in the Launch activity show the best menus I could come up with Android sliding menu demo Screenshot from emulator mid scroll Screenshot from device full scroll . Note my icon is not as wide as the Facebook menu..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? for this kind of animations. For non hardware accelerated devices a bitmap caching implementation should fit better Demo video with the animation Here Slow frame rate cause of the screen cast. Actual performance is very fast Usage layout new..
How many Activities vs Fragments? across many Activities see DRY Principle on wikipedia . I prefer the pattern used by the ActionBarSherlock Fragments Demo app download here and source code here . The demo that most closely matches the tutorial mentioned in the question is the..
How to get the correct number of bytes sent and received in TrafficStats? textSize 16sp android textStyle bold android gravity center android paddingBottom 20dip android text Traffic Stats Demo TextView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android textSize 14sp android textColor #00ff00..
Menu like Facebook and Sliding from One View to Another by touch in Android 2.2 in Android 2.2 I want to implement a sliding Menu like FB or G app and I have found some sample code from FB Menu Demo and https jfeinstein10 SlidingMenu These are good to begin with But I need something extra from them. Like here..
Android Map api v2 Custom marker with ImageView [closed] help me its very urgent. android google maps android api 2 share improve this question In the Google Maps API v2 Demo there is a MarkerDemoActivity class in which you can see how a custom Image is set to a GoogleMap. Uses a custom icon. mSydney.. android google maps android api 2 share improve this question In the Google Maps API v2 Demo there is a MarkerDemoActivity class in which you can see how a custom Image is set to a GoogleMap. Uses a custom icon. mSydney mMap.addMarker..
Implementations of Emoji (Emoticon) View/Keyboard Layouts emoticon selections are implemented on the Facebook app and the Google Hangouts app. I looked into the SoftKeyboard Demo app in the Android API Samples but the display of these emoji views does not look like a SoftKeyboard . It looks and behaves..
Handling registration ID changes in Google Cloud Messaging on Android a canonical registration ID sent in the response from Google so no harm was done. EDIT 06.06.2013 Google changed their Demo App to use the new interface. They refresh the registration ID by setting an expiration date on the value persisted locally.. 1 return System.currentTimeMillis expirationTime EDIT 08.14.2013 Google changed their Demo App again two days ago . This time they removed the logic that considers the Registration ID to be expired after 7 days...
How to make an alert dialog fill 90% of screen size? level layout width and height to WRAP_CONTENT. To make the Dialog bigger you can set those parameters to FILL_PARENT. Demo code AlertDialog.Builder adb new AlertDialog.Builder this Dialog d adb.setView new View this .create That new View is just..
Is there a way to animate on a Home Widget?
Android: Progress Dialog spinner not spinning and show it again without destroying the activity or anything like that the spinning image stops spinning. In the API Demo you can see this by clicking Show Indeterminate pressing back to dismiss the dialog and clicking the button again. I've..
Android: Speech Recognition without using google server [closed]
Need sample Android REST Client project which implements Virgil Dobjanschi REST implementation pattern let me know Any other suggestions which points me in the correct implementation direction are also helpful Android API Demo does not match my use case . Thanks in advance. Klaus EDIT Similar Topics found on SO after posting this which lead me in..
Android Nfc Sample Demo - reads only fake information from the Tag Nfc Sample Demo reads only fake information from the Tag I just installed the Nfc Demo from google but it doesn´t read the information.. Nfc Sample Demo reads only fake information from the Tag I just installed the Nfc Demo from google but it doesn´t read the information from the Tag. It just provides some fakeTag information. Has anybody an..
Displaying Android asset files in a WebView? http TR html4 loose.dtd html head meta http equiv Content Type content text html charset ISO 8859 1 title Demo Html title link rel stylesheet type text css href demo.css head body H1 Testing One Two Three H1 a href test.html CLICK..
Need Help in Downloading in Background Images in Android? which one is right method because still my probelm not solved Here's asynctask code sample sinnpet public class Demo extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. IBinder onBind Intent intent TODO Auto generated method stub return null Invoking Service public class ServicesDemo extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView.. TODO Auto generated catch block Log.d Error e1.getMessage Calling IntentService from MyActivity public class ServicesDemo extends Activity @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState setContentView..
Android READ PHONE STATE? import android.telephony.TelephonyManager import android.widget.TextView public class TelephonyDemo extends Activity TextView textOut TelephonyManager telephonyManager PhoneStateListener listener Called when the activity.. @drawable icon android label @string app_name android theme @android style Theme.Light activity android name .TelephonyDemo android label @string app_name intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android name android.intent.category.LAUNCHER.. vertical TextView android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android text Telephony Demo android textSize 22sp TextView android id @ id textOut android layout_width wrap_content android layout_height wrap_content..
How integrate Paypal in android Application? this appVersion.setGravity Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL appVersion.setPadding 0 5 0 0 appVersion.setText n nSimple Demo Build build nMPL Library Build PayPal.getBuild content.addView appVersion appVersion.setVisibility View.GONE setContentView..
Slide Toggle for Android code back porting was not very difficult. The code is hosted on git hub. http pellucide Android Switch Demo pre 4.0 tree master A screenshot from that project android share improve this question iOS does not seem to have a..