android Programming Glossary: delivers
how create Gradient like Iphone Edittext box in android drawing capabilities. This won't look exactly the same but delivers arguably smoother results. Here is some code to generate a rounded..
Android TCP does not flush until socket is closed writing lines so the consumer blocks until it gets EOS and delivers one big line. Add line terminators when sending as necessary...
Synchronize Android client and REST server users into a local SQLite database. A ContentProvider delivers cached users to the UI. The user object downloaded from the..
Java Generics - What is this syntax for? system calls this to perform work in a worker thread and delivers it the parameters given to AsyncTask.execute protected Bitmap.. The system calls this to perform work in the UI thread and delivers the result from doInBackground protected void onPostExecute..
My BroadcastReceiver is not receiving the BOOT_COMPLETED intent after my N1 boots. Help Please! must be installed on the internal storage because Android delivers ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast before the external storage..
Issues with SHA1 hash implementation in Android JNIEnv env jobject jobj jstring file The JDK delivers the binary javah.exe which generates the header file for the..
Android search with Fragments or widget the system starts your searchable activity and delivers it the search query in an Intent with the ACTION_SEARCH action...
How do I verify Android in-app-billing transactions on MY server? Client asks the server to deliver content for X. Server delivers content if Y is valid . How can this be accomplished Q How do..
how create Gradient like Iphone Edittext box in android The second is to get the same effect using scalable native drawing capabilities. This won't look exactly the same but delivers arguably smoother results. Here is some code to generate a rounded rect image with a gradient fill. This is res drawable..
Android TCP does not flush until socket is closed
Synchronize Android client and REST server side I use a Service with AsyncTasks to download parse and store users into a local SQLite database. A ContentProvider delivers cached users to the UI. The user object downloaded from the server contains the unique id of the users table. This should..
Java Generics - What is this syntax for? DownloadImageTask extends AsyncTask String Void Bitmap The system calls this to perform work in a worker thread and delivers it the parameters given to AsyncTask.execute protected Bitmap doInBackground String... urls return loadImageFromNetwork.. String... urls return loadImageFromNetwork urls 0 The system calls this to perform work in the UI thread and delivers the result from doInBackground protected void onPostExecute Bitmap result mImageView.setImageBitmap result java android..
My BroadcastReceiver is not receiving the BOOT_COMPLETED intent after my N1 boots. Help Please! the applications that receive the BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast must be installed on the internal storage because Android delivers ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED broadcast before the external storage is mounted to the device. To ensure that your application will..
Issues with SHA1 hash implementation in Android void JNICALL Java_de_dhbw_file_sha1_SHA1HashFileAsyncTask_calcFileSha1 JNIEnv env jobject jobj jstring file The JDK delivers the binary javah.exe which generates the header file for the native code. The usage is very simple simply call it with the..
Android search with Fragments that When the user executes a search in the search dialog or widget the system starts your searchable activity and delivers it the search query in an Intent with the ACTION_SEARCH action. Your searchable activity retrieves the query from the intent's..
How do I verify Android in-app-billing transactions on MY server? data Y is sent to the client. Client sends Y to my server. Client asks the server to deliver content for X. Server delivers content if Y is valid . How can this be accomplished Q How do I verify that transaction data coming from the Android client..