android Programming Glossary: demands
Making the Android emulator run faster
Detect network connection type on Android improve this question If the problem is to find whether the phone's network is connected and fast enough to meet your demands you have to handle all the network types returned by getSubType . It took me an hour or two to research and write this class..
How to Set Recurring AlarmManager to execute code daily alarm will be as requested the time between any two successive firings of the alarm may vary. If your application demands very low jitter use setRepeating int long long PendingIntent instead. In conclusion it's not very clear. The docs only say..
Accuracy of MediaPlayer.seekTo(int msecs) is done to the 35th sec and not to the 40th second. Seek to Time This is seeking to the accurate time that the user demands. The seeking is still done at the closest key frame since otherwise you will see green patches or pixelation of the video..
Android REST client, Sample? I came up with in response to my requirement. You might need to have more layers add more complexity if your use case demands it. For example I do not have local storage at all because my app can tolerate loss of a few REST responses. My approach..
Android: Bluetooth printing Bluetooth printing I have to develop an App for Android tablets that demands printing files to a Bluetooth printer. Printing over Bluetooth is one of the most important features of my app. Unfortunately..