android Programming Glossary: deltay
Android Swipe on List event.getX upY event.getY float deltaX downX upX float deltaY downY upY horizontal swipe detection if Math.abs deltaX MIN_DISTANCE.. mSwipeDetected Action.RL return false else if Math.abs deltaY MIN_DISTANCE vertical swipe detection top or down if deltaY.. MIN_DISTANCE vertical swipe detection top or down if deltaY 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Top to Bottom mSwipeDetected Action.TB..
How do I pass return values from a javascript function to android?
ScrollView inside Gallery, both scrolling independently if mIgnore float deltaX Math.abs e.getX mInitialX float deltaY Math.abs e.getY mInitialY mIgnore deltaX deltaY return mIgnore.. float deltaY Math.abs e.getY mInitialY mIgnore deltaX deltaY return mIgnore return false default return super.onInterceptTouchEvent..
How do I modify TouchImageView with double tap to zoom in and out? if mode DRAG float deltaX curr.x last.x float deltaY curr.y last.y float scaleWidth Math.round origWidth saveScale.. origHeight saveScale if scaleWidth width deltaX 0 if y deltaY 0 deltaY y else if y deltaY bottom deltaY y bottom else.. saveScale if scaleWidth width deltaX 0 if y deltaY 0 deltaY y else if y deltaY bottom deltaY y bottom else if scaleHeight..
Android Swipe on List like Click to be processed case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP upX event.getX upY event.getY float deltaX downX upX float deltaY downY upY horizontal swipe detection if Math.abs deltaX MIN_DISTANCE left or right if deltaX 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Left.. false if deltaX 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Right to Left mSwipeDetected Action.RL return false else if Math.abs deltaY MIN_DISTANCE vertical swipe detection top or down if deltaY 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Top to Bottom mSwipeDetected Action.TB.. Action.RL return false else if Math.abs deltaY MIN_DISTANCE vertical swipe detection top or down if deltaY 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Top to Bottom mSwipeDetected Action.TB return false if deltaY 0 Log.i logTag Swipe Bottom to..
How do I pass return values from a javascript function to android?
ScrollView inside Gallery, both scrolling independently e.getY return false case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE if mIgnore float deltaX Math.abs e.getX mInitialX float deltaY Math.abs e.getY mInitialY mIgnore deltaX deltaY return mIgnore return false default return super.onInterceptTouchEvent..
How do I modify TouchImageView with double tap to zoom in and out? start.set last mode DRAG break case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE if mode DRAG float deltaX curr.x last.x float deltaY curr.y last.y float scaleWidth Math.round origWidth saveScale float scaleHeight Math.round origHeight saveScale if scaleWidth.. Math.round origWidth saveScale float scaleHeight Math.round origHeight saveScale if scaleWidth width deltaX 0 if y deltaY 0 deltaY y else if y deltaY bottom deltaY y bottom else if scaleHeight height deltaY 0 if x deltaX 0 deltaX x else.. origWidth saveScale float scaleHeight Math.round origHeight saveScale if scaleWidth width deltaX 0 if y deltaY 0 deltaY y else if y deltaY bottom deltaY y bottom else if scaleHeight height deltaY 0 if x deltaX 0 deltaX x else if x deltaX..