android Programming Glossary: demonstration
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) so many people appear to be having with the BluetoothChat demonstration code when addapted for their own use. Somehow we need to keep..
Send SMS until it is successful so includes some code that you cannot use it is simply for demonstration. Message sent public class SentMessage extends BroadcastReceiver..
Is it worth purchasing Google Android Dev phone? definitely worth buying an Android phone for testing and demonstration purposes but whether it's a development phone is up to your..
How to use onSensorChanged sensor data in combination with OpenGL is in your project. here it is This class provides a basic demonstration of how to use the @link android.hardware.SensorManager SensorManager..
Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView though the rotational vectors are off by a lot just for a demonstration purpose anyway and ofcourse the cubes overlaid on top of the..
Creating Custom Overlay on the map calculation used may not be what you want. Its just for demonstration purposes. Real range distance calculation requires the use of..
Making sense of LayoutInflater to the LayoutInflater docs and setting up a small sample demonstration project. The following tutorials shows how to dynamically populate..
Why does AndroidTestCase.getContext().getApplicationContext() return null? an AndroidTestCase the singleton isn't necessary for the demonstration. First to log app instantiation messages in the app under test..
Android SDK Fragment Support but only exist in the support demos sample code for demonstration purposes FragmentStackSupport.CountingFragment LoaderCursorSupport.CursorLoaderListFragment..
VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video which contains only key parts and can be used for quick demonstration it doesn't have MediaController however you can check from Logcat..
Android InputStream dropping first two bytes (modified BluetoothChat) confused the matter but actually demonstrates the problem so many people appear to be having with the BluetoothChat demonstration code when addapted for their own use. Somehow we need to keep the buffer from being overwritten until the message handler..
Send SMS until it is successful messageDelivered These are specific to my implementation so includes some code that you cannot use it is simply for demonstration. Message sent public class SentMessage extends BroadcastReceiver private final String TAG SentMessage @Override public void..
Is it worth purchasing Google Android Dev phone?
How to use onSensorChanged sensor data in combination with OpenGL code isn't optimized so I recommend to not use it as it is in your project. here it is This class provides a basic demonstration of how to use the @link android.hardware.SensorManager SensorManager API to draw a 3D compass. public class SensorToOpenGlTests..
Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView additional functionality introduced are the touch events though the rotational vectors are off by a lot just for a demonstration purpose anyway and ofcourse the cubes overlaid on top of the camera preview which can be moved on a screen.. public class..
Creating Custom Overlay on the map canvas mapV shadow This let me have following effect The calculation used may not be what you want. Its just for demonstration purposes. Real range distance calculation requires the use of bearing too and has some specific formula. Let me know if..
Making sense of LayoutInflater this question I've investigated this issue referring to the LayoutInflater docs and setting up a small sample demonstration project. The following tutorials shows how to dynamically populate a layout using LayoutInflater. Before we get started..
Why does AndroidTestCase.getContext().getApplicationContext() return null? non null value. The following code reproduces the null within an AndroidTestCase the singleton isn't necessary for the demonstration. First to log app instantiation messages in the app under test I defined MyApp and added it to the manifest. public class..
Android SDK Fragment Support are not part of the standard Android API or the support library but only exist in the support demos sample code for demonstration purposes FragmentStackSupport.CountingFragment LoaderCursorSupport.CursorLoaderListFragment LoaderCustomSupport.AppListFragment..
VideoView onResume loses buffered portion of the video BufferedMediaPlayerActivity highly simplified for posting here which contains only key parts and can be used for quick demonstration it doesn't have MediaController however you can check from Logcat to see that the buffer percentage is actually keep increasing..