android Programming Glossary: dependencies.jar
KSOAP 2 Android with HTTPS solution works but it needs further explanations. To run ksoap2 with ssl Put ksoap2 android assembly 2.5.2 jar with dependencies.jar in a project Download ksoap2 sources from https mosabua ksoap2 android tree ksoap2 repository Copy
How to save and return cookies to the web service? to the web service I'm using ksoap2 for web service method calls. I used ksoap2 android assembly 2.5.4 jar with dependencies.jar and was able to retrieve header values from the web service response. I would like to save any returned cookies and return..
How to send SOAP request and Parse SOAP response in XML format in Android? and parse XML format the response in SAXParser in Android I has installed ksoap2 android assembly 2.6.0 jar with dependencies.jar in my project. Here i found some sample code i post here import import org.ksoap2.SoapEnvelope import
java.lang.noclassdeffounderror: org.ksoap2.serialization.SoapObject error ever since I have updated Eclipse ADT Plug in and SDK Manager. I was using ksoap2 android assembly 2.4 jar with dependencies.jar as external library for KSOAP. I thought that may be deprecated so i also added 2.6.2 version from here http browse m2 repo com google code ksoap2 android ksoap2 android assembly 2.6.2 ksoap2 android assembly 2.6.2 jar with dependencies.jar I still get the error. I have also search for it through the site but nothing helped. Please help. Code SoapServis servis.. android ksoap2 share improve this question Turns out external jars such as ksoap2 android assembly 2.6.2 jar with dependencies.jar to be put under libs folder so Eclipse ADT automatically adds your jars to the buildpath of your application. It was a buildpath..