android Programming Glossary: dec
Android long-touch event long touch event I have two buttons that increment and decrement a value by one with each press and they're working just.. hold events. How would I have the number rapidly increment decrement if the button is held Am I correct in assuming that onLongClickListener.. switch msg.what case MSG_INC inc return case MSG_DEC dec return super.handleMessage msg mIncButton Button findViewById..
Better way to Format Currency Input editText? occur in the formatting. If they were to delete the decimal it won't come back. If they put the cursor in front of the.. it won't come back. If they put the cursor in front of the decimal and type 2 it will display 02.00 instead of 2.00. If they.. new TextWatcher DecimalFormat dec new DecimalFormat 0.00 @Override public void afterTextChanged..
how do i set an alarm manager to fire every on specific day of week and time in android?
Playing back sound coming from microphone in real-time out PCM formats in real time or use a special streaming codec which I don't think is trivial on Android. The point is that.. very differently from the raw PCM signal and has to be decoded en cod er dec oder codec . Unless you're using special algorithms.. from the raw PCM signal and has to be decoded en cod er dec oder codec . Unless you're using special algorithms and media..
WebP for Android call my dir include CLEAR_VARS LOCAL_SRC_FILES src dec alpha.c src dec frame.c src dec idec.c src dec layer.c src dec.. dir include CLEAR_VARS LOCAL_SRC_FILES src dec alpha.c src dec frame.c src dec idec.c src dec layer.c src dec quant.c src dec.. LOCAL_SRC_FILES src dec alpha.c src dec frame.c src dec idec.c src dec layer.c src dec quant.c src dec tree.c src dec..
Android Null Exception on Calling function
how to show previousmonth dates in calender year the year @param month January 0 Feb 1 .... Nov 10 and Dec 11 you know what I mean @return private static int getArrayCalendar.. the year @param month January 0 Feb 1 .... Nov 10 and Dec 11 you know what I mean @return private static int getArrayCalendar..
AuthToken from AccountManager in Android Client No Longer Working I had initially gotten the implementation working in early December the 9th to be exact . Apparently what the AccountManager.. the authToken so I had been using the same authToken since Dec. 9th. When I got back from the holidays it had expired. To solve..
Is it really impossible to protect Android apps from reverse engineering? than the technology. The latest Android SDK update on 6th Dec 2010 coinciding with Android 2.3 Gingerbread release Integrated..
Strange Behavior of Android VideoView - “Can't Play Video” in queue. I POWER_OFF_TEST 2227 mBatteryLevel 38 mBatteryDecimalPoint 1 D MediaUploader 2492 UploadsAsyncQueryHandler.notifiyDatabaseChangeListeners.. 2492 onGphotosChange sawError false errs 0 retry Wed Dec 31 17 00 00 America Boise 1969 expiry Mon Oct 17 10 56 20 America..
Android Publisher Account on Android Market I have made the payment of 25 in Android Market on 2 Dec. But till now my developer account is not activated. I am unable..
how to check previous value in android of viewflipper Look at this I think my problem is more clear. Edited Dec 16 @Override public void onClick View v switch v.getId case..
How can I get current date in Android? me parameter I want current date in string format like 28 Dec 2011 so that I can set over TextView explain a bit if you think..
Conversion of Date new Date this u want right... or String oldString 2009 12 Dec Calendar calendar Calendar.getInstance calendar.setTime new..
Custom date picker with months and years Sept if i 9 retrn Oct if i 10 retrn Nov if i 11 retrn Dec prevMnth i if i 12 if prevMnth 0 cal.roll Calendar.MONTH 1 else..
Android long-touch event long touch event I have two buttons that increment and decrement a value by one with each press and they're working just fine with the onClickListener. I see that an onLongClickListener.. onLongClickListener exists which I assume is for touch and hold events. How would I have the number rapidly increment decrement if the button is held Am I correct in assuming that onLongClickListener only fires once per long click Is there a.. Handler @Override public void handleMessage Message msg switch msg.what case MSG_INC inc return case MSG_DEC dec return super.handleMessage msg mIncButton Button findViewById mDecButton Button findViewById
Better way to Format Currency Input editText? the problem is if somebody manually positions the cursor problems occur in the formatting. If they were to delete the decimal it won't come back. If they put the cursor in front of the decimal and type 2 it will display 02.00 instead of 2.00... occur in the formatting. If they were to delete the decimal it won't come back. If they put the cursor in front of the decimal and type 2 it will display 02.00 instead of 2.00. If they try to delete the it will delete a digit instead for example... public void priceClick View view mEditPrice.addTextChangedListener new TextWatcher DecimalFormat dec new DecimalFormat 0.00 @Override public void afterTextChanged Editable arg0 @Override public void beforeTextChanged CharSequence..
how do i set an alarm manager to fire every on specific day of week and time in android?
Playing back sound coming from microphone in real-time All native Android audio is encoded . You can only play out PCM formats in real time or use a special streaming codec which I don't think is trivial on Android. The point is that if you want to record play out audio simultaneously you would.. of encoders . The encoded compressed signal is represented very differently from the raw PCM signal and has to be decoded en cod er dec oder codec . Unless you're using special algorithms and media streaming codecs it's impossible to play.. The encoded compressed signal is represented very differently from the raw PCM signal and has to be decoded en cod er dec oder codec . Unless you're using special algorithms and media streaming codecs it's impossible to play back an encoded signal..
WebP for Android BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARY to include BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY . LOCAL_PATH call my dir include CLEAR_VARS LOCAL_SRC_FILES src dec alpha.c src dec frame.c src dec idec.c src dec layer.c src dec quant.c src dec tree.c src dec vp8.c src dec webp.c src dec.. to include BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY . LOCAL_PATH call my dir include CLEAR_VARS LOCAL_SRC_FILES src dec alpha.c src dec frame.c src dec idec.c src dec layer.c src dec quant.c src dec tree.c src dec vp8.c src dec webp.c src dec io.c src dec.. BUILD_SHARED_LIBRARY . LOCAL_PATH call my dir include CLEAR_VARS LOCAL_SRC_FILES src dec alpha.c src dec frame.c src dec idec.c src dec layer.c src dec quant.c src dec tree.c src dec vp8.c src dec webp.c src dec io.c src dec buffer.c src dsp..
Android Null Exception on Calling function
how to show previousmonth dates in calender will generate an accurate array of month calendar. @param year the year @param month January 0 Feb 1 .... Nov 10 and Dec 11 you know what I mean @return private static int getArrayCalendar int year int month VERY IMPORTANT SUN 1 MON 2 TU 3 ..... a i j System.out.println return array @param year the year @param month January 0 Feb 1 .... Nov 10 and Dec 11 you know what I mean @return private static int getArrayCalendar int year int month VERY IMPORTANT SUN 1 MON 2 TU 3..
AuthToken from AccountManager in Android Client No Longer Working from a Google engineer. Turns out my authToken was expired. I had initially gotten the implementation working in early December the 9th to be exact . Apparently what the AccountManager does is cache the authToken so I had been using the same authToken.. be exact . Apparently what the AccountManager does is cache the authToken so I had been using the same authToken since Dec. 9th. When I got back from the holidays it had expired. To solve the issue I now call getAuthToken then call invalidateAuthToken..
Is it really impossible to protect Android apps from reverse engineering? approach lies with tweaking the business model rather than the technology. The latest Android SDK update on 6th Dec 2010 coinciding with Android 2.3 Gingerbread release Integrated ProGuard support ProGuard is now packaged with the SDK Tools...
Strange Behavior of Android VideoView - “Can't Play Video” 2492 UploadManager.uploadPendingItems Found 1 items in queue. I POWER_OFF_TEST 2227 mBatteryLevel 38 mBatteryDecimalPoint 1 D MediaUploader 2492 UploadsAsyncQueryHandler.notifiyDatabaseChangeListeners D MediaUploader 2492 isGphotosSynced.. request 1 completed with code 200 D MediaUploader 2492 onGphotosChange sawError false errs 0 retry Wed Dec 31 17 00 00 America Boise 1969 expiry Mon Oct 17 10 56 20 America Boise 2011 D MediaUploader 2492 UploadsQueue.getAllPending..
Android Publisher Account on Android Market Publisher Account on Android Market I have made the payment of 25 in Android Market on 2 Dec. But till now my developer account is not activated. I am unable to publish applications through it. Your Registration to..
how to check previous value in android of viewflipper ViewFlipper. I did not get any idea how to check the problem. Look at this I think my problem is more clear. Edited Dec 16 @Override public void onClick View v switch v.getId case try if click Message msg new Message msg.what 1 ..
How can I get current date in Android? s DateFormat.format MMMM d yyyy d.getTime But is asking me parameter I want current date in string format like 28 Dec 2011 so that I can set over TextView explain a bit if you think something is necessary I am new to Android Development...
Conversion of Date new SimpleDateFormat dd MMM yyyy String now formatter.format new Date this u want right... or String oldString 2009 12 Dec Calendar calendar Calendar.getInstance calendar.setTime new SimpleDateFormat yyyy MM .parse oldString Yes month name is..
Custom date picker with months and years if i 5 retrn Jun if i 6 retrn Jul if i 7 retrn Aug if i 8 retrn Sept if i 9 retrn Oct if i 10 retrn Nov if i 11 retrn Dec prevMnth i if i 12 if prevMnth 0 cal.roll Calendar.MONTH 1 else cal.roll Calendar.MONTH 1 update return retrn public View..