android Programming Glossary: debugger
How to fetch Android Market data when there is no API? by decompiling or observing packets Running some kind of debugger with the official app to extract the live data Using some kind..
Issues with Android TabHost Example to call tabHost.addTab spec I get a stack trace from the debugger. Sorry I don't have the stack trace here but I'm wondering if..
How to increase storage for Android Emulator? (INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE) selected. This is important Eclipse needs to launch the debugger not AVD. That fixed the problem for me. share improve this..
How to change current Theme at runtime in Android But even though I've checked with the debugger that the code is being executed I can't see any change in the..
What's wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android? [duplicate] setContentView tv And then when it executes it under the debugger I will get a full screen of useless debug info non of which..
Android 1.6: “android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window — token null is not for an application” variable seems like it is correctly populated in the debugger. android android dialog runtimeexception android windowmanager..
Sqlite table constraint - unique on multiple columns follows my parenthesized column definitions is what the debugger complains about. If I put ...last_column_name last_col_datatype..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] figure out 'what went wrong'. Run the application in the debugger and look at the logcat window. I found it worthwhile to add..
Android: automatically choose debug/release Maps api key? thinking about detecting my particular device or whether debugger is connected but it is not perfect. Maybe some file marking..
AsyncTask threads never die (Android) but when I checked out what was going on in the Eclipse debugger I found out that every time a new AsyncTask was created which..
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project application doesn't work on Android and I discover via the debugger LogCat that the class I'm attempting to consume doesn't exist...
Determining the size of an Android view at runtime calling these methods and inspecting the object in the debugger in my activity's onCreate and in onPostCreate . How can I figure..
Logcat not displaying my log calls android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log public class debugger extends Activity private static final String LOG_TAG debugger.. extends Activity private static final String LOG_TAG debugger Called when the activity is first created. @Override public..
Activity idle timeout for HistoryRecord? Activity objects. I would recommend starting up the debugger. Look at any 'services' that your Activity depends on e.g. http..
How to resolve “Waiting for Debugger” message? HunyDew process com.airvine.hunydew is waiting for the debugger to attach. Force Close Whereas in the Eclipse console I get.. 2010 12 07 01 42 49 hunydewprj Attempting to connect debugger to 'com.airvine.hunydew' on port 8601 2010 12 07 01 43 09 hunydewprj.. improve this question Some devices will only let the debugger attach if the application has the android.permission.SET_DEBUG_APP..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] will appeal to some people. It comes with a simulator and debugger. You add your text editor of choice and you have a development..
Eclipse, Android, Scala made easy but still does not work add Scala nature to it. You can even use the new scala debugger and by adding the scalatest library you can use should matchers..
Unable to link native library in OpenCV Android sample 9708 Sending WAIT chunk 05 31 23 41 45.983 I dalvikvm 9708 Debugger is active 05 31 23 41 46.179 I System.out 9708 Debugger has.. Debugger is active 05 31 23 41 46.179 I System.out 9708 Debugger has connected 05 31 23 41 46.179 I System.out 9708 waiting for..
Debug native code in Android Library in the left pane select your application Under the Debugger tab click Add... in the Shared Libraries section. Browse to..
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:$styleable in android 1053 Sending WAIT chunk 04 09 05 33 54.207 I dalvikvm 1053 Debugger is active 04 09 05 33 54.288 I System.out 1053 Debugger has.. Debugger is active 04 09 05 33 54.288 I System.out 1053 Debugger has connected 04 09 05 33 54.288 I System.out 1053 waiting for..
Launching Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file pid 29187 uid 10017 gids 3003 1015 I dalvikvm 29187 Debugger thread not active ignoring DDM send t 0x41504e4d l 38 I dalvikvm.. ignoring DDM send t 0x41504e4d l 38 I dalvikvm 29187 Debugger thread not active ignoring DDM send t 0x41504e4d l 64 I ActivityManager..
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver D AndroidRuntime 478 Shutting down VM D dalvikvm 478 Debugger has detached object registry had 1 entries I AndroidRuntime..
Is it really impossible to protect Android apps from reverse engineering? by the Windows KB article Games Error Message A Debugger Has Been Detected Unload the Debugger and Try Again . My girlfriend's.. Error Message A Debugger Has Been Detected Unload the Debugger and Try Again . My girlfriend's 'Learn to drive' DVD software..
How to resolve “Waiting for Debugger” message? to resolve &ldquo Waiting for Debugger&rdquo message I have HTC Comet connected to Eclipse with SDK.. I get this message box on the Comet screen Waiting for Debugger Application HunyDew process com.airvine.hunydew is waiting for..
How to inflate XML-Layout-File correctly inside Custom ViewGroup? Shutting down VM 12 16 09 24 23.916 DEBUG dalvikvm 8951 Debugger has detached object registry had 1 entries 12 16 09 24 23.916.. out of select 12 16 09 24 24.426 DEBUG dalvikvm 8960 Debugger has detached object registry had 1 entries 12 16 09 24 24.456..
phonegap.js crashes android app Thread #3' failed 12 17 11 13 13.523 DEBUG dalvikvm 373 Debugger has detached object registry had 1 entries 12 17 11 13 14.113.. Thread #3' failed 12 17 11 13 15.143 DEBUG dalvikvm 383 Debugger has detached object registry had 1 entries 12 17 11 13 15.523..
Android crash when app is closed and reopened group 0x4001d7e0 03 15 15 36 06.009 DEBUG dalvikvm 4449 Debugger has detached object registry had 1 entries 03 15 15 36 06.009..
How to go to a particular activity on list item click? 910 uid 10039 gids 06 09 12 29 52.310 DEBUG dalvikvm 903 Debugger has detached object registry had 1 entries 06 09 12 29 54.670..
catching null exception anyone seen anything like this before catch Exception ex Debugger is coming through the catch block and ex is null java android..
Activity refuses to start 2012 02 01 21 31 46 ddms Forwarding client reply 0x166 to Debugger 8647 390 active There is nothing in LogCat... android android..
How to fetch Android Market data when there is no API? to volume Implemented the protocol used by the official app by decompiling or observing packets Running some kind of debugger with the official app to extract the live data Using some kind of automation screen shots text recognition seems complicated..
Issues with Android TabHost Example 'advanced' tabwidget example from google. But when it tries to call tabHost.addTab spec I get a stack trace from the debugger. Sorry I don't have the stack trace here but I'm wondering if others have had this same issue as this code had a number..
How to increase storage for Android Emulator? (INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE)
How to change current Theme at runtime in Android .setTheme else getApplication .setTheme But even though I've checked with the debugger that the code is being executed I can't see any change in the user interface. Themes are defined in res values styles.xml..
What's wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android? [duplicate] i 1 0 TextView tv new TextView this tv.setText Hello Android setContentView tv And then when it executes it under the debugger I will get a full screen of useless debug info non of which actually points me to the specific line containing the error...
Android 1.6: “android.view.WindowManager$BadTokenException: Unable to add window — token null is not for an application” this is coming from a call from a menu object and the appContext variable seems like it is correctly populated in the debugger. android android dialog runtimeexception android windowmanager share improve this question i.e. this line Context appContext..
Sqlite table constraint - unique on multiple columns that may lead to the solution though is that whatever follows my parenthesized column definitions is what the debugger complains about. If I put ...last_column_name last_col_datatype CONSTRAINT ... the error is near CONSTRAINT syntax error..
Effective Android Programming Techniques [closed] responsive. Use LogCat It can be difficult in Android to figure out 'what went wrong'. Run the application in the debugger and look at the logcat window. I found it worthwhile to add a new perspective with just a maximized logcat window. If you..
Android: automatically choose debug/release Maps api key? sign with release one before sending app to Market. I was thinking about detecting my particular device or whether debugger is connected but it is not perfect. Maybe some file marking need for debug certificate Is there any better way android..
AsyncTask threads never die (Android) and keeps the interface responsive while fetching the data but when I checked out what was going on in the Eclipse debugger I found out that every time a new AsyncTask was created which is quite often because they can only be used once a new thread..
Adding a library/JAR to an Eclipse Android project on Second after fixing that the answer is given below my application doesn't work on Android and I discover via the debugger LogCat that the class I'm attempting to consume doesn't exist. Caused by java.lang.ClassNotFoundException com.github.droidfu.widgets.WebImageView.....
Determining the size of an Android view at runtime a call to getMeasuredWidth but that has no effect. I have tried calling these methods and inspecting the object in the debugger in my activity's onCreate and in onPostCreate . How can I figure out the exact dimensions of this view at runtime android..
Logcat not displaying my log calls with a couple of Log.i calls import import android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log public class debugger extends Activity private static final String LOG_TAG debugger Called when the activity is first created. @Override public.. android.os.Bundle import android.util.Log public class debugger extends Activity private static final String LOG_TAG debugger Called when the activity is first created. @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState Log.i LOG_TAG line 13..
Activity idle timeout for HistoryRecord? and managed to resolve it by tidying up dependencies between Activity objects. I would recommend starting up the debugger. Look at any 'services' that your Activity depends on e.g. http client parsers etc. and check that it is not blocking. If..
How to resolve “Waiting for Debugger” message? box on the Comet screen Waiting for Debugger Application HunyDew process com.airvine.hunydew is waiting for the debugger to attach. Force Close Whereas in the Eclipse console I get these set of messages 2010 12 07 01 42 29 hunydewprj Android.. cmp com.airvine.hunydew .HunyDewAAStartsHere 2010 12 07 01 42 49 hunydewprj Attempting to connect debugger to 'com.airvine.hunydew' on port 8601 2010 12 07 01 43 09 hunydewprj Launch error Failed to connect to remote VM. Connection.. Thanks android eclipse debugging device adb share improve this question Some devices will only let the debugger attach if the application has the android.permission.SET_DEBUG_APP permission set in its manifest file manifest uses permission..
iOS / Android cross platform development [duplicate] testament to its success. The environment is very lean which will appeal to some people. It comes with a simulator and debugger. You add your text editor of choice and you have a development environment. The base SDK doesn't include any UI components..
Eclipse, Android, Scala made easy but still does not work project. Just follow the steps for creating a test project add Scala nature to it. You can even use the new scala debugger and by adding the scalatest library you can use should matchers and many other features Scala has. share improve this answer..
Unable to link native library in OpenCV Android sample debugger on port 8100... 05 31 23 41 45.983 I System.out 9708 Sending WAIT chunk 05 31 23 41 45.983 I dalvikvm 9708 Debugger is active 05 31 23 41 46.179 I System.out 9708 Debugger has connected 05 31 23 41 46.179 I System.out 9708 waiting for debugger.. 9708 Sending WAIT chunk 05 31 23 41 45.983 I dalvikvm 9708 Debugger is active 05 31 23 41 46.179 I System.out 9708 Debugger has connected 05 31 23 41 46.179 I System.out 9708 waiting for debugger to settle... 05 31 23 41 46.382 I System.out 9708..
Debug native code in Android Library to Run menu Debug Configurations Under Android Native Application in the left pane select your application Under the Debugger tab click Add... in the Shared Libraries section. Browse to your android library project directory and add its subdirectory..
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:$styleable in android debugger on port 8100... 04 09 05 33 53.878 I System.out 1053 Sending WAIT chunk 04 09 05 33 54.207 I dalvikvm 1053 Debugger is active 04 09 05 33 54.288 I System.out 1053 Debugger has connected 04 09 05 33 54.288 I System.out 1053 waiting for debugger.. 1053 Sending WAIT chunk 04 09 05 33 54.207 I dalvikvm 1053 Debugger is active 04 09 05 33 54.288 I System.out 1053 Debugger has connected 04 09 05 33 54.288 I System.out 1053 waiting for debugger to settle... 04 09 05 33 54.487 I System.out 1053..
Launching Intent.ACTION_VIEW intent not working on saved image file ViewImage for activity .ViewImage pid 29187 uid 10017 gids 3003 1015 I dalvikvm 29187 Debugger thread not active ignoring DDM send t 0x41504e4d l 38 I dalvikvm 29187 Debugger thread not active ignoring DDM send t 0x41504e4d.. 10017 gids 3003 1015 I dalvikvm 29187 Debugger thread not active ignoring DDM send t 0x41504e4d l 38 I dalvikvm 29187 Debugger thread not active ignoring DDM send t 0x41504e4d l 64 I ActivityManager 18852 Process com.handcent.nextsms pid 29174 has..
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver CheckJNI is ON D AndroidRuntime 478 registering native functions D AndroidRuntime 478 Shutting down VM D dalvikvm 478 Debugger has detached object registry had 1 entries I AndroidRuntime 478 NOTE attach of thread 'Binder Thread #3' failed D Mms app..
Is it really impossible to protect Android apps from reverse engineering? these while it can cause legitimate user frustration as illustrated by the Windows KB article Games Error Message A Debugger Has Been Detected Unload the Debugger and Try Again . My girlfriend's 'Learn to drive' DVD software will not run under VirtualBox.. user frustration as illustrated by the Windows KB article Games Error Message A Debugger Has Been Detected Unload the Debugger and Try Again . My girlfriend's 'Learn to drive' DVD software will not run under VirtualBox for this reason but she blames..
How to resolve “Waiting for Debugger” message? to resolve &ldquo Waiting for Debugger&rdquo message I have HTC Comet connected to Eclipse with SDK 2.2. I do a debug build the application does not run though.. run though it does get installed on the device. On the device I get this message box on the Comet screen Waiting for Debugger Application HunyDew process com.airvine.hunydew is waiting for the debugger to attach. Force Close Whereas in the Eclipse..
How to inflate XML-Layout-File correctly inside Custom ViewGroup? native functions 12 16 09 24 23.916 DEBUG AndroidRuntime 8951 Shutting down VM 12 16 09 24 23.916 DEBUG dalvikvm 8951 Debugger has detached object registry had 1 entries 12 16 09 24 23.916 INFO AndroidRuntime 8951 NOTE attach of thread 'Binder Thread.. VM 12 16 09 24 24.426 DEBUG jdwp 8960 Got wake up signal bailing out of select 12 16 09 24 24.426 DEBUG dalvikvm 8960 Debugger has detached object registry had 1 entries 12 16 09 24 24.456 INFO AndroidRuntime 8960 NOTE attach of thread 'Binder Thread..
phonegap.js crashes android app 13.523 INFO AndroidRuntime 373 NOTE attach of thread 'Binder Thread #3' failed 12 17 11 13 13.523 DEBUG dalvikvm 373 Debugger has detached object registry had 1 entries 12 17 11 13 14.113 DEBUG AndroidRuntime 383 AndroidRuntime START 15.093 INFO AndroidRuntime 383 NOTE attach of thread 'Binder Thread #3' failed 12 17 11 13 15.143 DEBUG dalvikvm 383 Debugger has detached object registry had 1 entries 12 17 11 13 15.523 DEBUG dalvikvm 33 GC_EXPLICIT freed 11K 54 free 2520K 5379K..
Android crash when app is closed and reopened 4428 threadid 1 thread exiting with uncaught exception group 0x4001d7e0 03 15 15 36 06.009 DEBUG dalvikvm 4449 Debugger has detached object registry had 1 entries 03 15 15 36 06.009 INFO AndroidRuntime 4449 NOTE attach of thread 'Binder Thread..
How to go to a particular activity on list item click? for activity com.example.listview .listview pid 910 uid 10039 gids 06 09 12 29 52.310 DEBUG dalvikvm 903 Debugger has detached object registry had 1 entries 06 09 12 29 54.670 INFO ActivityManager 60 Displayed activity com.example.listview..
catching null exception is stepping into my catch block and somehow ex is null Has anyone seen anything like this before catch Exception ex Debugger is coming through the catch block and ex is null java android eclipse exception share improve this question This sounds..
Activity refuses to start ...but it makes no difference. The last line in Console is 2012 02 01 21 31 46 ddms Forwarding client reply 0x166 to Debugger 8647 390 active There is nothing in LogCat... android android emulator android intent android activity share improve..