android Programming Glossary: declare
What Android tools and methods work best to find memory/resource leaks? where everything seems to be working well and you want to declare victory and ship but you know there just have to be some memory..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] mapView MapView findViewById or you can declare it directly with the API key Route route directions new GeoPoint..
How to disable orientation change in Android? change when developing for API level 13 or higher as declared by the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion attributes you must.. in addition to the orientation value. That is you must declare android configChanges orientation screenSize . However if your..
Static Way to get Context on android? improve this question Do this In Android Manifest file declare following application android name application..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) in res values xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources declare styleable name TextViewPlus attr name customFont format string.. name TextViewPlus attr name customFont format string declare styleable resources main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8..
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML a custom android UI element using XML How do I declare an Android UI element using XML xml android user interface.. values attrs.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources declare styleable name MyCustomView attr name android text attr name.. textColor attr name extraInformation format string declare styleable resources Notice the use of an unqualified name in..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog case we'll update a progress bar . This is an example code declare the dialog as a member field of your activity ProgressDialog.. will look like this usually subclasses of AsyncTask are declared inside the activity class. that way you can easily modify the..
Defining custom attrs attributes in the top resources element or inside of a declare styleable element. If I'm going to use an attr in more than.. means that even if you create a new attribute inside of a declare styleable element it can be used outside of it and you cannot.. value 0x02 attr In addition to attributes there is the declare styleable element. This allows you to define attributes a custom..
Android Min SDK Version vs. Target SDK Version the value specified in this attribute. You should always declare this attribute. android targetSdkVersion An integer designating..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser is a bit different. Here you don't specify or declare you XML structure but just listening for events. The most widely..
Android: How to declare global variables? How to declare global variables I am creating an application which requires..
call java function from javascript over android webview webView.addJavascriptInterface jsInterface JSInterface Declare the class JavaScriptInterface public class JavaScriptInterface..
Individual screen is showing instead of a tabhost in android eclipse request.addProperty Fahrenheit txtFar.getText .toString Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope..
Trying to build a correct SOAP Request request.addProperty entry.getKey entry.getValue Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope..
Using Web Services in Android [closed] request.addProperty Fahrenheit txtFar.getText .toString Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope.. request.addProperty Celsius txtCel.getText .toString Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset BluetoothHeadSetUtils in your Activity or Service . Declare a class member mBluetoothHelper and instantiate it in onCreate..
To use the tutorial in android 4.0.3 if had to work with AsynxTasc but i still dont work? request.addProperty Fahrenheit txtFar.getText .toString Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope.. request.addProperty Celsius txtCel.getText .toString Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope.. request.addProperty Fahrenheit 30 provide value here Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope..
How to add a notification badge/count to application icon on Sony Xperia devices? launcher. Here's a step by step guide and it's not long Declare the com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE permission..
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML the class initialisation. The steps are as follows 1. Declare attributes in values attrs.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf..
Android moving back to first activity on button click onClick View v startActivity new Intent D.this A.class Declare A in your manifest with the android launchMode singleTask ...
ActivityNotFoundException when different package's targetClass in PreferenceScreen public class MyPreferences extends ActualPreferences Declare it in your AndroidManifest.xml activity android name .MyPreferences..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database EDIT 2 Also change the CallDataHelper constructor to Declare openHelper as a member variable OpenHelper openHelper null public..
How to add icons to Preference file preference_icon.xml from the Android Settings app. 3 Declare the IconPreferenceScreen styleable in the file attrs.xml xml.. name icon format reference declare styleable resources 4 Declare the IconPreferenceScreen in the preference.xml file
How to create my above listview to look more professional? arraylist i.e getVideoFiles create object of this class Declare ArrayList VideoInfo videoItems private void getVideoFiles File..
Pick a Number and Name From Contacts List in android app this question Try following code it will help you Declare static final int PICK_CONTACT 1 Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_PICK..
Show Progress Dialog Android android progressdialog share improve this question Declare your progress dialog ProgressDialog progress When you're ready..
What Android tools and methods work best to find memory/resource leaks? developed and I'm at the point of a phone app development where everything seems to be working well and you want to declare victory and ship but you know there just have to be some memory and resource leaks in there and there's only 16mb of heap..
Why retrieving Google Directions for Android using KML data is not working anymore? [duplicate] r parser.parse return r 2 Add this in onCreate function MapView mapView MapView findViewById or you can declare it directly with the API key Route route directions new GeoPoint int 26.2 1E6 int 50.6 1E6 new GeoPoint int 26.3 1E6 int..
How to disable orientation change in Android? Thus if you want to prevent runtime restarts due to orientation change when developing for API level 13 or higher as declared by the minSdkVersion and targetSdkVersion attributes you must include the screenSize value in addition to the orientation.. attributes you must include the screenSize value in addition to the orientation value. That is you must declare android configChanges orientation screenSize . However if your application targets API level 12 or lower then your activity..
Static Way to get Context on android? the context instance each time it changes. android share improve this question Do this In Android Manifest file declare following application android name application then write the class public class MyApplication extends..
Custom fonts and XML layouts (Android) return false setTypeface tf return true attrs.xml in res values xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources declare styleable name TextViewPlus attr name customFont format string declare styleable resources main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding.. values xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources declare styleable name TextViewPlus attr name customFont format string declare styleable resources main.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 LinearLayout xmlns android http apk res..
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML a custom android UI element using XML How do I declare an Android UI element using XML xml android user interface share improve this question The Android Developer Guide has.. The steps are as follows 1. Declare attributes in values attrs.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources declare styleable name MyCustomView attr name android text attr name android textColor attr name extraInformation format string.. name MyCustomView attr name android text attr name android textColor attr name extraInformation format string declare styleable resources Notice the use of an unqualified name in the declare styleable tag. Non standard android attributes..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog processes and update the UI at the same time in this case we'll update a progress bar . This is an example code declare the dialog as a member field of your activity ProgressDialog mProgressDialog instantiate it within the onCreate method mProgressDialog.. DialogInterface dialog downloadTask.cancel true The AsyncTask will look like this usually subclasses of AsyncTask are declared inside the activity class. that way you can easily modify the UI thread from here private class DownloadTask extends AsyncTask..
Defining custom attrs You can take a look at it here attrs.xml . You can define attributes in the top resources element or inside of a declare styleable element. If I'm going to use an attr in more than one place I put it in the root element. Note all attributes.. Note all attributes share the same global namespace. That means that even if you create a new attribute inside of a declare styleable element it can be used outside of it and you cannot create another attribute with the same name of a different.. name my_flag_attr flag name fuzzy value 0x01 flag name cold value 0x02 attr In addition to attributes there is the declare styleable element. This allows you to define attributes a custom view can use. You do this by specifying an attr element..
Android Min SDK Version vs. Target SDK Version the application if the system's API Level is lower than the value specified in this attribute. You should always declare this attribute. android targetSdkVersion An integer designating the API Level that the application is targetting. With this..
How to parse XML using the SAX parser org.xml.sax Implementation The org.xml.sax SAX handler implementation is a bit different. Here you don't specify or declare you XML structure but just listening for events. The most widely used ones are following events Document Start Document..
Android: How to declare global variables? How to declare global variables I am creating an application which requires login. I created the main and the login activity. In the main..
call java function from javascript over android webview this webView.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true webView.addJavascriptInterface jsInterface JSInterface Declare the class JavaScriptInterface public class JavaScriptInterface private Activity activity public JavaScriptInterface Activity..
Individual screen is showing instead of a tabhost in android eclipse SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME Use this to add parameters request.addProperty Fahrenheit txtFar.getText .toString Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.setOutputSoapObject..
Trying to build a correct SOAP Request for Entry String String entry parameterMap.entrySet request.addProperty entry.getKey entry.getValue Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.implicitTypes..
Using Web Services in Android [closed] SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME1 Use this to add parameters request.addProperty Fahrenheit txtFar.getText .toString Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.setOutputSoapObject.. SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME2 Use this to add parameters request.addProperty Celsius txtCel.getText .toString Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.setOutputSoapObject..
Using the Android RecognizerIntent with a bluetooth headset Create an inner class BluetoothHelper extends BluetoothHeadSetUtils in your Activity or Service . Declare a class member mBluetoothHelper and instantiate it in onCreate BluetoothHelper mBluetoothHelper @Override public void onCreate..
To use the tutorial in android 4.0.3 if had to work with AsynxTasc but i still dont work? SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME1 Use this to add parameters request.addProperty Fahrenheit txtFar.getText .toString Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.setOutputSoapObject.. new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME2 Use this to add parameters request.addProperty Celsius txtCel.getText .toString Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.setOutputSoapObject.. new SoapObject NAMESPACE METHOD_NAME1 Use this to add parameters request.addProperty Fahrenheit 30 provide value here Declare the version of the SOAP request SoapSerializationEnvelope envelope new SoapSerializationEnvelope SoapEnvelope.VER11 envelope.setOutputSoapObject..
How to add a notification badge/count to application icon on Sony Xperia devices? IMO it's much more straight forward than for Samsung's launcher. Here's a step by step guide and it's not long Declare the com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE permission in your manifest file Broadcast an Intent to the BadgeReceiver..
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML the layout file and not actually handling the values inside the class initialisation. The steps are as follows 1. Declare attributes in values attrs.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources declare styleable name MyCustomView attr name android..
Android moving back to first activity on button click button.setOnClickListener new View.OnClickListener public void onClick View v startActivity new Intent D.this A.class Declare A in your manifest with the android launchMode singleTask . This way when you call startActivity from your other activies..
ActivityNotFoundException when different package's targetClass in PreferenceScreen class for the activity within your application's namespace public class MyPreferences extends ActualPreferences Declare it in your AndroidManifest.xml activity android name .MyPreferences Then you can specify the class in your intent intent..
Android error - close() was never explicitly called on database a local in your constructor if openHelper null openHelper.close EDIT 2 Also change the CallDataHelper constructor to Declare openHelper as a member variable OpenHelper openHelper null public CallDataHelper Context context this.context context openHelper..
How to add icons to Preference native Settings app thanks CommonWare 2 Clone the layout file preference_icon.xml from the Android Settings app. 3 Declare the IconPreferenceScreen styleable in the file attrs.xml xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources declare styleable name.. 8 resources declare styleable name IconPreferenceScreen attr name icon format reference declare styleable resources 4 Declare the IconPreferenceScreen in the preference.xml file android title IconPreferenceScreen..
How to create my above listview to look more professional? variables of which you want info then where you are creating arraylist i.e getVideoFiles create object of this class Declare ArrayList VideoInfo videoItems private void getVideoFiles File videoList videoItems new ArrayList VideoInfo for int i 0..
Pick a Number and Name From Contacts List in android app plz my android is 2.3.3 android android contacts share improve this question Try following code it will help you Declare static final int PICK_CONTACT 1 Intent intent new Intent Intent.ACTION_PICK ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI startActivityForResult..
Show Progress Dialog Android Name o.get name Clicked Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show android progressdialog share improve this question Declare your progress dialog ProgressDialog progress When you're ready to start the progress dialog progress