android Programming Glossary: ddms
Android: BitmapFactory.decodeStream() out of memory with a 400KB file with 2MB free heap 1K 50 free 2710K 5379K external 18312K 19336K paused 116ms DDMS reports a similar picture about the state of the heap Heap Size..
Android LocationManager.getLastKnownLocation() returns null latitude longitude to set it and also I tried using the DDMS way of setting it. Neither method had any effect on the code...
Android static object lifecycle (Application act crazy) will be non null Kill your application process from DDMS stop button in the devices window . Restart your activity the..
View the Task's activity stack is associated with a Task Is there any way through the DDMS tool or through any other technique Essentially what I need..
Open another application from your own (intent) know what intents they listen to. I got this info from DDMS but I havn't been succesful in turning this to an Intent I can..
manually put files to android emulator sd card the SD Card through the Android Perspective it is called DDMS in Eclipse . Just select the Emulator in the left part of the..
Android ==> Memory Analysing ==> Eclipse memory analyzer? share improve this question When you debug your app open DDMS in Eclipse. On the toolbar there is a heap dump button that..
How to capture an image and store it with the native Android Camera Activity When I navigate to my sd card via Android DDMS File Explorer the picture is not there. Anyone know why this..
reading a specific file from sdcard in android file from sdcard. i have pushed the file in sdcard through DDMS and i am trying to read it though this way but this give me..
The connection to adb is down and a sever error has occured I can find on the web the command line adb kill server the DDMS reset ADB I started the emulator both before and after Eclipse..
ADT requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found all the Eclipse components for the SDK. I was able to get DDMS to install when selecting it by itself. And for the last component..
Android error: Failed to install *.apk on device *: timeout
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client . But I cannot set a location on the map either via DDMS or Telnet. I see the following error in LogCat MapActivity Couldn't.. . i recognized that setting only a geo position via DDMS view to the emulator is not enough. you have to explicitly press.. you have to explicitly press every time the Send button in DDMS to trigger a location update on your emulator. just to mention..
Android - how do I investigate an ANR? in separate threads. If nothing seems the problem use DDMS and enable the thread view. This shows all the threads in your..
Android - Start service on boot to test I reboot the tablet and then look at the logs in DDMS and check the Running Services in the OS settings. Does this..
Android Understanding Heap Sizes makes sense to me android heap virtual machine dalvik ddms share improve this question When you set the VM budget on..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? able to grab the screen you can see its image using the ddms tool . If you're able to run any command using adb then you..
how to use ddms for memory leaks in c++ code to use ddms for memory leaks in c code how to use android tool DDMS for.. names and line numbers are shown. android android ndk ddms share improve this question Native heap tracking in DDMS..
How to use my own sqlite database? can not copy the complete file. So i need to use adb or ddms to pull the database first So Anyone can teach me how to use..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] be as large as 200ms on very slow devices. I am using the ddms profiler part of the Android SDK to search out where my memory..
Android Debugging with Logcat and Emulator. Is it possible? prefer adb logcat v time to see the time stamps. 2 type ddms . This launches the stand alone version of DDMS. It has a logcat..
Could not open Selected VM debug port (8700) in the link above and everything is fine until I run the ddms command. At this point if Eclipse is running I get the error.. Selected VM debug port 8700 '. If I close Eclipse then ddms runs with no problem and I can the the processes on the emulator...
Android: OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget with no reason I can see a lot Meymann android gallery imageview outofmemoryerror ddms share improve this question I think there's nothing special..
How to capture the android device screen content? [duplicate] how to capture the screen of an android device you can use ddms in the tools directory of the android sdk to take screen captures...
Eclipse DDMS error “Can't bind to local 8600 for debugger” I get the following error in Eclipse timestamp ddms Can't bind to local 8600 for debugger Why android share improve..
BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray() is returning NULL format to JPEG type. I even get a debug statement in the ddms this is what I get D skia 14391 SkImageDecoder Factory returned..
Filter tags in LogCat (in Android Eclipse Plug-In) names. How can I achieve it android logging adb logcat ddms share improve this question There's a button that looks..
How to debug multithreaded application for Android Debug Service in the Android SDK go to tools and look for ddms.bat thats for Windows not sure about Mac or Linux but look for..
DDMS file explorer can't access data\data (HTC Desire HD) than gaining root access to the phone android sqlite ddms share improve this question SQLIte Database is actually..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client
ADB, Wifi and Eclipse: how I can configure? open the Emulator. Someone Bye android eclipse wifi adb ddms share improve this question First run 'adb connect ip port'..
Change file permissions in DDMS (Android) in DDMS perspective java android android emulator ddms share improve this question To change permissions in the..
Eclipse: Failed to initialize Monitor Thread: Unable to establish loopback connection 3 Things I have tried so far Turn firewall off changed ddms port to 8601 checked localhost is set to 127.0.01 I'm running..
Android: BitmapFactory.decodeStream() out of memory with a 400KB file with 2MB free heap 1 dc 1 08 05 21 22 22.963 D dalvikvm 2319 GC_EXPLICIT freed 1K 50 free 2710K 5379K external 18312K 19336K paused 116ms DDMS reports a similar picture about the state of the heap Heap Size 5.254 MB Allocated 2.647 MB Free 2.607 MB Used 50.38 #Objects..
Android LocationManager.getLastKnownLocation() returns null always null in the emulator. I tried using the command geo fix latitude longitude to set it and also I tried using the DDMS way of setting it. Neither method had any effect on the code. Also the snippet isn't causing any exceptions. Thanks for..
Android static object lifecycle (Application act crazy) another activity. Launch your activity again the static variable will be non null Kill your application process from DDMS stop button in the devices window . Restart your activity the static will have null value. Hope that helps. share improve..
View the Task's activity stack I need to know if it's possible to view the Activity stack that is associated with a Task Is there any way through the DDMS tool or through any other technique Essentially what I need is to be able to see the stack activity of a task to make sure..
Open another application from your own (intent) Intent to open MyTracks or any other application that I don't know what intents they listen to. I got this info from DDMS but I havn't been succesful in turning this to an Intent I can use. This is taken from when opening MyTracks manually. Thanks..
manually put files to android emulator sd card If you are using Eclipse you can move files to and from the SD Card through the Android Perspective it is called DDMS in Eclipse . Just select the Emulator in the left part of the screen and then choose the File Explorer tab. Above the list..
Android ==> Memory Analysing ==> Eclipse memory analyzer? thanks android eclipse heap dump memoryanalyzer share improve this question When you debug your app open DDMS in Eclipse. On the toolbar there is a heap dump button that you can use to generate a heap dump to view in Eclipse memory..
How to capture an image and store it with the native Android Camera the picture has been taken and I'm returned back to my original Activity When I navigate to my sd card via Android DDMS File Explorer the picture is not there. Anyone know why this is not being saved android camera android intent android camera..
reading a specific file from sdcard in android file from sdcard in android how to read a specific file from sdcard. i have pushed the file in sdcard through DDMS and i am trying to read it though this way but this give me exception. can anybody tell me how to point exactly on that..
The connection to adb is down and a sever error has occured 2.2 8 on a Windows XP machine. I've used all the tricks I can find on the web the command line adb kill server the DDMS reset ADB I started the emulator both before and after Eclipse and searched for ports being used by other programs. What..
ADT requires 'org.eclipse.wst.sse.core 0.0.0' but it could not be found eclipse and ran the tools android sdk tool to install all the Eclipse components for the SDK. I was able to get DDMS to install when selecting it by itself. And for the last component the Android developer tools I'm getting the ugly error..
Android error: Failed to install *.apk on device *: timeout
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client permissions and library set in the Manifest file as per samples . But I cannot set a location on the map either via DDMS or Telnet. I see the following error in LogCat MapActivity Couldn't get connection factory client I've read numerous threads.. some missing to see a position on the map 1. you need a location . i recognized that setting only a geo position via DDMS view to the emulator is not enough. you have to explicitly press every time the Send button in DDMS to trigger a location.. a geo position via DDMS view to the emulator is not enough. you have to explicitly press every time the Send button in DDMS to trigger a location update on your emulator. just to mention on a real the device you have sometimes to walk a bit to..
Android - how do I investigate an ANR? within the event thread. You should make sure these all happen in separate threads. If nothing seems the problem use DDMS and enable the thread view. This shows all the threads in your application similar to the trace you have. Reproduce the..
Android - Start service on boot my Xoom tablet at BatteryLogger bin BatteryLogger.apk. Then to test I reboot the tablet and then look at the logs in DDMS and check the Running Services in the OS settings. Does this all sound correct or am I missing something Again any help..
Android Understanding Heap Sizes I'm going to read and re read it again until this stuff makes sense to me android heap virtual machine dalvik ddms share improve this question When you set the VM budget on your emulator device what you are doing is telling the heap..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? more privileges than a normal application which is why it's able to grab the screen you can see its image using the ddms tool . If you're able to run any command using adb then you too can gain those privileges as per the android screenshot..
how to use ddms for memory leaks in c++ code to use ddms for memory leaks in c code how to use android tool DDMS for memory leaks in c code i tried by taking snapshots with NativeHeap.. what snapshots are saying and symbols are not resolving no file names and line numbers are shown. android android ndk ddms share improve this question Native heap tracking in DDMS is an unsupported stealth feature. Getting it to work can be..
How to use my own sqlite database? onCreate it's too late. So the copy file code can not copy the complete file. So i need to use adb or ddms to pull the database first So Anyone can teach me how to use my own databse Can you tell me the setup database android..
How can I avoid garbage collection delays in Java games? (Best Practices) [closed] it's less than one tenth of a second but sometimes it can be as large as 200ms on very slow devices. I am using the ddms profiler part of the Android SDK to search out where my memory allocations come from and excise them from my inner drawing..
Android Debugging with Logcat and Emulator. Is it possible? connected device or running emulator will appear. I usually prefer adb logcat v time to see the time stamps. 2 type ddms . This launches the stand alone version of DDMS. It has a logcat display at the bottom. 3 install the ADT extension for..
Could not open Selected VM debug port (8700) the source and gotten it to build. I follow the directions in the link above and everything is fine until I run the ddms command. At this point if Eclipse is running I get the error 'Could not open Selected VM debug port 8700 '. If I close Eclipse.. point if Eclipse is running I get the error 'Could not open Selected VM debug port 8700 '. If I close Eclipse then ddms runs with no problem and I can the the processes on the emulator. However if I now open Eclipse I get the same error. In..
Android: OutofMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget with no reason I can see If so can anybody please tell me where I can see that Thanks a lot Meymann android gallery imageview outofmemoryerror ddms share improve this question I think there's nothing special in your case. There's just not enough memory. You can't..
How to capture the android device screen content? [duplicate] According to this http 2008 10 31 how to capture the screen of an android device you can use ddms in the tools directory of the android sdk to take screen captures. If you want to do this from within your application and..
Eclipse DDMS error “Can't bind to local 8600 for debugger” DDMS error &ldquo Can't bind to local 8600 for debugger&rdquo I get the following error in Eclipse timestamp ddms Can't bind to local 8600 for debugger Why android share improve this question In addition to adding localhost..
BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray() is returning NULL comes back as null. I have also tried changing the preview format to JPEG type. I even get a debug statement in the ddms this is what I get D skia 14391 SkImageDecoder Factory returned null java android image format camera share improve this..
Filter tags in LogCat (in Android Eclipse Plug-In) Id like to filter Tags also. Because there are my class names. How can I achieve it android logging adb logcat ddms share improve this question There's a button that looks like a green in the upper right of the log cat window if you..
How to debug multithreaded application for Android
DDMS file explorer can't access data\data (HTC Desire HD) data folder is inaccessible. Is there any way around this other than gaining root access to the phone android sqlite ddms share improve this question SQLIte Database is actually just a file stored in phone memory which you can copy to your..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client
ADB, Wifi and Eclipse: how I can configure? I think that it is an automatic process but on start debug it open the Emulator. Someone Bye android eclipse wifi adb ddms share improve this question First run 'adb connect ip port' like adb connect phone ip address from console terminal..
Change file permissions in DDMS (Android) file folder permissions on an android emulator using FileExplorer in DDMS perspective java android android emulator ddms share improve this question To change permissions in the emulator you need to use the adb shell command from your adroid..
Eclipse: Failed to initialize Monitor Thread: Unable to establish loopback connection to do with me having another Eclipse based IDE installed Aptana 3 Things I have tried so far Turn firewall off changed ddms port to 8601 checked localhost is set to 127.0.01 I'm running out of ideas so any help of suggestions would be appreciated...