android Programming Glossary: dealt
How to link to Android Market app alternative and hoping to learn from others who have dealt with this issue. android hyperlink itunes google play share..
Problem in implementing Parcelable containing other Parcelable size I added a few things to make null values more easily dealt with but the principle is the same. You need the @Override items..
Recycling views in a listview, worth it? Every additional object that is created needs to be dealt with by the garbage collection system and at least temporarily..
How does Android handle background threads when leaving an Activity? occur I assume it will be like how Activities are dealt with where the OS can arbitrary decide to kill the thread but..
Android: Accessing the microphone simultaniously (RecognizerIntent + own app) Voice recognition on android with recorded sound clip that dealt with this question and I believe the answer came from a Google..
How to handle onContextItemSelected in a multi fragment activity answer even though you found a workaround because I just dealt with a similar issue. When you inflate the context menu for..
Get selected item from ListView bound with SimpleCursorAdapter seen very similar questions to this one but none of them dealt with the SimpleCursorAdapter. I have a basic ListActivity which..
How to link to Android Market app see answer below but I was wondering if there was a better alternative and hoping to learn from others who have dealt with this issue. android hyperlink itunes google play share improve this question I was looking into this yesterday..
Problem in implementing Parcelable containing other Parcelable public MyClass newArray int size return new MyClass size I added a few things to make null values more easily dealt with but the principle is the same. You need the @Override items constructor and Creator. If you're going to read and write..
Recycling views in a listview, worth it? reasons to recycle views Object creation is relatively expensive. Every additional object that is created needs to be dealt with by the garbage collection system and at least temporarily increases your memory footprint This is more important for..
How does Android handle background threads when leaving an Activity? will the OS kill the thread and how commonly do these situations occur I assume it will be like how Activities are dealt with where the OS can arbitrary decide to kill the thread but will mostly only do this when resources are extremely limited...
Android: Accessing the microphone simultaniously (RecognizerIntent + own app)
How to handle onContextItemSelected in a multi fragment activity compat lib share improve this question I'll post an answer even though you found a workaround because I just dealt with a similar issue. When you inflate the context menu for a specific fragment assign each menu item a groupId that is..
Get selected item from ListView bound with SimpleCursorAdapter development... coming from iPhone and .Net background. I've seen very similar questions to this one but none of them dealt with the SimpleCursorAdapter. I have a basic ListActivity which uses a Cursor to bind data from a SQLite query to my ListView..