android Programming Glossary: debuglog
How to intercept incoming calls android 2.3.x savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState debugLog onCreate called setContentView R.layout.callanswerscreen grab.. if tm.getCallState TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE debugLog phone is idle stopping. exitCleanly unregister phone state.. void onPause super.onPause unHookReceiver if isFinishing debugLog system forced pause occured scheduling delayed restart Intent..
Android image on tablets and phones 480 by 300 like this if isTablet getActivity tablets only debugLog display tablet image imagename int resID getResources .getIdentifier..
How to intercept incoming calls android 2.3.x call backs main @Override protected void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState debugLog onCreate called setContentView R.layout.callanswerscreen grab an instance of telephony manager tm TelephonyManager getSystemService.. @Override protected void onResume super.onResume registerReciever if tm.getCallState TelephonyManager.CALL_STATE_IDLE debugLog phone is idle stopping. exitCleanly unregister phone state receiver schedule restart if not exiting at the users request.. if not exiting at the users request @Override protected void onPause super.onPause unHookReceiver if isFinishing debugLog system forced pause occured scheduling delayed restart Intent i new Intent getApplicationContext CallAnswerIntentService.class..
Android image on tablets and phones them in the mdpi directory. For tablets I resize them to 480 by 300 like this if isTablet getActivity tablets only debugLog display tablet image imagename int resID getResources .getIdentifier imagename drawable getActivity .getPackageName the..