android Programming Glossary: debugging
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView group does not open and no error is thrown Here is some debugging output in a scenario in which a group is expanded and showing..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen same file size Add labels to your images and graphics for debugging Use the supports screens element Configure your emulators with..
Remove all debug logging calls before publishing: are there tools to do this? checklist Make sure you deactivate logging and disable the debugging option before you build your application for release. You can..
What's wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android? [duplicate] wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android duplicate Possible Duplicate Seemingly.. on Android duplicate Possible Duplicate Seemingly useless debugging environment for Android I've obviously been spoiled by Visual.. I'm just learning Android and the Eclipse environment debugging apps in Eclipse is becoming a serious detriment to further development...
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? or possibly other viable options android networking tcp debugging adb share improve this question Manual Process From Your..
Android: automatically choose debug/release Maps api key? certificate Is there any better way android google maps debugging key android mapview share improve this question There is..
Implement page curl on android? but are left separate to keep the math simple for debugging and illustrative purposes. vo outputMesh_ ii vo x v1.x cos rho..
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver I'm not sure if there's something wrong with the code or debugging. I'm trying to be notified if a new SMS arrives. Here is my..
C2DM implementation PHP code curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER false for debugging the request curl_setopt ch CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT true for debugging.. the request curl_setopt ch CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT true for debugging the request response curl_exec ch var_dump curl_getinfo ch for.. request response curl_exec ch var_dump curl_getinfo ch for debugging the request var_dump response curl_close ch if strpos response..
How to use addr2line in Android use addr2line which is provided with android ndk android debugging shared libraries android ndk native code share improve this..
How can I use speech recognition without the annoying dialog in android phones 11111111 Be sure to delete the annoying Logs after debugging android speech recognition speech share improve this question..
How to Consume WCF Service with Android is a tool called Fiddler that can be really useful for debugging web services. POST LoginService HTTP 1.1 Content Type text xml..
Google map signed api key errors in Android So essentially use the debug key for development testing debugging. When you're ready to launch the app to Market set the android..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application the web service from my app hits a catch block . I tried debugging my Android code but I am still not able to solve my problem...
Not seeing Nexus7 in Eclipse's Android Devices [duplicate] console show my G1 android phone but not the Nexus7. Usb Debugging is enabled on both phones Eclipse is up to date as far as I.. sources is checked. Tried different Usb port toggled Usb Debugging. android share improve this question Heres what I did to..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing public class BluetoothDemo extends Activity Debugging private static final String TAG DeviceListActivity private static..
Ping Application in Android broadcast address problem to do ping with android Android Debugging InetAddress.isReachable how to icmp ping on android How to Ping..
ADB + Samsung Galaxy your phone settings Settings Applications Development USB Debugging is checked Settings About phone Additional Settings Mass store..
What's wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android? [duplicate] the setting in Application Development Enable USB Debugging be enabled. The LogCat messages give you the full breakdown..
Android Debugging with Logcat and Emulator. Is it possible? Debugging with Logcat and Emulator. Is it possible This is pretty simple..
Android Debugging InetAddress.isReachable Debugging InetAddress.isReachable I am trying to figure out how to tell..
Android SDK not recognizing debug-able device SDK downloading all necessary packages. Enabled USB Debugging on my device. Connected Device via USB installing the driver..
Ubuntu: Android device debug . What am i doing wrong I have tried this Enabled USB Debugging on my device and enabled debugging in my application Manifest.xml..
How to deploy android application to a device? launch menu. If this doesn't work make sure you have USB Debugging Mode checked on your android phone. It's in the application..
android.util.Log when publishing - what can I do / not do I really call the class and members C D and T Constants Debugging Tag for performance reasons during typing. share improve this..
Android NDK Debugging NDK Debugging The Android NDK documentation doesn't seem all that clear to..
Debugging sqlite database on the device sqlite database on the device I am presently working on an.. trouble trying to access the database on the device. Debugging in the emulator doesn't work for me because there is no WiFi..
UnsupportedOperationException with ArrayAdapter.remove [duplicate] this is the only type I ever call setListAdapter with. Debugging confirms this @SuppressWarnings unchecked final ArrayAdapter..
Debugging android apps on the kindle fire android apps on the kindle fire Is debugging Android applications..
Android - change custom title view at run time a text view on the title the update does not take place. Debugging through the code shows that the text view and button instances..
Debugging Android NDK native apps Android NDK native apps I'm trying to debug and step through.. here since gdb never actually gives a prompt. Android NDK Debugging Edit1 There's also this command starlon@lyrical native plasma..
SimpleCursorTreeAdapter and CursorLoader for ExpandableListView error which gets caught in the try catch block 3 The group does not open and no error is thrown Here is some debugging output in a scenario in which a group is expanded and showing the children When all groups are displayed it ouputs 05 20..
Application Skeleton to support multiple screen look better than a highly compressed lossless PNG for the same file size Add labels to your images and graphics for debugging Use the supports screens element Configure your emulators with real device values Conventionally desktop systems display..
Remove all debug logging calls before publishing: are there tools to do this? my Android app. Extract from section 5 of the publication checklist Make sure you deactivate logging and disable the debugging option before you build your application for release. You can deactivate logging by removing calls to Log methods in your..
What's wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android? [duplicate] wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android duplicate Possible Duplicate Seemingly useless debugging environment for Android I've obviously been.. wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android duplicate Possible Duplicate Seemingly useless debugging environment for Android I've obviously been spoiled by Visual Studio because although I'm just learning Android and the.. I've obviously been spoiled by Visual Studio because although I'm just learning Android and the Eclipse environment debugging apps in Eclipse is becoming a serious detriment to further development. For example Eclipse will compile this divide by..
How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? on the device using the network instead of the usb connection or possibly other viable options android networking tcp debugging adb share improve this question Manual Process From Your Device if it is Rooted According to a post on xda developers..
Android: automatically choose debug/release Maps api key? but it is not perfect. Maybe some file marking need for debug certificate Is there any better way android google maps debugging key android mapview share improve this question There is a new way to determine is it a debug build or release one in..
Implement page curl on android? page. These two steps could be combined through simple substitution but are left separate to keep the math simple for debugging and illustrative purposes. vo outputMesh_ ii vo x v1.x cos rho v1.z sin rho vo y v1.y vo z v1.x sin rho v1.z cos rho that..
Android - SMS Broadcast receiver so far having no luck. I cannot find where I am doing wrong. I'm not sure if there's something wrong with the code or debugging. I'm trying to be notified if a new SMS arrives. Here is my program package Technicaljar.SMSBroadcastReceiver import android.content.BroadcastReceiver..
C2DM implementation PHP code true curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH CURLAUTH_ANY curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER false for debugging the request curl_setopt ch CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT true for debugging the request response curl_exec ch var_dump curl_getinfo.. curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER false for debugging the request curl_setopt ch CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT true for debugging the request response curl_exec ch var_dump curl_getinfo ch for debugging the request var_dump response curl_close ch if.. curl_setopt ch CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT true for debugging the request response curl_exec ch var_dump curl_getinfo ch for debugging the request var_dump response curl_close ch if strpos response '200 OK' false return false find the auth code preg_match..
How to use addr2line in Android addresses into my code. Does anybody have any idea how to use addr2line which is provided with android ndk android debugging shared libraries android ndk native code share improve this question Let's say that logcat show you the following crash..
How can I use speech recognition without the annoying dialog in android phones 5 sr.startListening intent Log.i 111111 11111111 Be sure to delete the annoying Logs after debugging android speech recognition speech share improve this question Use the SpeechRecognizer interface. Your app needs to..
How to Consume WCF Service with Android what the HTTP POST should look like from the Java code. There is a tool called Fiddler that can be really useful for debugging web services. POST LoginService HTTP 1.1 Content Type text xml charset utf 8 SOAPAction http LoginService..
Google map signed api key errors in Android key is also to be used when you develop the app in Eclipse. So essentially use the debug key for development testing debugging. When you're ready to launch the app to Market set the android debuggable false in the AndroidManifest.xml and use the Signed..
How to call a local web service from an Android mobile application something wrong in my code as the response I get when I call the web service from my app hits a catch block . I tried debugging my Android code but I am still not able to solve my problem. Please can someone tell me what's wrong or any other simpler..
Not seeing Nexus7 in Eclipse's Android Devices [duplicate] in Eclipse's DDMS Devices. DDMS and adb devices from the console show my G1 android phone but not the Nexus7. Usb Debugging is enabled on both phones Eclipse is up to date as far as I can tell Android SDK's Google USB rev6 When I plugged in the.. Select debug app in Developer Options shows nothing. Unknown sources is checked. Tried different Usb port toggled Usb Debugging. android share improve this question Heres what I did to get it working I happened to already have ADB drivers for..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing import android.widget.AdapterView.OnItemClickListener public class BluetoothDemo extends Activity Debugging private static final String TAG DeviceListActivity private static final boolean D true Return Intent extra public static..
Ping Application in Android make an android device answer to icmp pings addressed to the broadcast address problem to do ping with android Android Debugging InetAddress.isReachable how to icmp ping on android How to Ping External IP from Java Android android ping share improve..
ADB + Samsung Galaxy with the CD. It includes Windows drivers Make sure that in your phone settings Settings Applications Development USB Debugging is checked Settings About phone Additional Settings Mass store is NOT checked In android sdk windows usb_driver android_winusb.inf..
What's wrong with debugging in Eclipse on Android? [duplicate] that the phone be plugged in to the computer and less obviously the setting in Application Development Enable USB Debugging be enabled. The LogCat messages give you the full breakdown of what caused the error including the line number. To open..
Android Debugging with Logcat and Emulator. Is it possible? Debugging with Logcat and Emulator. Is it possible This is pretty simple I'm using NetBeans on Linux with Android emulator 1.6. I..
Android Debugging InetAddress.isReachable Debugging InetAddress.isReachable I am trying to figure out how to tell if a particular ipaddress is available in my android app..
Android SDK not recognizing debug-able device device. An overview of the steps I've taken Installed the Android SDK downloading all necessary packages. Enabled USB Debugging on my device. Connected Device via USB installing the driver from the SDK folder. I'll stop here though I continued to setup..
Ubuntu: Android device debug between devices my HTC Desire is listed with only questionmarks . What am i doing wrong I have tried this Enabled USB Debugging on my device and enabled debugging in my application Manifest.xml file. In Terminal i have do this 1. Log in as root and..
How to deploy android application to a device? If you use eclipse you can click run application in eclipse's launch menu. If this doesn't work make sure you have USB Debugging Mode checked on your android phone. It's in the application menu. You can export your package and sign it And then browse..
android.util.Log when publishing - what can I do / not do
Android NDK Debugging NDK Debugging The Android NDK documentation doesn't seem all that clear to me as to what sequence of commands you run to get debugging..
Debugging sqlite database on the device sqlite database on the device I am presently working on an WiFi application for Android. I am having trouble trying to.. presently working on an WiFi application for Android. I am having trouble trying to access the database on the device. Debugging in the emulator doesn't work for me because there is no WiFi support in the emulator. I tried pulling the database file..
UnsupportedOperationException with ArrayAdapter.remove [duplicate] will always be an object of ArrayAdapter JournalEntry because this is the only type I ever call setListAdapter with. Debugging confirms this @SuppressWarnings unchecked final ArrayAdapter JournalEntry adapter ArrayAdapter JournalEntry journalViewerListActivity.this.getListAdapter..
Debugging android apps on the kindle fire android apps on the kindle fire Is debugging Android applications remotely from eclipse supported for Kindle Fire platform..
Android - change custom title view at run time items in the custom title say change the text of a button or a text view on the title the update does not take place. Debugging through the code shows that the text view and button instances are not null and I can also see the custom title bar. But..
Debugging Android NDK native apps Android NDK native apps I'm trying to debug and step through an Android application that segfaults. I've tried ndk gdb.. more less but I don't know how to set a breakpoint here since gdb never actually gives a prompt. Android NDK Debugging Edit1 There's also this command starlon@lyrical native plasma .. .. toolchains arm linux androideabi 4.4.3 prebuilt linux..