android Programming Glossary: debug.getnativeheapallocatedsize
BitmapFactory OOM driving me nuts bitmapWidth bitmapHeight targetBpp 8 long allocNativeHeap Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize if sizeReqd allocNativeHeap heapPad mMaxNativeHeap Do not call..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery void logHeap Class clazz Double allocated new Double Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize new Double 1048576 Double available new Double Debug.getNativeHeapSize..
How do I detect the heap size usage of an android application use public static void logHeap Double allocated new Double Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize new Double 1048576 Double available new Double Debug.getNativeHeapSize..
ByteBuffer not releasing memory when calling System.gc . Example doing Log.v Long.toString Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize ByteBuffer buffer allocateDirect LARGE_NUMBER buffer null System.gc.. LARGE_NUMBER buffer null System.gc Log.v Long.toString Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize gives two numbers in the log the second one being at least LARGE_NUMBER.. fine it a still keeps the memory allocated according to Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize and b leads to an error W dalvikvm 26733 JNI DeleteGlobalRef..
Android: how to check how much memory is remaining? .freeMemory amount available in heap double nativeUsage Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize is this right I only want to account for native memory that..
Android: Question about Bitmaps, memory usage, and scaling super.onCreate savedInstanceState double nativeUsage Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize Log.i memory nativeUsage double getAvailableMemory current.. Runtime.getRuntime .freeMemory double nativeUsage Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize double memoryAvailable Runtime.getRuntime .maxMemory heapSize.. this formula gives very unreliable results. Mainly because Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize does not appear to be an accurate representation of Bitmap memory..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory reqsize bmpwidth bmpheight bmpdensity long allocNativeHeap Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize final long heapPad long Math.max 4 1024 1024 Runtime.getRuntime..
Out of memory error on android emulator, but not on device void displayMemoryUsage String message int usedKBytes int Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize 1024L String usedMegsString String.format s usedMemory Memory..
BitmapFactory OOM driving me nuts we precede the call by a check of the form. long sizeReqd bitmapWidth bitmapHeight targetBpp 8 long allocNativeHeap Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize if sizeReqd allocNativeHeap heapPad mMaxNativeHeap Do not call BitmapFactory Note that the heapPad is a magic number to..
Android: out of memory exception in Gallery current used memory used by the app and native heap public static void logHeap Class clazz Double allocated new Double Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize new Double 1048576 Double available new Double Debug.getNativeHeapSize 1048576.0 Double free new Double Debug.getNativeHeapFreeSize..
How do I detect the heap size usage of an android application widget share improve this question here's what I use public static void logHeap Double allocated new Double Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize new Double 1048576 Double available new Double Debug.getNativeHeapSize 1048576.0 Double free new Double Debug.getNativeHeapFreeSize..
ByteBuffer not releasing memory does not ever seem to release its memory not even when calling System.gc . Example doing Log.v Long.toString Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize ByteBuffer buffer allocateDirect LARGE_NUMBER buffer null System.gc Log.v Long.toString Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize.. ByteBuffer buffer allocateDirect LARGE_NUMBER buffer null System.gc Log.v Long.toString Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize gives two numbers in the log the second one being at least LARGE_NUMBER larger than the first. How do I get rid of this.. it with freeNative myBuf Unfortunately while it does allocate fine it a still keeps the memory allocated according to Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize and b leads to an error W dalvikvm 26733 JNI DeleteGlobalRef 0x462b05a0 failed to find entry valid 1 I am now thoroughly..
Android: how to check how much memory is remaining? current heap size double heapRemaining Runtime.getRuntime .freeMemory amount available in heap double nativeUsage Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize is this right I only want to account for native memory that my app is being charged for. Is this the proper way to account..
Android: Question about Bitmaps, memory usage, and scaling @Override public void onCreate Bundle savedInstanceState super.onCreate savedInstanceState double nativeUsage Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize Log.i memory nativeUsage double getAvailableMemory current heap size double heapSize Runtime.getRuntime .totalMemory amount.. .totalMemory amount available in heap double heapRemaining Runtime.getRuntime .freeMemory double nativeUsage Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize double memoryAvailable Runtime.getRuntime .maxMemory heapSize heapRemaining nativeUsage return memoryAvailable Bitmap createImageTrialAndError.. the java heap memory used in the native heap. Unfortunately this formula gives very unreliable results. Mainly because Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize does not appear to be an accurate representation of Bitmap memory usage. One obvious example of its inaccuracy is the NativeTest..
Android Bitmap Limit - Preventing java.lang.OutOfMemory long bmpwidth long bmpheight int bmpdensity long reqsize bmpwidth bmpheight bmpdensity long allocNativeHeap Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize final long heapPad long Math.max 4 1024 1024 Runtime.getRuntime .maxMemory 0.1 if reqsize allocNativeHeap heapPad Runtime.getRuntime..
Out of memory error on android emulator, but not on device of your application you can call a similar method protected void displayMemoryUsage String message int usedKBytes int Debug.getNativeHeapAllocatedSize 1024L String usedMegsString String.format s usedMemory Memory Used d KB message usedKBytes Log.d TAG usedMegsString share..