android Programming Glossary: declaration
difference and when to use getApplication(), getApplicationContext(), getBaseContext() and someClass.this reference to the context. Now the thing confuses is the declaration of different contexts and their specific usage. To make things..
call java function from javascript over android webview via javascript do the following around your web view declaration JavaScriptInterface jsInterface new JavaScriptInterface this..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing new ArrayList BluetoothDevice the above declaration is just for getting the paired bluetooth devices this helps..
Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask method s with implements AsyncResponse in your Activity declaration after creating the separate interface class public class MainActivity..
After Google Play Service update to version 13 I got an error Expected 4030500 but found 0. You must have the following declaration within the element google play services_lib Manifest xml version.. Expected 4030500 but found 0. You must have the following declaration within the application element meta data android name Expected 4030500 but found 0. You must have the following declaration within the application element meta data android name
Error referencing an inner class View in layout/main.xml and if it is talking about main.xml that is the package declaration which I have triple checked. EDIT I tried making this view a..
JavaDoc in an Eclipse Android Project
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML layout files such as layout main.xml Include the namespace declaration xmlns app http apk res auto in the top level..
Sqlite table constraint - unique on multiple columns syntax share improve this question Put the UNIQUE declaration within the column definition section CREATE TABLE name column..
launch activities from different package If in the ApplicationB's AndroidManifest.xml file in the declaration of SecondActivity you add an intent filter such as activity..
What does the filter parameter to createScaledBitmap do? does the filter parameter to createScaledBitmap do The declaration of is public static..
Playing multiple sounds using SoundManager once first you need to let the SoundPool know that. In the declaration of SoundPool notice that I specified 20 streams. I have many..
Multiline EditText with Done SoftInput Action Label on 2.3 enter button still looks like an enter key. Here is the declaration of the EditText EditText android id @ id Comment android layout_width..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images this question Generally your in memory image cache declaration should look something like private static HashMap String SoftReference..
Accessing Resources without a Context EVERYWHERE in your application even in static constants declaration But for system resources only. For local resources use that..
How can I change language of my application? and this is what I had to do. Add this to your activity declaration in the AndroidManifest.xml activity android name .ui.SomeActivity..
MuPdf Reader integrate in project jni .. .. thirdparty jbig2dec os_types.h 47 note previous declaration of 'int8_t' was here The solution is explained here mupdf for..
How to attach javadoc or sources to jars in libs folder? the documentation see screenshot . Open the source code declaration default shortcut F3 of the selected object. Example The example..
difference and when to use getApplication(), getApplicationContext(), getBaseContext() and someClass.this LoginActivity.this and getBaseContext they all offer reference to the context. Now the thing confuses is the declaration of different contexts and their specific usage. To make things simple you should count two types of context available in..
call java function from javascript over android webview here If you want to expose native code to the HTML to be callable via javascript do the following around your web view declaration JavaScriptInterface jsInterface new JavaScriptInterface this webView.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true webView.addJavascriptInterface..
Android Device Bluetooth pairing ButtonClicked handleSeacrh new HandleSeacrh arrayListPairedBluetoothDevices new ArrayList BluetoothDevice the above declaration is just for getting the paired bluetooth devices this helps in the removing the bond between paired devices. listItemClickedonPaired..
Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask the Activity that you will use that interface and override its method s with implements AsyncResponse in your Activity declaration after creating the separate interface class public class MainActivity implements AsyncResponse then in your Activity still..
After Google Play Service update to version 13 I got an error app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected 4030500 but found 0. You must have the following declaration within the element google play services_lib Manifest xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected 4030500 but found 0. You must have the following declaration within the application element meta data android name android value @integer google_play_services_version.. app's AndroidManifest.xml does not have the right value. Expected 4030500 but found 0. You must have the following declaration within the application element meta data android name android value @integer google_play_services_version..
Error referencing an inner class View in layout/main.xml errors. It complains about line #3 in the binary XML file and if it is talking about main.xml that is the package declaration which I have triple checked. EDIT I tried making this view a separate class ie not an inner class and it works. After some..
JavaDoc in an Eclipse Android Project
Declaring a custom android UI element using XML these constants in the one place is useful. 3. Use it in a layout files such as layout main.xml Include the namespace declaration xmlns app http apk res auto in the top level xml element. com.mycompany.projectname.MyCustomView android..
Sqlite table constraint - unique on multiple columns ... the error is near UNIQUE syntax error java android sqlite syntax share improve this question Put the UNIQUE declaration within the column definition section CREATE TABLE name column defs UNIQUE col_name1 col_name2 ON CONFLICT REPLACE Working..
launch activities from different package with FirstActivity ApplicationB with SecondActivity If in the ApplicationB's AndroidManifest.xml file in the declaration of SecondActivity you add an intent filter such as activity android name .SecondActivity intent filter action android name..
What does the filter parameter to createScaledBitmap do? does the filter parameter to createScaledBitmap do The declaration of is public static Bitmap createScaledBitmap Bitmap src int dstWidth int dstHeight..
Playing multiple sounds using SoundManager 2 R.raw.dah In order to play multiple sounds at once first you need to let the SoundPool know that. In the declaration of SoundPool notice that I specified 20 streams. I have many guns and bad guys making noise in my game and each has a very..
Multiline EditText with Done SoftInput Action Label on 2.3 the Soft Input enter button by using a KeyListener however the enter button still looks like an enter key. Here is the declaration of the EditText EditText android id @ id Comment android layout_width fill_parent android layout_height wrap_content android..
Android Out of Memory error with Lazy Load images lazy loading out of memory outofmemoryerror share improve this question Generally your in memory image cache declaration should look something like private static HashMap String SoftReference Bitmap cache new HashMap String SoftReference Bitmap..
Accessing Resources without a Context
How can I change language of my application? default language in the phone I have that in one application and this is what I had to do. Add this to your activity declaration in the AndroidManifest.xml activity android name .ui.SomeActivity android configChanges locale activity And then invoke..
MuPdf Reader integrate in project home yury programming android workspace mupdf 0.9 android jni .. .. thirdparty jbig2dec os_types.h 47 note previous declaration of 'int8_t' was here The solution is explained here mupdf for android ndk build problem error redefinition of typedef......
How to attach javadoc or sources to jars in libs folder? in the source code. Open the Javadoc view in Eclipse to check the documentation see screenshot . Open the source code declaration default shortcut F3 of the selected object. Example The example uses the Gson library . Directory structure of the libs..